Scout Shops

Stop by one of our Scout Shops to get all of your Scouting supplies. There are several area locations: Houston, Stafford, and Champions 1960

Find a Scout Shop / Store Hours

Uniform Request Form

uniform request formThere’s a new way to shop in our stores!

Just in time for fall recruitment, a new shopping request form is available to purchase any of our 600 uniform and uniform related products online.

The Scout Shop staff will gather and set aside your uniform items and have everything ready for in-store or contactless curbside pick up or you can have the items shipped directly to you. 

Order Form

Advancement Order Form

order formUnit leaders can pre-order advancements. The Scout Shop staff will gather and set aside your uniform items and have everything ready for in-store or contactless curbside pick up or you can have the items shipped directly to you. An Advancement Report is required for advancement items (e.g., ranks, merit badges). 

Order Form



About the Scout Shops

customer returnPhone orders:  The Scout Shops take phone orders at all stores and will ship promptly. Shipping and handling charges apply to all shipping orders. Next-day and two-day shipping is available by FedEx.

Pick-up orders:  Units can contact a Scout Shop Manager with an order (e.g., awards) and the order will be ready when you arrive. Large orders and orders during the fall may take several days. 

Online store:  Visit when the Scout Shop is closed and items can be shipped directly to your home.

Customer Return and Exchange Policy. If you are not 100% satisfied with one of our product's quality, you may return it within 90 days of purchase for refund or exchange with a valid receipt. See the full policy for conditions.

SewingPatches: All of the Houston area Scout Shops have in-house services to sew patches on uniforms and hem pants. Visit your local Scout Shop for more information on time frame and pricing.

Newsletter:  Send an email to Cassandra Dorris to be included in the National Supply electronic newsletter to find out when items go on sale and when new stock will arrive.

Sales tax exemption:  A unit's chartered organization must complete a tax exempt form every three years to receive sales tax exemption on allowable unit purchases.

Custom orders:  The Scout Shops has the best prices on t-shirts, polo shirts, caps, patches, and any other custom items needed. Ask a Scout Shop manager for a quote on a custom item and see the difference. The Scout Shop can also do custom unit numbers. The veteran bar can be placed on top the chartered organization's name on the bottom. Ask a Scout Shop manager for details.

gift cardScouting Gift Cards: Scouting gift cards are the perfect gift idea for the Scouts and Scouters!

Purchasing Advancements. According to the Advancement Report (#34403) and the Guide to Advancement, all advancement reports for ranks and awards that have a board of review require three (3) signatures from the Board of Review members on the advancement paperwork. Ranks and awards included are for all troop ranks and Venturing awards (Discovery, Pathfinder).  These signatures are to be submitted in one of the following ways: a signed Internet Advancement Report or a signed traditional Advancement Report (#34403) attached to an Internet Advancement Report. Read more.

Holiday Hours: The Scout Shops are typically open Monday through Saturday except for the following holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Independence Day.

hiringJob Opening: Scout Shop Sales Associate. The Scouting America, Supply Division frequently has jobs available at the Houston Scout Shop, and Stafford Scout Shop for motivated part-time sales associate in a fast-paced, results-oriented environment. Interested applicants should send resumé and cover letter to

Uniforms: Scouting America has always been a uniformed body. Its uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. They symbolize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing a uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment. The Guide to Awards and Insignia presents detailed information to enable members to wear the correct and complete uniform on all suitable occasions. The uniform website is also a great resource. 


Scout Shop Locations

Houston Scout Shop   

2225 North Loop West, Suite A
Houston, TX 77008
Cassandra Dorris, manager
(713) 865-5190
Google map 

Mon - Fr: 9 am - 6 pm
Sat: 10 am - 5 pm
Closed Sundays


Stafford Scout Shop   

12300 Parc Crest Drive, Suite 130
Stafford, TX 77477
Inside the United Way building
Kim Faught, manager
(281) 207-2340
google map 

Mon - Fri: 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 3 pm
Closed Sundays 


Champions 1960 Scout Shop 

6568 FM 1960 West (at Champion Dr.)
Houston, TX 77069
William Harris, manager
(281) 444-1152
google map

Mon - Friday: 10 am - 7 pm 
Sat: 10 am - 6 pm
Sun: 12 pm - 5 pm