Bovay Scout Ranch
3450 County Road 317
Navasota, TX 77868

Adventure Camp is weekend campout at Bovay Scout Ranch. Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas. Meals are eaten in the air-conditioned dining hall. A camp staff team member in each area will provide program supplies and support the parents who will be invited to assist in leading the activities.

Enjoy all the wonder and beauty of the central Texas rolling hills and lakes at Bovay Scout Ranch.


flag ceremonyRegistration should be completed by the pack leader. Families that register individually will be combined with families from other packs. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis; sessions fill up fast.

The registration fee is $50 per person and includes four meals (three on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday with vegetarian and turkey patty options), a patch, and the Scout's program supplies. Children under five attend free of charge; please note that the program is designed for Scouts. A $100 non-refundable deposit for the group secures a spot. All fees must be submitted no later than thirty days prior to the camping date.

One adult per 15 Scouts in the pack may attend at no cost. This adult will be asked to volunteer to work as program staff and must attend the 8:00 am leader's meeting. To ensure your camp reservation, registrations, including all fees, must be submitted thirty days prior. Adventure Camp Feedback

(click on date)
October 5-6, 2024  Let the Adventure Begin (formerly Fun with Son)  (for newly registered Scouts and their families) Learn More
Oct 11-13, 2024 Trail or Treat
Oct 18-20, 2024 Trail or Treat
Oct 25-27, 2024 Trail or Treat
Nov 22-24, 2024 Science and Beyond
Dec 6-8, 2024 Science and Beyond



Volunteers are needed to help run the events; the registration fee will be waived for volunteers. Troops that provide a half-day of service to the event can camp at Tellepsen Scout Ranch for free.

Volunteer Registration

question mark patch Support desk (for questions not addressed on this page).

What to Bring

  • Copy of a current BSA Annual Health and Medical Record
    (Part A & B for all Scouting events) for every participant
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag, sheets or blanket
  • Pillow
  • Cot or air mattress
  • Personal items (e.g., deodorant, comb, medications, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Water bottle, canteen, or cup
  • Scout uniform, determined by pack leadership
  • Clothing appropriate for weather and extra clothes
  • Closed-toed shoes (tennis shoes) and extra pair
  • Pajamas or sleeping clothes
  • Rain gear
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Personal medications
  • Swimsuit and towel (weather permitting)
  • Towel and washcloth
  • Sunscreen
  • Pocket knife and Whittlin' Chip (3rd-5th graders)
  • Personal first aid kit
  • Day pack
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Money for patches, snacks and beverages, and t-shirts at the camp trading post, Trader Vics.
  • Alarm clock
  • Battery operated lantern
  • Bicycle and bike helmet
  • Book of Faith
  • Camera
  • Camp chair
  • Cub Scout Handbook
  • Fishing gear
  • Glow sticks (great to keep track of your kids at night and to play games)
  • Lockable footlocker
  • Shower shoes
  • Snacks (do not keep in the tent)
  • Sports drinks or flavor packets for water (to help keep Scouts hydrated)
  • Sunglasses
  • Insect repellent
  • Phone battery backup charger
  • Wagon


  • Friday night snack, optional
  • First-aid kit
  • Camper Release Form for Scouts whose parents are not attending camp
  1. Camp roster (emailed the Tuesday before camp - see instructions below)
  2. Copy of medical forms, two copies alphabetized in an envelope or notebook (one to keep in campsite and one to turn in during registration)

Mark all items with name and pack number. *Electricity is very limited.

About the Campsites. Campsites have a water spigot with potable drinking water, a covered pavilion with lights, one power plug, picnic tables, a flag pole, and a campfire ring. Campers can park in the parking lot next to the campsite. Shower houses are located between campsites with individual stalls that are ADA-compliant and have a toilet, shower, and sink.

What NOT to bring to camp: alcohol, valuables, electronics, firearms, guns/ammunition, illegal drugs, liquid fuel lanterns or stoves, pets, scooters, skates, skateboards

Program Updates

Spring Adventure Camp

Spring STEM Weekends

  • Archery
  • BB
  • Eclipses
  • Paper Airplanes & Balloon Powered boats
  • Destination Mars! Build a base on Mars
  • Planet Navigation (orienteering course, scavenger hunt)
  • Movie Night
  • Campfire Program with Stem Nova Counselor
  • Stargazing

Adventure Camp Tentative Schedule*


4:00 pm Camp opens.
Get specific campsite assignments when arriving at the check-in building, the first building past the entrance gate.
Check-in Building
4:00 - 9;00 pm Campers proceed to assigned campsite and set up (eat dinner before arriving) Campsites
6:00 - 7:00 pm One representative from each pack (or group registration) checks-in (submits paperwork and picks up rotation schedule) Headquarters Building
TBD Movie on the lawn and snack TBD
8:30 pm Leader's meeting Headquarters Breezeway


7:30 - 9:00 am Late check-in at administration building Headquarters Building
8:00 am Breakfast Dining Hall
9:00 - 11:00 am Program activities Program Areas
11:00 am Lunch Dining Hall
1:00 - 4:00 pm Program activities Program Areas
5:00 pm Dinner Dining Hall
7:00 pm Free time with pack Campsites


8:00 am Breakfast Dining Hall
9:00 am Check-out Headquarters Building
11:00 am Camp closed  

*The final schedule will be provided during the leader's meeting on Friday night. Schedules vary based on camp attendance. 

Let the Adventure Begin

Let the Adventure BeginLet the Adventure Being is a specialty Adventure Camp for newly registered Cub Scouts and their adult partner and families.

10:00 pm    Arrival, check-in at HQ, camp set up, open stations
12:00 pm Lunch (sandwiches, cookies, fruit)
1:00 pm Flag ceremony
1:30 pm Program activities
5:30 pm Flag ceremony
5:45 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Campfire
8:15 pm Movie / Cracker Barrel
10:00 pm Lights out
7:00 am Breakfast at the dining hall (grab and go)
10:00 am Camp closes

Leadership Requirements

Every registered unit must provide a minimum of two-deep leadership. "Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including all meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants. Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided." (Source, Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs). Each unit should have one BALOO-trained leader and one safe swim defense-trained leader. (Camp has waterfronts).


