Super troop is a temporary troop made up of Scouts from troops around the council. Super Troop is a fantastic opportunity for Scouts to attend certain council individually, Supervision is provided by a volunteer Scoutmater and parents of Scouts attending.
Parents and adults who are registered leaders can also attend. All adults must have current Youth Protection Training (YPT) and take a BSA Annual Health and Medical Record. Background checks are also required for long-term camps.
Before registering, Before attending a merit badge opportunity, "a Scout must meet with their unit leader or their delegate … this meeting is a required part of the merit badge process, and that it should be documented … in Scoutbook Plus or other method.” (Source, p.40, Scouts need to have the maturity to camp on their own and have basic Scouting camping skills.
The following events typically offer a Super Troop.
In addition, some events have individual Scout registration for Saturdays: