Camp Strake
2020 Camp Strake Rd.
Coldspring, TX 77331

Full ThrottleFull Throttle is a weekend event for troops, crews, and ships. Scouts spend a half-day participating in program areas such as shooting sports (rifle, shotgun, archery), climbing, COPE (high-ropes course), swimming, ziplining, and boating (canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, rowboats) and a half-day taking a merit badge class. The camp staff provides the program leadership supported by the unit leaders. Units can camp for the weekend.

question mark patch Questions and Support       

NewQuestions and support link.
• Feb 14-16, 2025: Advancements have been uploaded to Scoutbook. If the Scout's advancements don't show in Scoutbook, provide the Advancement Report to your unit leader so they can input the completions. 
April 25-27, 2025: Registration will open soon. Sign up to be notified when spring registration opens!
Volunteer for upcoming events. The sooner we have volunteer merit badges for each event, the sooner we can open up merit badge class registration.


Cost Registrant Type Times Meals Included       Notes
$50    Individual Scout Sat. 8 am - 5 pm lunch Parent/guardian registers the Scout; fee includes 1 merit badge class and 2+ program areas (weather and staffing permitted; some program areas have an extra fee). Scouts attend with a buddy; parents who are YPT trained can be a Scout's buddy. 
$50 Scouts with a troop, ship, crew Fr. 6 pm - Sun. 12 pm lunch Unit leader registers the unit; fee includes camping, and 2 merit badge classes.
Units must follow all leadership requirements. Troops are asked to provide one merit badge counselor.
$75 Scouts with a troop, ship, crew Fr. 6 pm - Sun. 12 pm 3 meals on Sat & breakfast on Sun   
$10 Adult parent - Saturday only Sat. 8 am - 5 pm lunch Fee includes lunch. Parent and adults must have current YPT training.
$35 Adult leader (with meals) Fr. 6 pm - Sun. 12 pm 3 meals on Sat & breakfast on Sun Fee includes camping. Adults must be registered leaders with their unit. 



  • The Scout fee is $50 and includes lunch, 2 program areas (weather and staffing permitted; some program areas have an extra fee), and a merit badge class
  • The adult fee is $10 and covers Saturday lunch
  • There is no fee for merit badge counselors. Volunteers are needed to have a successful event. Each troop needs to provide at least one volunteer.
  • Troops camping for the weekend have the option of eating all (4 meals) in the dining hall for an extra $25 per person.
  • Payments are made online with a credit card or electronic check. Council refund policy

The names of the Scouts are not needed when initially registering. Program area sessions and merit badge classes open about a week before the event. Watch for an email with details (copies of the email will be listed below). 

Click on a date to register:  

Full Throttle
(click on date to register)
Theme Description Resources / Announcements
• April 25-27, 2025 Be Prepared Earn merit badges related to essential Scouting skills. Sign up to be notified when spring registration opens!
• September 12-14, 2025     Beach Party Earn an aquatics-related merit badge and then relax at the lakefront beach for an evening beach party. Sign up to be notified when fall registration opens (new link for fall)
• October 3-5, 2025 Zombie Preparedness Training   Learn essential skills that could be useful in a survival scenario. Sign up to be notified when fall registration opens (new link for fall)
• December 5-7, 2025 Trick of the Trades Acquire valuable trade skills from our industry experts. Sign up to be notified when fall registration opens (new link for fall)
• Previous Events     Advancement Reports: If the Scout's advancements don't show in Scoutbook,
provide this report to your unit leader so they can input the completions.

February 14-16, 2025: Advancement Report


Program Selection Form:  An optional program selection form is available for units to use. Before printing or emailing, insert the dates of camp at the top of the page and contact information, due date, and any additional instructions at the bottom of the page.

How to Register

  • To update, modify the registration, and/or add the Scout's schedule (program areas), go to TBD.
  • How to select merit badge classes and program.  Merit badge classes and program areas open a few weeks before the event. An email is sent to the person who registered the leader before the merit badge registration portal opens to give the unit time to get the Scout's preferences. Program sessions that are full will not show up in the registration system. 

Range and Target Activities Training

shooting sportsIn Scouting events and activities, the primary consideration is the safety of its youth and adult members. To achieve that goal, Scouting America, in consultation with other organizations, has created specific guidelines for shooting sports. These organizations also provide training and instructor certification by discipline-specific subject matter experts to prepare those individuals who will serve in a leadership or supervisory role in various shooting sports activities.

Learn More about Target and Range Activities

Date Time Area Course Registration Link
April 26, 2025 8 am - 2 pm Shotgun NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting (ILT-BSS) Register
April 26, 2025 1 - 6 pm Rifle NRA Basic Rifle Shooting (ILT-BRS)  Register

*Basic Instructor Training (BIT) must be current when taking the basic shooting or basic instructor class; the certification lasts two years.    