Adults spending the night at camp must be either:

  1. Cub Scout parents or legal guardians taking part in an overnight Cub Scout program with their own child or legal ward are not required to register as leaders. All adults must review the "How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide" that can be found in the front of each Cub Scout Handbook. In addition, the parent or legal guardian must be accompanied by a registered leader at any time they are with youth members other than their own child/ward. (Source)
  2. Currently registered in an adult fee-required position in the position(s) they serve. See FAQ for list of approved adult registration fee-required positions. (Source)


  • Separate tenting arrangements must be provided for male and female adults as well as for male and female youth.
  • Youth sharing tents must be no more than two years apart in age.
  • In Cub Scouting, parents and guardians may share a tent with their family.
  • Spouses may share tents. (Source)

The most recent updates to BSA's Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed and all Scouting activities be conducted in a safe and prudent manner including using the Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities .


The unit leader will need to email a roster to the camp director the Tuesday before camp. The roster includes the names of everyone attending. For the ranks of the Cub Scouts and registrant types, use the number one (1) in the columns to auto-calculate the totals. In the Meals column, note any dietary requests using V for vegetarian, GF for gluten-free, and NP for no pork.

Camp Roster

Arrival and Check-in

Campers may arrive beginning at 4:00 pm on Friday. Upon arrival, all campers will stop at the check-in building inside the main gate and be provided a parking pass and campsite assignment. Campers can go to their campsite and set up camp. Upon arrival at the campsite, please inspect the campsite to ensure there are no safety issues or prior damages. If there are any issues, report them to the staff immediately. All campsites have a pavilion with multiple picnic tables and a red fire water bucket.

All persons on site will be provided a wristband and must always wear their designated wristbands. Wristband colors determine which rotation schedule that is to be followed. The rotation schedule is designed for a specific number of youth at each outpost.

One representative from each pack or group must check in between 6:00 - 7:00 pm at the Headquarters Building (approximately one mile past the main gate on the left) and register the unit or group. To facilitate a quicker registration process, please be sure to have all of the medical forms.

Medical Forms

All Adventure Camp participants must have a completed BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (Part A, B1, B2 for all Scouting events) .

Bring two copies alphabetized in an envelope or notebook (one to keep in campsite and one to turn in during registration).

The following are the most common errors or omissions made on the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record submitted:

Leader's Meeting

There is a mandatory leader's meeting at 8:30 pm in the Safari Room located in the Administration Building.

Departure Procedures

Departure is after breakfast on Sunday between 9:00 am - 11:00 am. The camp quartermaster will drop off cleaning supplies at the restrooms on Sunday morning. Follow the written instructions for cleaning assigned showers and restrooms. Scouts should conduct a police line where Scouts stand within arm's length of each other and walk the entire campsite picking up all trash. The camp quartermaster and camp staff will inspect each campsite to make sure the campsite, restrooms, showers, and pavilions are undamaged and clean, and that all gear and trash is removed. The trash is to be taken and dropped off at the dumpsters near the front of the camp on the way out. Dumpster at the dining hall is for kitchen use only. After passing inspection, the designated leader should proceed to the administration building to sign out and pick up paperwork.

Rangers / Campmaster

Bovay Scout Ranch is served by a camp director and two rangers in residence at the camp. Unit needing assistance during their time at camp should contact one of the rangers. During most weekends, there will be one or more campmasters, volunteers who provide additional support to the weekend activities. The campmasters are located in the check-in building near the entrance to the camp.

Bovay Scout Ranch Ranger: Dean Tartt – 936-827-9583

Parking / Driving

Camp has been designed to minimize driving on the site. Once personal vehicles have been checked in at the camp entrance, drivers will be directed to the appropriate parking area for their campsite. Vehicles will be parked near the assigned campsite, and remain there during camp activities. The camp trail system and facility layout provide for foot traffic to all camp activity locations. It is not necessary, nor permissible, to drive personal vehicles around the camp. Participants with mobility concerns should coordinate with the camp director for assistance in meeting transportation needs. Unit trailers will be parked in the same lot as other vehicles.

Vehicles must stay on roads at all times. Passengers are not permitted to ride in the bed of trucks or in trailers.

Bicycles at Camp

● Bicycles in working order (good brakes) are allowed. Riders (youth  and adults) must wear properly fitted helmets at all times, no exceptions.
● Pedestrians on roads and trails have the right of way.
● Scooters, razor scooters, skates, and roller blades are not allowed.

Bovay Camp Rules

● No pets.
● Campers should drive only on the roads at the posted speeds and never drive or park on grass. Park close together at the campsites to fit all vehicles in. Overflow parking is in the headquarters parking lot - offload gear and move vehicles to overflow.
 No driving from campsites to the dining hall or program areas.
● Every camper should have their own water bottle and remember sunscreen.
● Closed-toed shoes - no sandals, flip flops or open-toe or back footwear.
● Pavilions have power - can accommodate two plugs, No power strips and only outdoor rated cords. Designed to support CPAP needs not run small appliances or multiple fans, etc.
● Trash - there are trash bins at each campsite. Please only use the trash bags you receive at check in for your campsite. There are dumpsters at the back of the dining hall for trash. 


The camp medical officer will review the health form provided by the Scout for instructions regarding medications that may be administered to the Scout. If no “over the counter” (OTC) medications are listed on the medical form, then it will be necessary for the medical personnel to attempt to contact the parent or guardian for permission to administer such medications (Tylenol, Pepto-Bismol, aspirin, etc.). If they are unable to reach a parent/guardian, then the Scout will need further medical evaluation by the designated camp physician or hospital facility.

The taking of prescription medication is the responsibility of the individual taking the medication and/or that individual’s parent or guardian. Unit leaders should ensure that prescription medications for their scouts are properly stored and administered.


