Phoenix District Calendar

Printable Calendar
March 2024
1 |
Pushmobile |
5 |
District committee meeting |
6 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
8-10 |
Trail to Eagle Camp (for Scouts) |
13 |
Roundtable |
13 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
28-20 |
Order of the Arrow: OA Bash / chapter meeting (for OA members) |
♦ |
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) |
♦ |
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) |
April 2025
3 |
District committee meeting |
5-7 |
Order of the Arrow (OA) Ordeal Induction Weekend (for OA members) |
9 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
10 |
Roundtable |
10 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
11 |
SHAC’s birthday! |
11-13 |
Camporee (for troops) |
11-13 |
University of Scouting training (for leaders and parents) |
12 |
Council Merit Badge Day |
24 |
Council Coordinated (for district committee members) |
25-27 |
Webelos Coyote Trail Extreme (for 4th grade Webelos Scouts) |
25-27 |
Full Throttle (for troops, crews, ships) |
May 2025
1 |
District committee meeting |
3 |
Cub Scout Fishing Derby (for Cub Scouts) |
7 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
8 |
Roundtable / Program Preview |
8 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
9-10 |
Webelos Coyote Trail Extreme (for 4th grade Webelos Scouts) |
16-18 |
Order of the Arrow (OA) Ordeal Induction Weekend (for OA members) |
June 2025
5 |
District committee meeting |
► |
Day Camp (for Cub Scouts) |
11 |
District commissioners meeting |
12 |
Roundtable |
12 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
29-2 |
Trail to Eagle Camp (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
varies |
Scouts BSA summer camp (for troops) |
varies |
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) (for Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts) |
July 2025
varies |
Scouts BSA summer camp (for troops) |
6-12 |
Super Troop (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
13-19 |
Camp Odyssey (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
20-23 |
Webelos / Arrow of Light Quest (for Scouts going into 4th & 5th grade) |
Popcorn Training - Virtual / In-person (for unit popcorn kernel) |
30 |
Recruiting Training online (for pack leaders) |
Draft Phoenix District 2025-2026 Calendar
August 2025
1 |
Silver Beaver nominations due |
7 |
District committee meeting |
7 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
9 |
Aquatics Day (for Scouts in troops, crews and ships) |
14 |
Roundtable and Fall recruiting night training |
14 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
21 |
Council Coordinated (for district committee members) |
September 2025
Fall recruiting nights |
4 |
District committee meeting |
10 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
11 |
Roundtable |
11 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
12-14 |
Full Throttle (for Scouts in troops, crews and ships) |
27 |
Angler Classic (for Scouts in troops, crews and ships) |
October 2025
2 |
District committee meeting |
3-5 |
Full Throttle (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
3-5 |
Let the Adventure Begin (campout for new Cub Scouts and their families) |
4 |
Council Merit Badge Day (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
8 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
9 |
Roundtable |
9 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
♦ |
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) |
♦ |
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) |
16 |
Council Coordinated (for district committee members) |
18 |
Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) (for all Scouts) |
♦ |
Trail to Troop (for 4th & 5th graders and troops) |
22 |
Popcorn and prize orders due by 4:00 pm |
31-2 |
Order of the Arrow: Fall Fellowship / chapter meeting (for OA members) |
♦ |
Cub Scout Adventure Day / Rocket Day (for Cub Scouts) |
November 2025
5 |
District committee meeting (annual business meeting) |
6 |
District commissioners meeting |
7-9 |
Arrow of Light Coyote Trail Extreme (for 5th grade Arrow of Light Scouts) |
8 |
College of Commissioner Science (for commissioners) |
13 |
Roundtable |
13 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
21 |
Popcorn pick up |
22-25 |
STEM Camp and STEM Camp Super Troop (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
December 2025
4 |
District committee meeting |
5-7 |
Full Throttle (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
6 |
University of Scouting (training for leaders) |
11 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
11 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
11 |
Roundtable |
13 |
Council Merit Badge Day (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
26-31 |
National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
26-31 |
Winter Camp and Winter Camp Super Troop (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
January 2026
8 |
District committee meeting / calendar planning meeting |
14 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
10 |
Council Recognition Event and Key Leader’s Conference (for district committee members) |
15 |
Roundtable |
15 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
► |
District Award Nominations Due (Nomination Forms) |
17-19 |
MLK Camp (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
24 |
Scouting for Food (hanger drop off) |
24 |
Order the Arrow (OA) Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) Training and Lodge Banquet / chapter meeting (for OA members) |
31 |
Scouting for Food (food pick up) |
► |
District Recognition Event |
31 |
Adams Eagle Scout Project of the Year nominations due |
February 2026
5 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
6-8 |
Full Throttle (for Scouts in troops, crews and ships) |
7/8 |
Scout Sabbath/Sunday |
8 |
Scouting America's birthday! (1910) |
11 |
District committee meeting / finalize district calendar |
12 |
Roundtable |
12 |
Spring Recruiting Training |
12 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
20-22 |
Venturing Challenge (for crews) |
March 2026
4 |
District committee meeting |
5 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
7 |
Council Merit Badge Day (for troops, crews, ships) |
8-11 |
Trail to Eagle Camp and Super Troop (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
19 |
Roundtable |
19 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
♦ |
Camporee (for troops) |
♦ |
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) |
♦ |
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) |
April 2026
2 |
District committee meeting |
9 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
9 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
9 |
Roundtable |
11 |
SHAC’s birthday! (1914) |
16 |
Council Coordinated (for district committee members) |
17-19 |
Full Throttle (for troops, crews, ships) |
24-26 |
Order of the Arrow: OA Bash / chapter meeting (for OA members) |
May 2026
1-3 |
University of Scouting (training for leaders and parents) |
2 |
Cub Scout Fishing Derby (for Cub Scouts) |
7 |
District committee meeting |
7 |
District commissioners meeting (for commissioners) |
14 |
Roundtable / Program Preview |
14 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
June 2026
4 |
District committee meeting |
♦ |
Day Camp (for Cub Scouts) |
10 |
District commissioners meeting |
11 |
Roundtable |
11 |
Order of the Arrow chapter meeting (for OA members) |
varies |
Scouts BSA summer camp (for troops) |
varies |
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) (for Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts) |
July 2026
varies |
Scouts BSA summer camp (for troops) |
5-8 |
Trail to Eagle Camp (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
5-11 |
Super Troop (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
12-18 |
Camp Odyssey (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
19-22 |
Webelos / Arrow of Light Quest (for Scouts going into 4th & 5th grade) |
21/22 |
Popcorn Training - Virtual / In-person (for unit popcorn kernel) |
22-31 |
National Scout Jamboree, West Virginia (for Scouts in troops, crews, ships) |
29 |
Recruiting Training online (for pack leaders) |
Phoenix District Roundtable

