Phoenix District Camporee

Camporee is a multiple-troop competitive Scouting event designed to test Scouts of all levels in a fun and enjoyable manner. Scouts will be divided into age/rank based patrol levels and compete with their patrol level in a variety of Scouting skills. Highlights include fire building, first aid, knot tying, orienteering, pioneering and many more. Printable View    


Registration is a two-step process. Registration is typically completed by the unit leadership.

Part 1: RSVP:  Every unit needs to RSVP by the January roundtable to let the event staff if you are attending. Estimated numbers are provided to the council so the district can reserve the appropriate number of campsites and program areas for the event.

Part 1: RSVP

Part 2: Payment: The cost is $16 per Scout and $8 per adult. Members of the Order of the Arrow who are volunteering to run stations can attend free of charge; contact the chapter chief to volunteer to help. Registration is paid online with credit card or electronic check. There is no onsite registration.  Council refund policy.

Part 2: Payment

What to Bring

Personal Gear (check with Scoutmaster):

  • Field uniform (Scout uniform) and belt 
  • Activity uniform (Scout t-shirt)
  • Clothing appropriate for weather
  • Shoes (closed-toe) or hiking boots 
  • Pajamas or sleeping clothes
  • Rain gear (pants and jacket) 
  • Flashlight and extra batteries 
  • Personal items (e.g., deodorant, comb, medications, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Water bottle (or canteen) and cup 
  • Pocket knife and Totin' Chip
  • Sleeping bag, blankets, sheet 
  • Pillow 
  • Cot or pad 
  • Personal first aid kit 
  • Portable chair or camp stool
  • Wagon (to haul gear to campsite), optional
  • For competitions: Scout Handbook
Mark all items with name and troop number.

*Electricity is very limited.

Patrol Gear

  • Tents with ground cloth
  • Water containers for hauling water
  • Cooking gear and food: Saturday breakfast, non-cooking sack lunch, dinner; Sunday non-cooking breakfast
  • Duty roster and menu
  • First-aid kit
  • Trash bags
  • Patrol flag
  • Toilet paper
  • Wash soap for restrooms
  • For competitions bring a compass
  • Senior Scout patrols needed a non-flame producing fire starter.


  • Annual Health and Medical Record (part A&B for all Scouting events) for every participant (due at check-in)
  • Roster of all participants attending
  • Firewood, rakes and fire buckets; buckets and shovel to remove unused firewood
  • List of Scouts elected into the Order of the Arrow
  • Copies of Youth Protection Training (YPT) certificate for all leaders. YPT can be taken online at

Don’t Bring

  • Alcohol
  • Valuables
  • Electronics*
  • Fireworks 
  • Sheath or hunting knives 
  • Pets 
  • Hammocks 
  • Personal firearms and ammunition 
  • Jewelry 
  • Personal bows and arrows 
  • Fuel burning hand warmers 



Unit vehicles pulling trailers will enter the main gate and proceed to the barn. These vehicles will turn in a medical form binder with a full Scout roster. After binders and rosters are turned in the trailer pulling vehicles will be allowed to proceed to the designated campsite. Vehicles with all occupants staying the full weekend will be directed to a specific parking lot. The occupants will then be sent to their campsites on foot. Only one vehicle pulling a troop trailer or carrying troop gear will be allowed to go to the assigned campsite.


Troops will be given a campsite in advance of arrival. Due to logistics and site size some units will be sharing a campsite. Please be respectful of each other and work together to divide up the sites as needed. Please be mindful of water source use in shared campsites. Be sure to keep fires in designated fire pits.

Health and Safety

Annual Health and Medical Record (parts A & B for all Scouting events) must be provided for all participants—both Scouts and leaders. These forms should be arranged in a binder with a roster of Scouts in attendance. This binder will be turned in to the event health and safety staff upon arrival and can be picked up at the end of the event. A medical staff will be at the first aid station at all times and anyone in need of first aid should report there.

Patrol Organization

Patrols should be contain no more than 12 Scouts. All patrols will be organized into one of the following experience/rank categories:

  • New Scouts: recently joined or crossed over Scouts who have less than one year experience in Scouts BSA and under Second Class in rank (meaning Tenderfoot, Scout, or unranked Scouts). Troop guides do not count against this qualification and may accompany their patrols throughout the day. While they may advise, they should not replace Scouts in the competition.
  • Senior Scouts: These patrols should be all other Scouts.