The event staff needs certified volunteers (climbing, shooting sports, aquatics, ATV) to increase program availability and expand program options. Additional volunteers are also needed to support the certified volunteers.

Staff Application


Scouts can participate in two program areas and one merit badge class. When Scouts are not participating in a program area, the troop leadership is responsible for programming in the campsites. Camp staff will provide leadership in the program areas.

Program Areas 
(select 2-3)



Prerequisites and Notes

ATV   14+ (required) Extra $25 fee; half-day program; see details below for prerequisites and additional items to bring. Scouts who do not do the prerequisites will not be able to participate. There are limited spots available; registration is based on a lottery. When registration opens, you can sign up for both the ATV waitlist and for merit badge classes and program areas.  An email will be sent to those selected, and the $25 will then be charged.   
(canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, rowboats)      
    Be able to pass a swim test and be physically fit. (Not available in February or October).  
Climbing     Be physically fit; have good strength and balance to handle climbing and not be afraid of heights.  
COPE - high ropes   13+ (required) Be physically fit; have good balance and not be afraid of heights.  
Fishing     Bring fishing pole (for bass, sunfish, bluegill) and bait (worms, corn, jigs, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, topwater lures); hooks must be barbless; catch and release only.  
Hiking the Lone Star Trail     Half-day hike for adults and youth. Will meet some rank requirements.  
Rifle Shooting        
Shotgun Shooting   13+ (recommended)   Extra $10 fee. Be physically able to handle the recoil of the gun.  
Swimming (pool)     Be able to pass a swim test.MB: Scout Skills (not a merit badge class)MB: Scout Skills (not a merit badge class)  
April Merit Classes (select one).  Final list will be based on volunteer merit badge counselors.
Crime Prevention     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Bring: #2, 4
Emergency Preparedness     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book,  #1 (already earned First Aid Merit Badge) is a required prerequisite
• Requirements not covered: #3, 9b-d
• Bring: #3c (picture of family emergency pack)
Fire Safety     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #5d, 5g, 5e
First Aid     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book
• Not covered:  #14
• Bring:  #2b1, 2b2
Orienteering     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Not covered: #10
Search and Rescue     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book  
Signs, Signals and Codes Merit Badge     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book  
Sustainability     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book  
Traffic Safety     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book  
Wilderness Survival     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Bring photo of #5 (survival kit) 
Additional activities (on your own with buddies):  
Frisbee Golf     Bring frisbee.  
GaGa Ball     Bring kickball (must have adult supervision).    

Program area sessions and full merit badge classes will not appear in the online registration system. Program areas will all be open weather and staffing permitted.

ATV Program

The ATV program is a half-day program for older Scouts (ages 14+). For ATV riding, participants must bring:

  • must wear a long-sleeve shirt and long pants which can get dirty.
  • must wear ankle-high boots
  • other items recommended: ATV face mask, riding gloves, head bandana, bag to carry muddy clothes, change of clothes
  • ATV Consent Form (signed by a parent/guardian), required by ATV Safety Institute.
  • proof of completing the ATV Safety Institute E-Course online before camp. There is no charge to take the 1-2.5 hour course (direct link). 

Scout Skills

The Scout Skills Program is a program for first-year Scouts that focuses on the adventure of Scouting. The instructors will not sign off on the requirements taught; the staff will provide a document for each participant that reflects the requirements that have been taught. The Scout must then demonstrate the skills learned to their Scout leader. After demonstrating proficiency in each skill, the Scoutmaster or designee will then sign off on the requirements in the Scout Handbook and Scoutbook. Sign up Scouts for this program in the online registration system just like signing up the Scouts for merit badge classes.

Scouts will be given an opportunity to work on these skills (tentative plan):

Tenderfoot: 5a-c (hiking)
Second Class: 3a-d (navigation), 5a-5d (aquatics)
First Class: 4a-4b (navigation), 6a-6e (aquatics)



6:30 - 8:30 pm Unit check-in
6:30 - 8:30 pm Swim checks (for participants scheduled for swimming or boating)  N/A for Oct and Feb
9:30 pm Leader's meeting meeting (dining hall) and
Schedule changes after leader's meeting.
Note - leaders can make schedule changes online.