Roundtable is a district monthly meeting typically held the second Thursday of the month at Cypress Creek Christian Church (6823 Cypresswood, Spring, TX 77379) at 7:00 pm to help unit leaders plan and carry out their own program. Roundtable is a form of supplemental training for volunteers. The objective of Roundtable is to give leaders program ideas, information on events and training opportunities, and an opportunity to share experiences and enjoy fun and fellowship with other Scouting leaders. As a result of the Roundtable experience, unit leaders will be inspired, motivated, informed, and able to provide a stronger program for their Scouts.
Phoenix District Committee Meetings

District Committee meetings are typically held the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church (14301 Stuebner Airline, Houston, Tx 77069). Consisting of chartered organization representatives (CORs) and elected district committee members, the district committee coordinates the functions of the district. The purpose of the district is to work through chartered organizations and community groups to organize and support successful units. The end result of effective district support is more and more youth members receiving a better and better program. All districts are responsible for carrying out four standard functions:
1) The membership function strives for growth through the organization of new Scouting units and through new members and adult volunteers joining existing units and working to retain current members.
2) The finance function sees that the district provides its share of funds to the total council operating budget.
3) The program function concentrates on helping Scouting units with camp promotion; special activities including community service; training adult volunteers; and youth advancement and recognition.
4) The unit service function provides direct coaching and consultation by district volunteers for unit adults to help ensure the success of every Scouting unit.
Phoenix District Commissioner Meetings

Commissioner meetings are typically held the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church (14301 Stuebner Airline, Houston, Tx 77069). The commissioners review specific unit needs, discuss ways to support unit growth in the Journey to Excellence criteria, examine ways to promote events and provide resources to units, support on-time charter renewal, and evaluate ways to help the units and district maintain the standards of Scouting America. The unit service function is carried out by the district commissioner staff.
Phoenix Chapter Meetings