The rules at each event station will be based on each patrol’s classification, so that the skills and knowledge of the Scouts of different experience levels will be taken into account.

Tentative Schedule


6:00 pm Camp opens 
9:00 pm Scoutmaster and SPL meeting & cracker barrel
11:00 pm Lights out 


8:30 am Opening ceremony
9:00 am Morning competitions (40 min rotations & 5 min transit)
12:00 pm Lunch at campsites (non-cooking lunch is recommended)
1:00 pm Afternoon competitions (40 min rotations & 5 min transit)
4:00 pm Inter-troop relay race
5:00 pm Closing flags 
5:00 pm Cooking competition judges meeting
5:00 pm Patrol skit reviews
5:00 pm Cooking competition
5:00 pm Dinner 
7:30 pm Campfire 
  Order of the Arrow Callout
  Order of the Arrow social (for OA members and new candidates)
11:00 pm Lights out 


8:00 am Flags & Interfaith Worship Service 
8:45 am Service project
9:45 am Pack up and depart
11:00 am Camp closes

 A detailed schedule will be provided at check-in


Activities will be broken up into two half-day of fixed rotation of competitive events. Nine event stations will be open in both the afternoon and morning sessions.

  • Alternative Measurement: New Scout patrols will use the stick or felling method to estimate the height of an object (e.g., tree). Some brief instruction may be included and a 100 ft pace measuring course will be available. Judging criteria will be accuracy, technique, teamwork. Senior Scout patrols will use the stick or compass method to measure the width of a simulated stream. Some instruction may be provided at a cost of deducted points. Similar judging criteria - fastest time may also be judged.
  • Fire Building: Scouts will be challenged to successfully building and igniting a fire capable of burning a suspended string. Bonus (see below)
  • First Aid: Scouts will test their knowledge in a timed session of first aid scenarios. Patrols will be challenged to correctly address the first aid needs of several different scenarios, based upon the advancement requirements through First Class rank. New Scouts should be familiar with first aid skill requirements through Tenderfoot rank, as well as those included in the Webelos First Responder Adventure.
  • Knot Tying:  Scouts will be challenged to demonstrate basic knot-tying skills in a timed setting. (see below)
  • Low C.O.P.E. Challenge: Scouts will work together to solve problems while overcoming low-level physical  challenges..
  • Map & Compass: Scouts will be tested in ability to use a compass to find direction.
  • Mental Games/Problem Solving: Scouts will participate in several games designed to test their patrol’s teamwork, physical, and mental skills. Patrols will have to work together to succeed at the games and mental puzzles.
  • Physical Fitness: Scouts will participate in several physical fitness challenges to include pushups, sit ups, pull ups and a running event.
  • Pioneering:Senior Scouts will build an A-frame “chariot” for use in racing with other patrols. New Scouts will practice their knot-tying skills to build a simple flag pole. (Ssee below)
  • Cooking Competition: All patrols are encouraged to participate in a cooking competition during Saturday evening dinner. Patrols should prepare one meat dish and a dessert for their patrol and an accompanying judge. Points will be awarded for meal preparation, presentation and clean-up. (See Appendix for more details)
  • Camp Inspections Competition: Judges will visit troops in camp in the afternoon to judge units in a variety of different categories such as cleanliness, orderliness, safety, and campsite improvements.

Awards, Points, and Scoring

  • Patrols: Patrols will be scored on each event, for each division.
  • Troops: Troops will be scored with an average of all patrol scores, and campsite inspection.

Gear Scouts Need To Have

  • New Scouts: Scouts should have their Scout Handbook. Each patrol should have a compass.
  • Senior Scouts: Each patrol should have a compass and—if they wish—a non-flame producing fire starter.
  • All Scouts: Water Bottle

Inter-Troop Relay Race

Saturday afternoon, following the completion of all patrol events, Scouts will assemble to observe orcompete in an inter-unit relay trace. Each team of ten (10) participants will be composed of members fromdifferent units. The successful team will learn to work together— using its members’ unique skills andtalents—to earn a special prize. Inter-troop teams will be created on Saturday afternoon (details to follow).

Scoutmaster Cook-Off

Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters will have a chance to show off their campfire cooking cookingskills in our Scoutmaster Cook-off. Participants should provide one dessert by 7:30 pm on Saturday night.Submissions will be judged by the SPLs of all participating troops DURING CAMPFIRE. Don’t be leftbehind! Be sure to join in this battle for bragging rights.

