SHAC Venturing Contacts

Since Venturing is a youth-led program, it is essential that our leadership structure above the unit is youth-inspired and youth-led. We believe that youth should organize program events, lead entertaining trainings, and provide forums to bring the crews, districts, councils, and areas together. The Venturing Officers' Association, or VOA, consists of a team of youth officers who are supported by advisors. It provides leadership opportunities that prepare young people for their respective futures and gives them a voice to help strengthen the Venturing program. For questions about SHAC Venturing Officers Association (VOA), contact an officer.


Venturing Officer's Association (VOA)

Youth Officers

President Natalie F.
Vice President of Program Alex P.
Vice President of Administration Elizabeth K.
Vice President of Communications Mason H.


Council Venturing Chair Doug Walsh
Venturing Vice Chair of Administration Susan Hansen
Venturing Vice Chair of Program Jose Chapela
Venturing Vice-Chair Communication Joe Pinteralli 
Youth Advisor Carrie S.
SHAC Summit Board of Review Award Chair Bill Berry
SHAC Venturing Professional Staff Advisor Brendan Cronin


















About the Venturing Officer's Association (VOA)

The Venturing Officer's Association (VOA) provides opportunities for adventure, leadership, personal growth, and service (A-L-P-S). By doing so, they serve to model best practices in programming for local crews and to provide a program resource for Venturers and Advisors throughout the VOA’s area of operation. VOAs provide opportunities for personal growth and leadership for their officers, just as the leaders and members of the VOA provide programming of interest to their constituents. A strong VOA has a positive correlation with strong crews. Program and training events offered by the VOA give Venturers the chance to meet other Venturers, build friendships and networks, learn from their experiences, and have fun! The purpose of VOAs is not to hold meetings, but to provide fun and informative program opportunities for Venturers. In many ways, the VOA serves as a forum for planning and carrying out great program. The VOA officers and advisors know they have done their job well when they see that the efforts of the VOA have served to strengthen the Venturing program in their area of operation.

Contact an Officer