Allergies and special diets are common concerns. If a Scout requires a special diet, the unit leader must enter the information in the online registration system at least two weeks prior to arrival. The camp's food service providers are very experienced with accommodating most diets; however, not all diets can be accommodated. The unit leader will provide a parent and/or adult participant's email and phone number in the online registration system whenever a special diet is requested; the food service provider might contact the adult participant or a Scout's parent/guardian to discuss unique special requests.

The following diets can be accommodated: vegetarian, kosher, halal, no pork, no beef, gluten-free, nut-free, soy-free, dairy-free, and lactose intolerant. Shellfish is not served at camp. The only peanut product served in the dining hall are peanut butter in the extra food bar.

Not all diets can be accommodated; if the camper has a unique request, the details should be entered into the online registration system.  Be aware that we are unable to completely change the menu or purchase specialty items.

  • While at camp, participants could participate in many dining styles such as family-style dining, cafeteria-style dining, and/or self-serve bars.
  • It is the expectation that all campers have the necessary knowledge of their diet and can manage their food choices.
  • Camp staff cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment. Careful consideration needs to be taken for campers with severe allergies, particularly those susceptible to airborne transmission.
  • If a camper has a severe allergy or dietary restriction, contact the camp directors to discuss if the camp staff is properly equipped to manage needs.
  • While the staff works to meet all dietary requirements, food is prepared in an area with milk, eggs, peanut, tree nut, wheat, soy, fish, and cross-contamination may occur.
  • It is the camper's responsibility to identify themselves to the kitchen staff then cooperate in helping the camp staff meet their need(s).

Depending on the need, it may be necessary for campers with special dietary requirements to bring food items to supplement items available at camp. Participants with special diets can request access to refrigerators, freezers, and microwaves to heat food, but actual cooking must be done at the campsite.

Special Accommodations

Scouts requiring special accommodations should list those in the online registration system. Common requests include needing refrigeration for medication, electricity for CPAP machines, etc. The camp staff will do everything they can to accommodate requests.


If your unit needs trash bags, latrine and shower cleaning supplies, toilet paper, or cookies a helpful Quartermaster will assist you. The camp Quartermaster is not a substitute for units providing their own unit equipment. We will provide one 5-gallon water cooler per campsite. Hours will be posted as to when the Quartermaster is open. Units with Scouts that may have special needs (mobility, equipment, other), please complete the Special Needs Request Form at Appendix 5.


 All Scouts and Scouters are encouraged to wear their field uniform for the evening flag ceremonies, dinner and opening/closing campfires.

Personal Possessions

The use of personal electronic devices detracts from the outdoor experience provided by the camp. Personal valuables (watches, wallets, money) should not be in the open at camp. It is not possible to provide security for these items. It is recommended that each unit bring a lockable storage container to secure valuables while not in the campsite. All items are to be permanently marked with Scout’s name and unit number. Do not leave electronic devices unattended while charging anywhere at camp, including the camp office.

Camper Accountability

Family/Unit leaders should have a unit roster readily available of their participants that contains contact information for parents or guardians. Should a primary leader change during camp, the transfer responsibility of unit leaders must be clearly communicated to the Camp Director/Health Officer.

Family/Unit leaders will ensure that all campers are in their assigned campsite each evening before “lights out” and “quiet time.” Any missing scout will be reported immediately to the Camp Director.

Family/Unit leaders should know where their scouts are supposed to be at all times. They should encourage the use of the buddy system for their family/unit members. Monitoring of scout attendance at program activities is encouraged to ensure all campers are accounted for.

All camp-wide games, hikes, overnighters will be guided by staff that are informed and trained on how to manage the activity. Staff must know at all times the names and numbers of campers present. Two-deep leadership is a requirement. We will maintain the necessary camper to staff ratio of at least 1 staff member per 10 campers.

Waste Disposal/Recycle

All waste/trash generated at the campsite should be collected, bagged, and dropped in the dumpsters just north of the ranger station near the entrance of the camp. There are no recycling bins. Please take recyclable items home to recycle.

Medical Information and Emergencies

Emergencies: The camp has emergency phone numbers posted near all telephones, and FM radio communication throughout the camp. In an emergency, the camp ranger, or designee, will initiate emergency procedures depending upon the situation. During emergencies, adult leaders should supervise their own unit’s response appropriately. If an evacuation is necessary, it will be initiated by the camp ranger.

Emergency signals: There are two types of emergency alarms. The first is a solid tone for general emergencies. When you hear the camp alarm (Siren), you must IMMEDIATELY assemble with your Unit/Family at your campsite, take a headcount, have your Unit Leader report your attendance to the Staff member in charge, and await further instructions. If for whatever reason the campsites are unsafe, the staff will direct people to the camp headquarters parking lot as a secondary assembly area. Stay at the assembly area until all clear is given.

The second type of alarm will be a pulsing siren. This signifies a weather emergency. This part of Texas is prone to afternoon thunderstorms during the summer, with the potential for the formation of tornadoes. Whenever a serious storm approaches, everyone in camp should move into the nearest designated shelter. All permanent structures at the camp are suitable shelters during an emergency.

Emergency Evacuation: In the event of a fire or other hazardous condition that requires evacuation of the camp, instructions will be provided by the Camp Staff the camp headquarters parking lot on procedures to follow to exit camp as quickly as possible while maintaining accountability of staff and campers.

Drills: In accordance with National BSA camp policy, an emergency drill will be conducted each week of camp. Every person must report to their campsite when the alarm is sounded, drill or no drill!

Hospital Treatment: Should any participant require medical treatment beyond the first aid capabilities provided by unit members, they should be evacuated to the nearest medical treatment facility by unit leaders. The closest hospital to the camp is:

CHI St Joseph Health Grimes Hospital 210 South Judson St (~15 minutes away; open 24 hours)
Navasota, TX 77868

Health Lodge: The health lodge is open 24 hours a day and is prepared to handle minor injuries and illnesses. Any emergency that cannot be treated at the Health Lodge will be referred to a local hospital or doctor’s clinic. The family/unit leader or assistant will transport the patient to the outside medical facility.