Cracker Barrel

Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmaster will meet on Friday night at 10:00 pm to share fellowship and network. All troops are encouraged to send their Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters.

Competition Guidelines


Cooking Competition

Nothing tastes better than a meal prepared outdoors. This event is designed to challenge each patrol’sskills in preparing a nutritious meal in a cooperative manner.

  • Each patrol will cook both a main dish and a dessert.
  • The main dish requires that you must include in it the following ingredients: Meat (whole, sliced, groundor cubed)—either chicken, beef, or pork—and at least one vegetable.
  • The dessert must include a fresh fruit.
  • Each main dish and dessert must be cooked using at least one of the following: (a) camp stove, (b) dutch oven, (c) open flame, (d) coals or charcoal, and/or (e) box oven. Pre- cooked meats or vegetables may not be used. However, pre-cooked bread items are acceptable.
  • The choice of the recipe and seasonings using the required ingredients is the Patrol’s decision. The ingredients may be cooked together or they may be combined at the end of the cooking period for submission to the judge.
  • The dessert may be of any cooked recipe. Note: extra points may be earned by using fresh fruit andscratch recipes.

Need to know:

  • Each Patrols cooking, preparation, and cleanup space should fit into an area 15-foot by 15-foot area.
  • The meal should be planned to be ready to eat at 6:00 PM.
  • No electronics, electrical appliances, or motorized devices will be permitted.
  • New Scout patrols may rely upon the advice and guidance of up to two troop guides, identified priorto the beginning of the competition. However, the Troop Guides may not actively participate in either the preparation of, or clean-up after, the meal.
  • Each patrol will provide its own Dutch ovens, cooking surfaces, charcoal, recipes, and cooking tools.
  • Each patrol must prepare enough food to provide full meal portions for the judge and the patrol. THIS IS THE PATROL’S DINNER.

Adult Leadership:

  • Each participating patrol is required to provide an adult that will judge a patrol of another unit. Please provide your troop’s judge’s name at the SPL/SM meeting that will be held at 9:00 pm on Fridaynight.
  • Adult intervention during the cook-off will result in loss of points for each occurrence. Judges are permitted to ask questions or may be asked questions to resolve safety issues or clarify a printed rule.


  • At 5:00 pm on Saturday evening, a judge will be assigned to each patrol to score the preparation, product, and clean-up phases of the competition.
  • Everything that is cooked will be presented to the judge for taste evaluation. Each judge will providetheir own dishes for use.
  • Cooking will be performed between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Patrols may begin heating up charcoal briquettes at 4:00 pm. Food may not be prepared before 5:00 pm 
  • Food with temperatures that are not in the safe range when the ovens are opened will be disqualified. Minimum temperature of ground beef and/or ground chicken is 155 degrees.
  • Patrols will be judged on manner of cooking, cleanliness, preparedness, final food appearance andtaste.
  • The patrol’s judge will make the final decision on if the food has cooked adequately.
  • The dish will then be portioned out for submission to the judge and the patrol.


  • Each patrol needs to provide something to carry their garbage off site.
  • Each patrol shall protect the environment, taking care not to contaminate the ground. All fires, charcoal briquettes and all cooking must, in every case must be 1) contained within a designated fire ring or preparation space, or 2) suspended 12" above the ground.
  • Patrols should have an adequate array of cooking tools and utensils appropriate for campsite cooking. The minimum list should include a cutting board, sharp knives, stirring spoons or spatulas, briquette tongs, lid lifter, and leather gloves; one table or Patrol Box.
  • Patrols may rely upon the use of unit-designated cleanup water. Clean wash-water and a hand washing station are required.
  • The required hand-washing and dish cleanup station must be set up so it is off the ground or on a tarp.
  • Any food item hitting the ground must be placed in the garbage and not used
  • A first aid kit is required.
  • Each unit is to have a duty roster posted, and endeavor to follow it. Recipes:
  • Ingredients can’t be of a pre-cooked nature (such as wieners, Spam, etc) and must be chopped,diced, or prepared on site from whole, fresh (if possible), and non-processed foods.
  • Usage of pre-packaged, store-bought foods should be avoided. For example, in making a pastasauce, the use of canned tomato sauce permitted, but spaghetti sauce in a jar is not. Use of cannedred beans is permitted; a canned chili is not.
  • Canned fruit and packaged cake mixes are acceptable as a base for a dessert, but fresh fruit orscratch cake will earn more points.