7:00 - 8:00 am Individual (Saturday only) participants check-in
7:00 - 8:00 am Breakfast (provided by units in campsites)
7:30 - 8:00 am Swim checks    N/A for Oct and Feb
8:30 - 12:00 pm Morning program or merit badge class
12:00 - 1:00 pm      Lunch (dining hall)
1:30 - 5:30 pm Afternoon program or merit badge class
5:30 pm Individual (Saturday only) participants check-out and depart
6:00 - 7:00 pm Dinner (provided by units in campsites)
7:30 - 9:30 pm Evening program


8:00 - 10:00 am Breakfast (provided by units in campsites)
10:30 am Units break campsites and check out  

Swim Checks

On Friday evening, after Scouts drop off their gear at their campsite, Scouts participating in boating or swimming should change into swimsuits, take a towel and report to the aquatic area. Buddy tags will be issued based on the level of swimming proficiency. Adult assistance is needed to hand out the buddy tags during the swim check.

Swim Checks Before the Event. Units may complete their swim checks locally before the event following the Swim Classification Procedures or bring documentation of swim checks conducted during summer camp. The unit-level swim check must be conducted by one of the following certified people: Aquatics Instructor; Aquatics Cub Supervisor; Lifeguard; Swimming & Water Rescue; or other lifeguard, swimming instructor, etc. When swim tests are conducted prior to camp, the camp aquatics director shall reserve the authority to review or retest all participants to ensure that standards have been maintained for the safety of everyone. 

Swim Classification Procedures Record and Classifications

What to Bring

Personal Gear* (check with Scoutmaster)

  • Annual Health and Medical Record (part A&B for all Scouting events) for every participant
  • Field uniform (Scout uniform)^
  • Activity uniform (Scout t-shirt)
  • For merit badge class bring:
    ⇒ Merit badge book (available from the Scout Shop; read prior to the Merit Badge Fair
    ⇒ Proof of completed prerequisites and any items noted to bring
    ⇒ Documentation of any requirements not covered (optional, but highly recommended; learn more about partials)
    ⇒ Completed Merit Badge Worksheet (optional, but recommended to prepare)
    ⇒ Blue cards are not required
  • Water bottle
  • Sunscreen 
  • Download the Camp App (search "Sam Houston Area Council" on Apple or Android platforms)
  • Scouts (ages 14+) enrolled in the ATV program have additional items to bring.

    If camping:
  • Tent and ground cloth
  • Sleeping bag, blankets, sheet 
  • Pillow 
  • Cot or pad 
  • Shoes (closed-toe) or hiking boots 
  • Cap or hat 
  • Pajamas or sleeping clothes
  • Rain gear (pants and jacket) 
  • Swimsuit and towel (if participating in swimming or boating), water shoes are optional
  • Personal items (e.g., deodorant, comb, medications, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Personal medications: prescriptions (listed on medical form) and over-the-counter, in original containers
  • Camping gear
  • Insect repellent (non-aerosol) 
  • Mosquito netting

Troop Equipment

  • Trash bags, 55-gallon
  • Ice chest
  • Troop first aid kit 
  • Lanterns 
  • Lockable storage container 
  • Firewood (if no burn ban) 
  • Cooking gear
  • Food for breakfast on Saturday, dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday
  • Hose, optional
  • Hand washing station to put next to the water spigot, recommended (e.g., small bucket, bar of soap)
  • Sports equipment, optional (e.g., Frisbee, football, soccer ball, kickball)
  • Spending money for trading post (cash, debit, credit)
  • Backup phone battery, rechargeable, fully charged
  • Portable chair or camp stool 
  • Fishing pole and bait (worms, corn, jigs, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, topwater lures); hooks must be barbless; catch and release only
^The field uniform is not expected to be worn as part of the weekend programming, so check with the Scoutmaster before packing.
*Mark all items with name and troop number.  Electricity is limited.

Don’t Bring: Valuables, electronics (e.g., iPad), fireworks, sheath or hunting knives, pets, hammocks, personal firearms and ammunition, jewelry, personal bows and arrows or hammocks.

#Bikes (non-motorized) are allowed on all paved roads to access the campsites and program areas and on the marked mountain bike trail by the bike barn. There are bike racks near the climbing tower, shooting sports area, Grand Pavilion, and campsites 1 and 20. All other trails, including sidewalks and grassy areas are off-limits. Helmets, proper safety protocols, and procedures are required at all times while riding bicycles. Learn more about Bike Safety

Camp AppCamp App

We are thrilled to introduce our brand-new camp app, which will serve as a vital communication tool for all camp attendees, offering convenient access to essential resources such as the camp map, schedule, program updates, emergency announcements, and more. You can find it by searching "Sam Houston Area Council" on both Apple and Android platforms.