Medical Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency report to the health lodge at the camp headquarters building. The waiting area for the health lodge is on the porch area just outside the building near the entrance to the Health Lodge. A screening will be conducted on the porch before any person is brought into the lodge for treatment.

  • If the medic is not in the office, follow the instructions on the door on how to reach them.
  • Every Scout and adult who attends camp MUST have an annual health history form completed within the last 12 months prior to attending camp. A copy of your health form will be turned in during check-in at camp.
  • The camp reserves the right to refuse admittance to a Scout who, in the opinion of the camp health officer and the camp director, has any physical or medical problem that could present a hazard to themselves or other Scouts. 

Camp Staff

A staff of outstanding Scouts and Scouters has been assembled at our camps to meet the needs of our Scouts and leaders. The council recruits staff from the area colleges (e.g., Texas A&M University, University of Texas, Sam Houston State University, Texas State) as well as from the Order of the Arrow, and NYLT staff and participants. Those interested in serving as camp staff can apply at

Bovay Scout Ranch is a council camp. The 1,498 acres are a natural paradise for plants and wildlife with rolling hills, lakes, and campsites surrounded by native Huisache and Bois-d'arc trees and spectacular sunsets.

The camp is located about six miles south of Navasota (one mile south of TX-6 BUS N and Tx-6 N Split) on the east side of TX-6 on County Road 317 (3450 County Road 317, Navasota, TX 77868).

Directions through Hempstead:

  • Take Hwy 290W through Hempstead
  • From Hempstead take
    Hwy 6N for 16 miles
  • Turn right onto County Road 317
  • Travel to the end of road past the camp gate

Directions through Conroe:

  • From Conroe take Hwy 105W
    for 45 miles
  • Turn left onto Hwy 6 South
    for 3 miles
  • Turn left onto County Road 317
    (just past Grassy Creek)
  • Travel to the end of road past the camp gate.

Note: When leaving camp, be extremely cautious as this is a 75 mph zone with poor visibility of oncoming traffic due to the hill. Many people will be leaving at the same time, do not bunch up in the median. Instead of crossing two lanes of high-speed traffic, it may be advisable to turn right and then u-turn at the next available median a short distance away. 



Bovay Scout Ranch Prayer

For the trees, lakes, and hills, We thank thee O God,
For the fun, friends, and fellowship, We thank thee O God,
For the food that has been prepared, We thank thee O God. Amen.

All facilities are ADA-compliant (wheelchair accessible)

Ranger Building

The Ranger Building is the first building past the entrance gate. All visitors are to stop at the ranger building to get campsite assignments, parking permits, and instructions.


Campsites are nestled in shaded areas throughout the camp. Campsites have unique and stunning views of prairies, lakes and woods, breathtaking sunsets, and glorious sunrises.

Campers provide their own tents. Campsites are equipped with a water spigot with potable drinking water, a covered pavilion with lights and one power plug, picnic tables, flag pole, and a campfire ring. Campers can park in the parking lot next to the campsite.

Shower Houses

Shower houses are located between campsites. Individual stalls are ADA-compliant and have a toilet, shower, and sink. The shower houses are shared by campers in two or three campsites.



Two amphitheaters are available for campfires and Arrow of Light ceremonies.

Colonneh Lodge Chapel

The chapel is nestled near the serenity of Lake George, Interfaith services can be conducted at the chapel.

Adventure Camp and Resident Camp activities include a variety of activities such as conservation activities, nature programs, paleontology quest at the dinosaur dig, adventure at the archery range, marksmanship at the BB gun range, action at the Bud Adams sports field, and splashing in the water at the David Weekley Family Water Park (weather permitting). A team member in each area will provide program supplies and support the parents who will be invited to assist in leading the activities.

Camp Headquarters

The headquarters building houses check-in, lost and found, camp director’s office, quartermaster, trading post, health lodge, Safari room and restrooms.

Dining Hall

The air-conditioned dining hall can seat 400 people comfortably. High-quality, nutritious meals are served during select events such as Adventure Camp, Resident Camp, and Arrow of Light Adventure Day.

Flag Poles

Morning and evening flag ceremonies are held at the camp flag poles, located just to the west of the dining hall.

David Weekley Family Water Park

The David Weekley Family Water Park is a 93,000-gallon swimming hole. Cub Scouts can splash in the spray area or shoot down twister water slides. Scouts with all levels of swimming abilities will enjoy this blast of cool fun. Open during select events, weather permitting.

Shooting Sports

The shooting sports area contains a BB gun range with 22 firing seats and an archery range with  16 targets. The ranges are located northwest of Lake George. During some events, temporary ranges are set up in the Sports Field. The shooting sports activities are run by trained range masters. Open during select events.

Fort Blue Bell

Fort Blue Bell is a miniature replica of a pioneer fort. Scouts love the fort, and it’s an excellent opportunity to talk about the pioneer days and the Wild West. Open during select events.

K.S. "Bud" Adams Sports Field

The sports field is a wide-open space to play volleyball, softball, baseball, kickball, Frisbee golf, and games. Scouts love to climb on the Traverse Wall. Open during select events.

Reliant Energy Nature Center

Nature, energy, ecology, and conservation programs are taught at the Reliant Energy Nature Center, Marathon Oil Company Oil Derrick, and along the nearby nature trails and ponds. Open during select events.

Dinosaur Archeological Dig

An archeological adventure in the heart of Texas awaits Cub Scouts! At the Dinosaur Dig, Cub Scouts will have a hands-on learning adventure. With brush in hand, they will learn the fine art of uncovering the Bovay dinosaur fossils. Cub Scouts will learn about paleontology and how the dinosaurs roamed through the hills of Texas. Open during select events.