  • Dishwashing will be done using the 3-pan wash method:wash, rinse, sanitize.
  • Each site must be free of debris and should be left cleaner than when the patrol arrived before thecontest. Area will be clear of all equipment by 7:00 pm.
  • Reminder: each patrol needs to provide something to carry garbage off site.
  • Dishes used for food preparation should be washed prior to leaving the site.

Fire Building Competition

This is a timed event.

Each patrol will be given two matches and a striker. The fire-building area will consist of an elevated hogpan sat between two dowels. There will be two strings tied between the dowels: one at 12" above the surface of the hog pan (red string), and another at 18" above the surface ofthe hog pan (white string).

Each patrol will build a fire lay using any natural material found in the woods of the camp area. The fire laymay not be built higher than the red string. Scouts may not use any fire starters consisting of materials not found in the forest (e.g., no paraffin, lint, cotton balls), liquid fuels, or accelerants of any kind (e.g., no magnesium shavings). In the event of rain, patrols may bring tinder and kindling in a plastic bag.

Time will begin to be kept when Scouts begin to gather their fire building materials.

The objective is to build a fire that successfully burns through the white string in the least amount of time possible.

Once the red string is burned through, no additional materials may be placed on the fire.

Each patrol’s actual time taken to burn through the white string may be modified as follows:

  • One minute will be added for each additional match used.
  • Five minutes will be added if the striker is not returned.
  • Five minutes will be deducted if a patrol lights the fire without using a single match. Acceptablealternative igniters include flint and steel, battery and steel wool, ferrocerium rod (“fire steel”), andmagnifying glass. Alternative igniters that involve a flame (e.g., cigarette lighters, Zippo lighters,butane lighters, torches, etc…..) are not permitted. ASK FIRST.

New Year Scouts will follow the same rules, but with two exceptions:

  1. New Scouts will be allowed an unlimited number of matches without penalty.
  2. No red string will be used for new Scouts.

Map & Compass Competition

  • New Scouts – Use compass to find a degree heading and then go to the appropriate stake and write down the number, letter, or symbol corresponding with that waypoint. They will then go back to the center of the circle and do another degree heading. Scoring is based on accuracy for each waypoint.
  • Senior Scouts - Complete the 100 meter course provided in the compass skill activities on the Troop Program Resources. Scoring = Scout teams start with 10 points and have pointstaken away for each stake they are away from the intended target.

Both groups can earn Scout spirit points by having an enthusiastic greeting, patrol yell, and beingcourteous to everyone.

Knot Tying Compeition

  • New Scouts –Each Scout in the patrol will be asked to tie the following knots: square knot, two half-hitches, and taut-line hitch. Their score will be an average of the total successful knots. For example 5 Scouts in apatrol means they would have a possible total of 15 successful knots if they did them all correctly. If theyhad a perfect score they would get 100 points for knots + 20 points for scout spirit = 120 points. If they had 12 correct knots, then they would get 80 points for knots + Scout spirit score = Total score.
  • Senior Scouts - Regular patrols will be expected to know all of the knots from scout to first class. Patrolswill be given a list of all of the knots. Each Scout in the patrol will be expected to do at least one of the knots.They can decide among themselves who ties which knot. If there are more knots than scouts in the patrolthen some scouts will have to tie more than one knot. The percentage of correct knots plus scout spiritpoints will be their total score. The knots they are expected to know are: square knot, two half-hitches, taut-line hitch, sheet bend, bowline, timber hitch, and clove hitch.

All patrols - 20 points of their score is Scout Spirit. Scouts should introduce themselves, do their patrol yell,and have a good attitude while working on their station. Scouts should be loyal to their patrol and help others in their patrol that are having trouble tying the knots. It is more important that they learn somethingand have fun than be judged on their performance.


The field uniform should be during all flag ceremonies, worship service, the Order of the Arrow ceremony on Saturday evening, and during general assembly Sunday morning. 

Medical Forms

The unit leader must have Annual Health and Medical Record (Part A & B) for each Scout and Scouter participating in a binder. The binder will be turned in to the health and safety officer at check-in. All forms must be completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian.

