University of Scouting


April 11-13, 2025 - Outdoor Adventures

Camp Strake
2020 Camp Strake Rd.
Coldspring, TX 77331

University of Scouting is a semi-annual supplemental training program. Sessions are led by experienced volunteers who will help leaders and parents enhance their ability to deliver a fun and exciting program to the Scouts. The spring event will focus on outdoor trainings.


There is no onsite registration. At checkout, pay with a credit card or electronic check.  (Registration Instructions.  Council refund policy.)

Tentative Courses
(click on the course title for more information)
 • Trainer’s EDGE (adults and youth)  Sat: 9am - 4pm Register $25 Staff Lounge Tess Wall Price includes lunch; learn more
Climbing & COPE:        
Chris Hanson
 • Climbing Level 1 Fr 7pm - Sun 12pm Register $60 Climbing Pavilion    Price includes Sat/Sun meals; learn more
 • COPE Level 1 Fr 7pm - Sun 5pm Register $60 COPE Pavilion Price includes Sat/Sun meals; learn more
Cub Scouts:        


 • Range Master Sat: 8am - 5pm Register $15 Dining Hall Jonathan Sturgis         Price includes lunch; learn more
Shooting Sports:    


NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) Sat: 8:30am - 5:30pm Register $50 Leader Lounge Jonathan Sturgis Meals can be purchased
USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Certification   Sun: 8:30am - 4:00pm   Register $65 TBD  
  First Aid:                          
  Scouts in Troops:                          
  Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops   Sat: 10am - 4pm   Register   $20 STEM Building     Jim Hudson   Bring a sack lunch. For youth and adults  

What to Bring

BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (Part A & B for all Scouting events)
• Drinks, snacks
• Activity uniform, field uniform or comfortable clothes
• Note-taking materials

See additional items to bring:   
• Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) list
• Trainer's Edge list
• Red Cross Lifeguard list
• For weekend courses, bring personal gear, toiletries, and clothes. If a cabin was reserved, bring sheets for a twin bed and a pillow.  If camping, bring a tent and camping gear.

About Introduction To Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

IOLSIntroduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) is a 16-hour overnight course that gives adult leaders the practical knowledge they need to help Scouts to learn outdoor skills. The skills presented closely follow the Scout Handbook and rank advancement requirements. This is a required training course for all Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters. Working as patrols, this hands-on course provides adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank.  Topics covered: • Campsite Selection • Ropes – Whipping, Tying, and Lashing • Wood Tools – Knife, Camp Saw, and Ax • Fire Site Preparation and Building • Cooking • First Aid • Plant and Animal Identification • Packing and Hiking Techniques • Map and Compass • Leave No Trace. The training encompasses a weekend (16 hours of instruction).

What to Bring: In addition to the list above, bring the following: Clothes: field uniform, activity uniform (Scout t-shirt) or comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes (boots or tennis shoes), jacket, rain gear. Scouting ten essentials: pocket knife, first aid kit, extra clothes, rain gear, refillable water bottle, flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries, trail food, match and fire starters, sun protection, map and compass. Personal Gear: tent, ground cloth, camp chair, sleeping bag or blanket, sleeping pad or cot, mess kit (knife, fork, spoon, bowl/plate, coffee cup in a mesh bag), bug repellant, sunscreen, personal hygiene products (e.g., toothpaste, deodorant), note-taking materials, 3-ring binder, backpack, personal medications. Recommended: Field BookTroop Leader GuidebookScout Handbook. Optional gear: sunglasses, camera, earplugs, gloves for saw and ax demonstration. The course fee includes four meals (3 on Saturday and Sunday breakfast). Eat breakfast before arriving. 

About Trainer's EDGE (all-day training for youth and adult training)

Trainer's EdgeTrainer's EDGE is an all-day course and is BSA's trainer development course designed to help Scouts (ages 13+) and Scouters put into practice the EDGE training model and gain self-confidence through hands-on training experiences.  Trainer's EDGE brings to life the EDGE model taught in Troop Leadership Training, Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific Training, National Youth Leadership Training, and Wood Badge.

What to Bring: copy of BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (Part A & B for all Scouting events); field or activity uniform is recommendednote-taking materials; a five-minute Scouting presentation with any equipment or props; water bottle.  Optional: snacks and drinks

Participants must prepare a presentation (about a five-minute duration) before the course and bring the material, equipment, and/or props they need to deliver the presentation.  Participants will be given an opportunity to practice this presentation in a small group setting and receive feedback.  The topic of the presentation is at the discretion of the presenter, Scouting topics/skills are always good. Additionally, participants will prepare a second presentation during the course, practice it with their small group and receive feedback.         