Lake George

Nestled in the center of camp is Lake George. This is a hotspot for fishing and watching nature. Canoes are available during Adventure Camp. The S.S. Mary K. Fleming Paddle Wheel Boat is located on Lake George, and is a great location for fishing, bird watching and observing nature. Open during select events.


The canoe pier is located on the west banks of Lake George. Open during select events.

S.S. Mary K. Fleming Paddle Wheel Boat

The S.S. Mary K. Fleming Paddle Wheel Boat is located on Lake George. Open during select events.


Trading  Post

Trader Vic’s is located in the camp headquarters building. It is stocked with t-shirts, Scouting literature, handicraft supplies, camp patches, mugs, and equipment in addition to cold drinks, ice cream and candy. The Trading Post accepts cash, checks and major credit cards and Apple Pay. Open during select events.

Staff Area

The McNair Cub Adventure Camp staff area is just located south of the headquarters building. It contains a bathhouse/laundry building and a dorm building with five dorm rooms that sleep up to six. Adjacent to this building are 6 two-person huts. 

Bovay Staff Area

Where council policies are more restrictive than national policies, the council policies apply.

  1. Safety is Your Responsibility posterSafety. The BSA's Commitment to Safety is ongoing and we want you to know that the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. The Scouting America puts the utmost importance on the safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

    All BSA's Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed and all Scouting activities be conducted in a safe and prudent manner including the Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:
  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in a Scout activity, the BSA National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the BSA National Council have developed the SAFE Checklist of BSA safety procedures for physical activity. These 16 points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checlist      Enterprise Risk Management

Resources: Campout Safety Checklist • Activity Consent Form and Approval By Parents or Legal Guardian • Scouting Safely • Reminders for Outings Overnight Checklist Cubs Scouts Overnight Checklist Webelos Scouts

  1. Leadership Requirements. Each registered unit must provide a minimum of two-deep leadership. Sharing adult leaders during council activities by two units in order to satisfy two-deep leadership requirements is NOT allowed.   

    “Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth. Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age- and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided." (SourceYouth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs

    "All adults accompanying a Scouting unit who are present at the activity for 72 total hours or more must be registered as leaders. The 72 hours need not be consecutive. One-on-one contact between adult leaders and youth members is prohibited both inside and outside of Scouting." (Source)

    Adult ratios for Cub Scouts (Source) Cub Scouts should attend the camping event with their parent(s)/ guardian(s).
  • Lions and Tigers must have their adult partner present to take part. (Source)
  • For all other ranks: only in exceptional circumstances, a Cub Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a unit overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of another registered adult member of the BSA, a parent of a Cub Scout who is also attending. The unit leader and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply. At no time may another adult accept responsibility for more than one additional nonfamily member youth.(Source)
  • Webelos Den Camping: Each Scout should attend with their parent(s) or guardian(s). A Webelos Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a den overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of at least two registered leaders. The leaders and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all youth protection policies apply. (Source)
  • Tenting
  1. formsMedical Forms. Every participant must have a current BSA Annual Health and Medical Record. During weekend camping, unit leaders keep a copy of medical forms for all participants. During long-term camp, units are to take two copies of the forms (one for the health lodge and one to keep in the campsite).
  2. Medications. The taking of prescription medication is the responsibility of the individual taking the medication and/or that individual’s parent or guardian. Unit leaders should ensure that prescription medications for their Scouts are properly stored and administered. (Source)

  3. Council Insurance. All registered members of Sam Houston Area Council troops are covered by Health Special Risk unit insurance. A claim form must accompany each Scout who is referred to an outside medical facility. This is secondary coverage. If there is no other policy, this will be the primary insurance. Out-of-council troops must provide proof of accident and sickness insurance upon arrival at camp. For more information or copies of the form, contact Wayne McCleland at 713-756-3309 or Generally, a copy of the form is not required by the medical facility at the time of treatment. The camp will file the initial claim at the time of treatment. All patients must be referred to the physician or hospital by camp health personnel. For additional information, contact

  1. backgroundBackground checks (for events 4+ days long). All adults in camp for any long-term camp or training with youth present (e.g., day camp, winter camp, summer camp, resident camp, NYTL) that is 4 days or longer must have a completed background check on file with the council. All registered adults will have a current background check completed as part of their recharter for the year. In order to protect the health and safety of youth attending residential camps in the State of Texas, the Texas legislature has enacted the Texas Youth Camp Safety and Health Act that requires the council to conduct a criminal background check and sex offender database check on every adult who will be at camp. All adults attending camp in any capacity must complete an Adult in Camp Compliance (ACC) form utilizing the link on the event webpage, a minimum of two weeks before the event, to allow sufficient time for the background checks to be completed. Completing this form allows the council office staff to complete a criminal background check on each adult in camp (regardless of time spent in camp). Visitors should also complete an ACC form; persons who have not completed an ACC form will have to be escorted by an adult the entire time they are on camp property and will only be permitted to enter camp if someone is available to escort them. The council reserves the right to deny participation by any adult based on the information obtained through the background check. The link to submit a form will be on the event webpage. (Source)
  1. Training.
  • trained patchYPT: All registered BSA adults must take Youth Protection Training (YPT) online. All parents attending a campout are highly encouraged to take YPT. (Source)
  • Hazardous Weather: At least one leader present must have current Planning and Preparing for Hazardous Weather taken online(Source)
  • For pack camping/overnighters and Webelos den camping: At least one adult on a pack family campout/overnighter must have completed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) to properly understand the importance of program intent, youth protection policies, health and safety, site selection, age-appropriate activities, and sufficient adult participation. Find a BALOO course near you. (Source)
  • CPR/AED and Basic First Aid (recommended for all adventures). (Source). Find first aid courses near you.
  • Additional training:
  1. rosterRoster. Every group must submit a camp roster listing all participants to the campmaster or camp ranger by Saturday at 10:00 am.