OA chapter meetings are typically held the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at Cypress Creek Christian (6823 Cypresswood Dr, Spring, TX 77379) and provide an opportunity for the youth to develop a plan to support units in the district, promote upcoming events, participate in ceremony team preparation and regalia building, learn leadership skills and have fun. See the district calendar for more details. The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the national honor society of Scouting America and recognizes Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. The Order of the Arrow provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long-term resident camping, developing leaders, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich, support and help to extend Scouting to America's youth. The purpose of the meetings is for Arrowmen and the OA unit representatives to plan and carry out their program supporting their troop, chapter, lodge, section and national programs. The objective is to give program ideas, information on events and training opportunities, and an opportunity to share experiences and enjoy fun and fellowship with other Arrowmen. As a result of the experience, the Arrowmen will be inspired, motivated, informed, and able to provide a stronger program for youth in the program.
Council Program Calendars
Colonneh Lodge |
The Colonneh Lodge, Order of the Arrow is the national honor society of Scouting America. |





Exploring |
Exploring is Learning for Life’s career education program to help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults. |



Sea Scouts |
Sea Scouts is a specialized program that focuses on water high adventure and personal development. |





Venturing |
Venturing is a youth development program that provides positive experiences to help young people mature and become responsible and caring adults. |





Council Committees
Advancement |
The council Advancement Committee is responsible for implementing the procedures that help achieve advancement. |


Aquatics |
The Aquatics Committee has overall responsibility for the Council’s aquatics activities in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts and Exploring. Members of the aquatics committee are experienced Scouters with a background in aquatics or aquatics specialists involved in the Scouting program. |


Camping |
The Camping Committee is designed to help councils and districts offer a balanced outdoor program that delivers the promise of Scouting—from Cub Scouting to Venturing and Sea Scouting. |

Climbing |
The council Climbing Committee is dedicated to providing quality climbing training and activities. |



Conservation Committee |
The council Conservation Committee provides expertise in matters of ecology, conservation, and resource management. |


Fishing Committee |

International Committee |
The council International Committee work to help Scouts and leaders to experience the bigger picture of Scouting and connect with it through our involvement in the World Organization of the Scout Movement.



Scouts with Disabilities and Special Needs |
The Disabilities Awareness Committee is committed to making Scouting accessible and enjoyable to all Scouts, regardless of their abilities. |



Shooting Sports |
The purpose of the council shooting sports committee is to manage and provide resources to the council, the camping committee, and the council camps for all activities involving shooting sports whether during summer camps or during year-round shooting opportunities. |




Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are considered by many to be the foundation of an advanced society. A variety of awards that incorporate learning with cool activities and exposure to STEM are available. |



Training |
The leadership training committee is charged with making available certain training opportunities, seeing to it that high standards are set and complied with, and assuring that instructors faithfully adhere to those high standards. Council Training Schedule |



Powder Horn Training is an action-packed, hands-on, six-day course that helps Scouts and Scouters learn how to implement high adventure activities into their troop, crew or ship. |



Wood Badge Training is the premier adult leader training program in Scouting. |



Council Camps
Bovay Scout Camp |
Bovay Scout Ranch is a 1,498-acre property located three miles south of downtown Navasota, Texas. Bovay Scout Ranch has facilities for a wide range of activities including a water park, slingshots (wrist rockets), BMX bikes, dino dig, Cub Scout shooting range and more.
• Leader's Guide • Pack Overnight Camping • Adventure Camp • Resident Camp • Webelos Coyote Extreme • Fun with Family |



Camp Brosig |
Camp Brosig is a primitive, 92-acre property, located six miles north of Sealy, TX, in Austin County with 20 campsites, program fields, large covered pavilion and meeting room.
• Weekend Camping |



Camp Strake |
Camp Strake is a first-class, state-of-the-art camp at a rural site near the Sam Houston National Forest, close to the community of Evergreen.
• Leader's Guide • Weekend Camping • Summer Camp • Winter Camp • Full Throttle • Strake Odyssey • STEM Camp |



Tellepsen Scout Camp |
Tellepsen Scout Camp is located at Bovay Scout Ranch with rolling hills and lakes, campsites surrounded by native huisache and bois-d’arc trees, and sunsets that are absolutely breathtaking.
• Weekend Camping |


Camping Resources |
• Campmasters • Camp Staff • NCAP |

District Calendar Updates
For the latest version of the district calendar, visit