About Range Master Training

rangemasterIn Scouting events and activities, the BSA’s primary consideration is the safety of its youth and adult members. To achieve that goal, the BSA, in consultation with other organizations, has created specific guidelines for shooting sports. These organizations also provide training and instructor certification by discipline-specific subject matter experts to prepare those individuals who will serve in a leadership or supervisory role in various shooting sports activities. Range Master Training is a requirement to run Cub Scout shooting events; they can only be conducted at district or council events! Learn more about Range Master training. 

About Shooting Sports Training

NRA TraningNRA instructor trainings are designed to develop NRA-certified instructors who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to safely teach the NRA basic firearm training courses. Through the NRA training, adults that already have subject matter expertise, learn how to conduct a firearms class the NRA way so the candidates earn the NRA Instructor certification. Learn more about becoming an NRA instructor.

What to bring:  In addition to the list above, if a cabin was reserved, bring sheets for a twin bed and a pillow.  If camping, bring a tent and camping gear.

NRA instructor trainings are conducted in two parts. The NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT) is the first part of the two-step process. BIT is about how to instruct a firearm class according the NRA procedures and guidelines. Part two, the candidate completes one or more discipline-specific instructor courses, i.e., rifle, shotgun, pistol, etc. The BIT class is a pre-request for any instructor level NRA course and is only required to be taken once. \"An NRA range safety officer is required to provide live firing range supervision for all shooting activities involving Scouts BSA, Venturers, and Sea Scouts. No other certification is accepted. The NRA range safety officer is responsible for the range operation. (National Shooting Sports Manual, No 30931, p67)

Classroom Time
Range Time
Part 1: NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT) Friday night 6 hours N/A
Part 2: NRA Basic Rifle Shooting (ILT-BRS) Saturday 6 hours 2 hours
Part 3: NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting (ILT-BSS) Sunday 6 hours 2 hours 

NRTPart 1: Basic Instructor Training (BIT) is two-parts. NRA instructor trainings are designed to develop NRA-certified instructors who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to conduct the NRA basic firearm training courses. It is the NRA class that helps people who already have subject matter expertise learn how to hold a class the NRA way so that their students earn recognized NRA certification. NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT) is the first part of the two-part course to becoming an NRA Certified Instructor and covers lessons one to five of every course. BIT is the first part of every discipline-specific NRA instructor course and must be renewed every two years. Participants learn essential methods of conducting a formal NRA class in the use of firearms and concludes with "preparing to teach" followed by the trainers examination. Participants learn the essential methods to safely conduct a formal NRA class in the use of firearms. The student must complete the entire class and pass the trainers examination before moving to an instructor course. Learn more about becoming an NRA instructor. NRA Instructor Training Courses help you develop the additional knowledge, skills and techniques needed to organize and teach courses in the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program." (Source)

Part 2: NRA Basic Rifle Shooting (ILT-BRS) "Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe use of a rifle in target shooting. This course includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions; cleaning, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate." (Source)

Part 3:  NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting (ILT-BSS) "Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for the safe and proper use of a shotgun in shooting a moving target. This course includes classroom and range time learning how to shoot shotguns at moving targets. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; shotgun parts and operation; shotgun shell components; shotgun shell malfunctions; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting at straight away and angled targets; cleaning; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Shotgun Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Shotgun Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate." (Source

About COPE Facilitator Training

COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) is an exciting program that teaches important lessons, but the classroom is like no other. COPE uses mental and physical challenges, low and high above ground to teach confidence, self-esteem, trust, leadership, team building and problem-solving. As a COPE facilitator, you'll help participants climb, swing, balance, jump, and think of solutions to a variety of activities.
COPE Level 1 training covers the skills and information needed to staff any BSA climbing program and provides an introduction to COPE, instilling the goals of COPE, NCAP Standards, how to sequence and process a group, trust activities, zip line, Low COPE and an introduction to High COPE. Topics covered: goals and features of COPE, sequencing and processing, stories and tall tales, trust activities, low course activities, high course activities
Prerequisites: • Climb on Safely taken online • age 18+ • COPE and climbing experience recommended

What to bring:  In addition to the list above, if a cabin was reserved, bring sheets for a twin bed and a pillow.  If camping, bring a tent and camping gear.

About Climbing Training

During Climbing Level 1 Training, participants learn to teach Scouts how to climb and rappel at the unit, district, or council level. The training covers the skills and information needed to staff any BSA Climbing Program. Topics covered: site selection and management, environmental conditions, rock climbing  and technique, anchoring, bouldering, teaching Climb On Safely, and teaching the Climbing Merit Badge.
Prerequisites: • Climb on Safely taken online • age 18+ • climbing experience recommended
Climbing Level 1 certificate holders are allowed to supervise real rock programs, council climbing towers, council climbing walls, and council bouldering walls with a Level 2 or climbing director present and teach the Climbing Merit Badge.  

What to bring:  In addition to the list above, if a cabin was reserved, bring sheets for a twin bed and a pillow.  If camping, bring a tent and camping gear.



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