                       Camp Roster
  2. Campsite Assignments. During camping activities at council properties, girl troops will be assigned to different campsites from boy troops. Venturing crews and ships will be assigned to different campsites as Scouts BSA units. Specific campsite assignments are provided when checking in at camp.
  3. Incident Reporting. Any incident that requires the intervention of medical personnel, involves emergency responders, or results in a response beyond Scout-rendered first aid must be reported. Near-miss incidents (does not result in injury, illness, or damage by definition, but it had the potential to do so) should also be reported. Report any known or suspected abuse or significant violations of youth protection policies that might put a youth at risk. using the Scouts First Helpline (24-hour helpline: 844-SCOUTS FIRST (844-726- 8871). The Scouts First Helpline is for reporting abuse or significant violations of the BSA’s youth protection policies only. While all youth protection policies must be taken seriously, minor, non-recurring infractions with no indication youth are at risk can be addressed at the unit level. Any other questions should continue to be directed to the BSA’s Member Care team at 972-580-2489. (Source)
  4. Transportation. Each troop is responsible for safe transportation to and from camp and meets the requirements as laid out in the current version of the Guide to Safe Scouting. Seat belts are required for all occupants. Passengers may not ride on the rear deck of a station wagon. Trucks may not be used for transporting passengers except in the cab. Trailers must never be used for carrying passengers. Use of ATVs, UTVs, or golf carts at camps other than at approved facilities is not allowed. Staff use of these types of vehicles in any camp will be approved and supervised by a camp ranger or camp director. (Source
    Resources: • Transportation Policy•​ Insurance Coverage•​ Driver’s Pledge•​ The Risk Zone, •​ Motor Vehicle and Driver Checklist, •​ Do you need to travel in uniform to be covered by BSA insurance?

  5. Vehicles. All vehicles must have a vehicle pass. These are available upon arrival at check-in. Speed Limits are 25 mph on main roads and 10 mph near campsites areas. Vehicles must stay on improved roads and parking areas. Do not drive or park in campsites or on the grass.
  6. Trash should not be buried or burned. All garbage should be placed in the dumpster.
  7. Damage to equipment and facilities. Report all lost or broken equipment to the camp ranger or camp master. Needed repairs: Report all lost or broken equipment or items needing repair to the camp ranger or campmaster.
  8. Tape. Only painter's tape can be used on buildings or pavilions; do not use any other tape (e.g., duct tape). If needing to hang something, use something that won't damage buildings or trees.
  9. Living trees at council properties may not be cut down without the approval of the camp ranger. Do not dig holes, climb or cut trees.
  10. campfiresCampfires are permitted in the designated fire rings and must be attended to at all times. Always have a shovel/rake and water or other extinguishing materials handy. Extinguish all fires before leaving camp properly by ensuring campfires are completely cold-out and completing a test on cooled ash for any sign of heat before the fire is considered extinguished. Beware of current fire conditions, especially if it has been dry and windy. Check for any active burn ban and consider wind direction and projected size of fire before starting. Keep fires low and reduce sparks in windy conditions. Do not use liquid accelerants. The use of liquid fuels for starting any type of fire is prohibited. Use of liquid-fueled stoves and lanterns is not permitted on council properties except as allowed during high adventure activities (e.g. backpacking stoves). Permission to use liquid-fueled devices must be obtained from the camp ranger before use. Government-issued fire bans supersede camp policy without exception. (Source
    Resources: •​ Fire Safety Tips; •​ Chemical Fuels and Equipment Policy