Buddy System

Scouting 101All Scouts should adhere to the buddy system throughout the camp. Scouting’s buddy system calls for Scouts to pair up with a friend or two for all activities. This helps ensure safety and accountability and teaches Scouts to have responsibility for others. No Scout should ever be found wandering through camp alone. It can be difficult to implement the buddy system when a Scout does not schedule classes with fellow members of their troop. Troop leaders are encouraged to pair Scouts in classes as much as possible. If this is not feasible, the Scout should walk with other Scouts in the class to the location of the merit badge class. Due to the number of Scouts and the short amount of time between classes, this should be a relatively simple exercise.

Prerequisites, Requirements Not Covered and Partials

what to bringAttending a merit badge class does not guarantee that a Scout will complete the merit badge, but it is an opportunity for Scouts to meet with qualified counselors, to help them work on the requirements needed to complete a merit badge. The merit badge fair should not be considered another school where the pupils sit and stare for hours on end. Scouts should come prepared to participate. The counselor's job is to encourage self-discovery and then check that each Scout has the minimum knowledge and does the requirements. Scouts should be ready to take notes and come prepared with notetaking materials and writing utensils. Remember one goal of the merit badge advancement system is to develop individual growth and initiative. 

Prerequisites: All Scouts are to read the merit badge book prior to the Merit Badge Fair. Merit Badge books can be purchased at an area Scout Shop. Scouts are to be prepared to answer the questions to each of the requirements before the merit badge fair; Scouts are highly encouraged to print and complete the worksheets available at to help them prepare. Some merit badges require additional prerequisites to be must be completed before the merit badge fair.

Merit Badge Worksheets

Requirements not covered: Some of the requirements cannot be completed during the class. The Scout should bring documentation of requirements not covered. Scouts are encouraged to complete requirements not covered before the merit badge fair and bring proof of completion; otherwise, the Scout will receive a partial.

Partials: If the Scout does not complete the requirements not covered and bring documentation to the class, the Scout will receive a partial completion of the merit badge. The partial completion will be noted on the blue card, given to the Scout at the completion of the class. Scouts will need to complete the badge with a registered merit badge counselor approved for that particular badge back with their unit. Merit badge counselors are not usually available to serve as a counselor after merit badge fair ends unless arrangements are made. Find a list of merit badge counselors by logging into with your my.scouting userID and password, click on My Dashboard, Administration, your unit and scroll down the page. Remember that a youth member must not meet one-on-one with an adult. Sessions with counselors must take place where others can view the interaction, or the Scout must have a buddy: a friend, parent, guardian, brother, sister, or other relatives—or better yet, another Scout working on the same badge.

Advancements Completed: An Application for Merit Badges (blue cards) is not required; a few weeks after the event, all of the completed requirements will be posted directly into Scoutbook by the merit badge counselor. Scouts will also receive a list of requirements completed before leaving the event.   

How to Register or Update a Registration

Click on the registration link, then click Register. 

Step 1: Select a participant: Schedule For
Step 2: If applicable, select class
Step 3: Select a class add
Repeat step 2 and 3: afternoon class, if needed if more than one class is offered in a day.
Continue steps 1, 2 and 3 for additional participants

Step 4: Review the schedule.
Step 5:   continue
Step 6:  checkout
Step 7: Select payment type  payment
Step 8:  make payment

Classes that are full will not appear.

Change Classes

To modify your registration:

  • Login to
  • To obtain your User ID and Password, click on  The same User ID used to initially register the individual the individual or unit must be used.
  • Click on My Account.   account

  • Click on the Registrations tab. 
  • Click on Updates/Edits.     
    Classes that are full will not appear.
    Doubleknot Support. 

View Advancements Completed

A few weeks after the event, advancements completed will be entered into Doubleknot and then uploaded directly into Scoutbook. If a parent doesn't enter the first and last name and member ID correctly in the registration system, then the advancements won't upload into Scoutbook. Some troops don't use Scoutbook. A parent can login to Doubleknot and pull a report to provide to the Scoutmaster or unit advancement chair.

  • Login to
  • To obtain your User ID and Password, click on  The same User ID used to initially register the individual the individual or unit must be used.
  • Click on My Account.   account
  • Click on the Registrations tab. 
  • Click on Reports.     report
  • Click on Class / Activity Completion Award completion award

            Doubleknot Support.  

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your ResponsbilityThe Scouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing and we want you to know that the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on the safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow Youth Protection Guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in a Scout activity, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council have developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These 16 points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities.

Youth Protection Guidelines  Guide to Safe Scouting  SAFE Checklist  Enterprise Risk Management


question patchParents of campers should contact their troop leaders with questions about Full Throttle. Many of the adult leaders attending summer camp are quite experienced and can answer most questions.

For answers not addressed on this page, click here.

Questions and Support

Laquitta Monroe
Questions and Support