Interfaith Service

An interfaith service will be conducted for all participants on Sunday morning. An interfaith service is a brief worship or meditation, specifically designed for Scouting events where there may be members of more than one faith group. The intention of an interfaith service is to provide a spiritual focus during a camping experience that does not reflect the views of a particular denomination or faith. An interfaith service can be defined as a gathering of Scouts held to contribute to the development of their spirituality and to promote a fuller understanding of the Scout Oath and Law, with emphasis on one’s Duty to God.

Leaders Meeting

All senior patrol leaders and Scoutmasters (or their designee) from each troop should attend the leaders meeting on Friday night for final instructions and schedules. Please bring a chair and be prepared to take notes. 

Order of the Arrow

OAThe Order of the Arrow (OA) is the national honor society of Scouting America. For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. The Order of the Arrow provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long-term resident camping, developing leaders, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich, support, and help to extend Scouting to America's youth.

Learn More About the OA

  • OA Call Out: The purpose of a Call-Out is to officially recognize each elected Scout as a candidate for membership in the Order of the Arrow. The Call-Out is a form of public recognition used to communicate the honor of being selected for membership into our Order to members, non- members, and the public. Please provide the names of your elected candidates to a chapter officer of advisor prior to the ceremony.
  • OA Social: Following the Call-Out ceremony, food and drink will be provided to all OA members and ournewly-called-out candidates in a Saturday night gathering to celebrate the year. All OA members, adults andyouth, are asked to join us. Prize drawings for all OA members who have been active this year and/or volunteer at the event.

District Service Project

Following the Sunday morning interfaith worship service, there will be a sixty-minute service project. All unitsare encouraged to give service to help improve Camp Brosig. While sixty minutes may not sound like a longtime, with enough Scouts we can make a big difference. Please help us to demonstrate Phoenix District spirit by participating in this service project, to be coordinated by the Phoenix Chapter of the OA.

First Aid

The first aid station will be located in the training center building and marked with a red cross sign and is available 24 hours per day. Please be sure to advise your patrol members of its location, which will be announced at the Friday evening leaders meeting. Volunteers are needed to staff the first aid station. 

Equipment Drop-off / Parking 

Each troop will be allowed to drop off troop equipment at the troop campsite. Please make every effort to unload completely prior to setting up your camp. Due to safety concerns, all vehicles must remain in the designated parking area until Sunday morning. Please Do Not drive to or park in your campsite. There will be no vehicles allowed on the activity areas. Please drive slowly through the camp.


Units are responsible for taking all trash to the dumpster located at the front entrance. Do not burn trash. All trash must be in a bag and inside the dumpster. If trash will not fit inside the dumpster, you MUST take it with you. Trash MAY NOT be stacked outside the dumpster or on top of the dumpster. Please remember to check restrooms and other areas you may have used, and remove all trash. Animals will make a mess of trash left in camp. Camp Brosig has recycle bins located near the red barn for aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Please empty liquids, leave caps off and crush bottles.


Campfires are permitted in the designated fire rings. If Camp Brosig is under a fire ban, you will be informed in the email cover sheet. Gasoline, diesel fuel and other liquids are not to be used to start fires. Please keep fires low and reduce sparks in windy conditions. Have water available to extinguish fire. Fires should be monitored at all times and put out cold before leaving your campsite or going to bed.


Four latrines are located in the camping area. Event staff should provide toilet paper and hand wash soap. Please leave the latrines cleaner than you found them. A Scout is clean.

About Camp Brosig

Camp Brosig is a 92-acre property, located six miles north of Sealy, TX, in Austin County with 20 campsites. Camp Brosig is located at 1893 Trenckman Road, Sealy, TX 77474.

Google Map    Maps     

Camp Brosig Leader's Guide  Camp Policies

About Camp Brosig

Directions: Take I-10 West from Houston to Sealy, TX, exit 720 (TX-36N/Meyer St). After exiting, turn left (north) at the traffic light on TX-36N. Proceed 5.1 miles until you pass the intersection with FM331. Another 0.6 miles past FM331 is Trenckmann (a blacktop road to the left - west). The road is difficult to see at night. Go 1.6 miles on Trenckmann Road to the Camp Brosig gate on the left (south). Turn in and drive to the top of the hill. Total drive time from Houston is approximately one to one and a half hours.


Notice!  Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the district has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper).

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management


For questions, contact the camporee chair or district activities chair.