  11. Check-in. Check-in for weekend camping begins after 3:00 pm on Fridays and check-out is no later than 12:00 pm on Sundays. For other events, check the event-specific webpage.
  12. Departure procedures. Make sure the campsite, restrooms, showers, and pavilions are undamaged and clean, and that all gear and trash is removed. Scouts should conduct a police line where Scouts stand within arm’s length of each other and walk the entire campsite picking up all trash. Ashes from campfires should be removed from the fire rings and disposed of in ash barrels next to dumpsters.
  13. fishingFishing. Catch and release fishing is allowed at council camps. Bring your own poles. Fishing licenses are not required.
  14. Not Allowed. The following items are not allowed at council camps:
  • Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs (Source)
  • Fireworks
  • Skateboards
  • Skates and rollerblades
  • Hammocks
  • Personally owned firearms, archery equipment, and crossbows. Normally, personally owned firearms and archery equipment may not be taken to council properties. However, there are certain circumstances related to high adventure programs that are best facilitated by using equipment not owned by the council (e.g. high caliber rifles, black powder firearms, pistols, and compound bows). In these cases, a permit to use personal firearms or archery equipment must be filed with the council shooting sports committee. When approved, this form will be presented to the camp master, ranger, or camp director at the time the equipment is brought to camp. While at camp, this equipment will be secured in approved council storage facilities.
  • Personally owned slingshots or projectiles
  • Personally owned offroad vehicles (ATV/UTV/Golf Carts)
  • Personally owned watercraft. Normally, personally owned watercraft (e.g. rowboats, canoes, kayaks, jet skis, sailboats) may not to used at council properties. However, there are certain circumstances related to high adventure programs that are best facilitated by using equipment not owned by the council. Venture crews and ships may own watercraft that are well suited for use at council properties. Permission to use such equipment must be obtained from the camp ranger at the appropriate property. This approval must be presented at the camp before launching any watercraft. Appropriate precautions must be taken to clean such watercraft prior to use in order to prevent contamination of council properties. Non-council-owned watercraft are not permitted to be stored on council properties.
  • Personally owned generators except as approved by the camp director or ranger.
  • Personal climbing harnesses and helmets, if inspected and approved by the lead climbing instructor at the time of use may be used on council properties. All other personally owned climbing gear may not be used on council properties, except equipment used to support high adventure programs or trainings that are best facilitated by using specialized equipment not owned by the council (e.g. protection, ascenders, etc). In these cases, requests must be submitted to the council climbing committee for approval prior to use. Approved requests will be provided to the camp ranger at the council property prior to use of the equipment.
  • Radio-controlled boats, aircraft, or vehicles other than for council-approved programs.
  1. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs. Smoking/vaping is only allowed in one’s own vehicle in the parking areas out of the view of Scouts. The use of tobacco or vaping in any form by campers under 21 years of age is not allowed. As outlined in the Scouter Code of Conduct, Scouting activities are not a place to possess, distribute, transport, consume, or use any of the following items prohibited by law or in violation of any Scouting rules, regulations, and policies: alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, including marijuana. In addition, the Code of Conduct specifies that if you are taking prescription medications with the potential of impairing any functioning or judgment, you will not engage in activities that would put youth at risk, including driving or operating equipment. (Source)
  2. Footwear. In order to protect feet from weather conditions and environmental stressors and to reduce the possibility of foot injuries, closed-toe shoes are to be worn at all times in camp. At Camp Strake and Bovay Scout Ranch, sandals may be worn inside the enclosed pool areas; however, closed-toe shoes are to be worn during movement to and from the pool area. (Source)
  3. Uniforms. The field uniform and activity uniform are encouraged. (Source) Summers in the east Texas area tend to be hot and humid. It is a tropical climate where afternoon rain showers are common. Campers should carry a daypack with rain gear and a water bottle. There is a water station at each campsite where water bottles can be filled. Winters can be very cold; staying warm requires finding the right combination of layers with specific layers depending on your body, the temperature, wind speeds, and how much you sweat. Resources: Let’s stop the practice of having Scouts sing for a lost item.
  4. Bikes. All cyclists must wear a properly sized and fitted helmet. The use of motorized bicycles, skateboards, or scooters at council camps is not allowed. Resource: Biking
  5. Pets are not allowed in camp except for service animals. Permission to use service animals must be approved/granted by the camp ranger. Any service animals in the camp must be secured by the owner at all times. (Source)
  6. swim testSwim Tests (Camp Strake & Bovay Scout Ranch). All individuals participating in aquatics programs on council properties must have successfully completed an appropriate BSA swim test as outlined in Chapter 5 of the BSA Aquatics Supervision, pamphlet No. 34346 (pp 37-42). The test may be conducted by units prior to their attendance at a council aquatics program provided the test is validated by qualified supervision using the BSA swim test (Form 430-122). Qualified supervision includes those leaders who have successfully completed BSA Aquatics courses (Instructor, Lifeguard, Cub Supervisor, Swimming and Rescue), or Red Cross or YMCA Lifeguard qualification. A current copy of the supervisor’s certification must be attached to the swim test record form. Completed and validated swim test records must be provided to camp staff before participation in aquatics programs will be permitted. The council camp aquatics program director or camp director will review all unit swim test forms, and determine what, if any, retests at camp may be required. (Source)
  7. Photographs. Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the council and district have the right and permission to use and publish the photographs/film/ videotapes/electronic representations and/or sound recordings made at Scouting activities. (Source: BSA Annual Health and Medical Form - Part A)
  8. Drones. Personally owned drones (i.e., UAS or small-unmanned aircraft systems) may only be used by adults on council properties with the approval of the camp ranger. The ranger will also specify permissible times and areas for operation in order to prevent interference with any camp activities. Drone safety is the law. Operators flying unmanned aircraft can endanger other aircraft, people, or property when flying recklessly or without regard to risks. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) assumes owners and operators of unmanned aircraft are generally concerned about safety and willing to exercise good judgment when flying their aircraft. However, basic aeronautical knowledge and awareness of responsibilities in shared airspace are not common knowledge. Refer to the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. There are two types of fliers: recreational flyers and certificated remote pilots. Recreational drone flight rules only apply to flights that are purely for fun or personal enjoyment and are not operated for a business or any form of compensation. Flights for any other purpose (including volunteering for a non-profit organization like taking pictures or video as goodwill) require part 107 certificationDrone flyers (remote pilot in command) must:
    • Ensure the UAS is not conducting surveillance or photographing persons in areas where there is an expectation of privacy without the individual’s permission. (Source)
    • Ensure the operating environment is safe and that the operator is competent and proficient in the operation of the sUAS.
    • Ensure the UAS is not flying in adverse weather conditions such as in high winds or reduced visibility.
    • Ensure the UAS is not flying at night, over people or moving vehicles, or from a moving vehicle, and remains at least 25 feet away from individuals and vulnerable property. Only drone pilots operating under Part 107 (certificated remote pilots) may fly at night or over people and moving vehicles following FAA rules. (Source & Source)
    • Fly below 400'. (Source)
    • Keep the drone in eyesight at all times (Source). Use a visual observer to also keep eyes on the aircraft at all times to ensure it is not a collision hazard.
    • If the drone weighs more than 0.55 pounds, it must be a registered FAA Drone Zone.
    • Follow the BSA’s drone safety guidelinesFAA rules, and all local laws and ordinances.
    • Fly only for recreational purposes, not business, unless the pilot is a certified remote pilot (part 107 certification). (Source)
    • Complete The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) and present the completion certificate to the ranger, if requested.
      Certified remote pilots must also present proof of FAA Part 107 certification, if requested. (Source)

About the Buddy System

Scouting’s buddy system calls for Scouts to pair up with a friend or two for all activities. This helps ensure safety and accountability and teaches Scouts to have responsibility for others. The buddy system is a key part of Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse. Looking out for one another anywhere and everywhere is the keystone to the buddy system. Just because you’re in a populous place doesn’t mean you can’t get overlooked by those around you. Buddies are there to watch you when others may not. They stay nearby to monitor you, alerting a safety team if help is needed. (Learn More)

Buddy system guidelines: 

  • The buddy system should be used at all times, not just for aquatics. 
  • It’s recommended that buddies know and be comfortable with each other. No youth should be forced into or made to feel uncomfortable by a buddy assignment.
  • It is strongly encouraged to pair Scouts of similar abilities, ages and maturity. Buddy pairs should be no more than two years apart in age and should be single-gender. There are no boy-girl buddy pairs in any programs, including Venturing and Sea Scouts.
  • A buddy team may consist of three Scouts when necessary, like an odd number in a group.

The Adventure Plan (TAP)

Just as young people grow, learn and mature in a continuing progression of experience so, too, do the camping and outdoor programs of the BSA. The BSA offers a continuum of experiences based on the age, interest and ability level of youth, and also offers recognition awards for all levels of Scouting outdoor AdventuresThe Adventure Plan (TAP) is a tool to guide unit leaders through all stages of adventure planning.

The Adventure Plan (TAP)


Outdoor Principals

Outdoor Awards

Leave No Trace

LNTInstilling values in young people and preparing them to make moral and ethical choices throughout their lifetime is the mission of the Boy Scouts of America. Leave No Trace helps reinforce that mission, and reminds us to respect the rights of other users of the outdoors as well as future generations. Appreciation for our natural environment and knowledge of the interrelationships of nature bolster our respect and reverence toward the environment and nature. Leave No Trace is an awareness and an attitude rather than a set of rules. It applies in your backyard or local park as much as in the backcountry. We should all practice Leave No Trace in our thinking and actions–wherever we go.

The principles of Leave No Trace might seem unimportant until you consider the combined effects of millions of outdoor visitors. One poorly located campsite or campfire may have little significance, but thousands of such instances seriously degrade the outdoor experience for all. Leaving no Trace is everyone’s responsibility. All participants are to follow the seven principles of Leave No Trace

  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly (Pack It In, Pack It Out)
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
  6. Respect Wildlife
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Winter Camping Tips

Sources: Winter camping tips and tricks to help you enjoy the fourth season, Eight essentials for staying warm while cold-weather campingOutdoor Smarts: How to Keep Warm in Camping's Fourth SeasonHow to Stay Warm With the Right Winter Gear

What are some winter camping tips?
Dressing for the cold. When dressing for cold weather, focus on a layering system including the three Ws: wicking, warmth and wind. Your base layer should be wicking (like an athletic shirt), an insulating layer should be warming (like fleece or wool) and an exterior layer should block the wind. Use clothing you have, focusing on the right combination of fabrics. 

The three W’s. Every cold-weather camper needs to dress for the occasion. You’ll need a wicking layer (long underwear), a “warm” layer (fleece), and a “wind” layer (waterproof shell).

Wicking Layer or Base. Also commonly known as long underwear, the base layer is worn closest to your skin. Its main job is to wick away sweat and moisture so your skin stays dry. Wear it relatively tight to the skin and use only wool or synthetic base layers. Never use cotton because it will not keep you warm once it’s wet, whether from sweat or precipitation. These base layers come in various weights, from heavy for frigid conditions to lightweight for warmer temps and activities that cause a lot of sweating, such as strenuous hiking and cross-country skiing. It’s a good idea to have one extra pair of base layers to change into every night at camp.
Warmth Layer or Insulation. The insulation layer is worn atop the base layer and is designed to provide the majority of your insulation. It should be made of fleece, wool, down or synthetic insulation and can be a pullover, zip-up jacket or vest, depending on how much insulation you need.
Windproofing Layer or Shell. The outermost layer, the shell jacket and pants protect you from wind and wet conditions. There are two types of shells: the hard shell is a lightweight layer that’s windproof and waterproof, capable of handling heavy rain and very wet conditions; a softshell is made of a more flexible, soft-faced material that’s windproof yet highly breathable, and water-resistant enough to protect you against everything except a heavy downpour.

Mittens. Mittens are warmer than gloves. If insulated mittens get wet, they stay that way. Wool mitts worn inside leather or nylon shells are removable for faster drying. Wool gloves are needed for dexterity when cooking.

Sleeping. Be sure to change into dry clothes for sleeping — moisture retained in field clothes will cause chilling. For overnight warmth, wear wool, polypropylene, or polyester (never cotton!) long johns, socks, and a balaclava to bed. Place a scarf across your neck to seal drafts.

Sleeping bags. Two sleeping bags — one placed inside the other — should provide enough warmth down to about zero degrees. If you don’t have a closed-cell foam pad to use as a sleeping mat, try half-inch-thick foam carpet padding.

Ground cloth. In warmer months, a plastic ground cloth should be used inside your tent to stay dry. However, in winter, use the ground cloth beneath your tent to keep it from freezing to the ground.

Toes cold? Put on a hat. Your body loses up to half of its total heat in 40-degree temperatures. So, when it’s below freezing and your head is uncovered, you could be radiating more than three-fourths of your overall body heat from your head.

Baggy clothes are back in style at least in the freezing-cold wilderness. Your body heats itself most efficiently when it’s enveloped in a layer of warm air. If your clothes are too tight, you’re strangling the cold right out of your body. Dressing in loose layers helps aid this convection layer of air. Tight clothes or too-tight boots can also restrict blood flow.

Stay hydrated. In winter, you may not be aware of how much you’re sweating. A gulp of ice-cold water is hardly appetizing, but it is important to keep drinking. Hot drinks and soup are great ways to replenish liquids, electrolytes, and heat. Keep extra tea bags on hand, as well as bouillon cubes, and hand out hot drinks liberally, especially at the end of the day when energy is low.

question mark patch Support desk (for questions not addressed on this page).

Geno Aguilar

Katelyn Thomason
Bovay Scout Ranch Professional Staff Advisor

Brandon Lewis
Director of Support Service


Bovay Scout Ranch Programs
    •​ Pack Overnight Camping   
    •​ Adventure Camp
    •​ Resident Camp
    •​ Webelos Coyote Extreme
    •​ Fun with Family
Camping Resources  
    •​ Day Camp  
    •​ Campmasters  
    •​ NCAP  
    •​ Camp Staff  
Program Committee Contacts    
    •​ Advancement Contacts  
    •​ Aquatics Contacts  
    •​ Camping Contacts  
    •​ Conservation Contacts  
    •​ Disabilities Awareness Contacts
    •​ Fishing Committee        
    •​ Training Contacts  
    •​ Shooting Sports Contacts