

The council conservation committee provides expertise in matters of ecology, conservation, and resource management.  

Council First Aid Meet

Council First Aid Meet

The First Aid Meet is an event that challenges Scouts in troops to perform first aid in simulated real-life situations.



Commissioners are district and council leaders who help Scout units succeed. 

National Youth Leadership Training

National Youth Leadership Training

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is a six-day council-level program designed to provide Scouts in troops, crews, and ships with leadership skills.

Rocket Day

Rocket Day

Youth who join Cub Scouts this year will receive a rocket that they can design, build, and launch at Rocket Day



Popcorn sales are the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson and fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever

Scout Shop

Scout Shop

Stop by one of our Scout Shops to get all of your Scouting supplies. 

Sea Scouts

Sea Scouts

Sea Scouts is a youth development program for young men and women 14 -20 years of age with a special interest in aquatic activities

Order of the Arrow

Order of the Arrow

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the national honor society of the Scouting America and recognizes Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives.

District Operations

District Operations

Resources are available for district volunteers.

Membership and Recruitment

Membership and Recruitment

Recruitment efforts take place throughout the year. Our main objective is to give multiple joining opportunities to ensure that every youth is invited to join Scouting, and to fulfill our promise to new Scouts for a great Scouting program.



STEM is part of an initiative of Scouting America has taken on to encourage the natural curiosity of youth members and their sense of wonder about these fields through existing programs. 

SHAC Corps

SHAC Corps

S.H.A.C. (Scouts Helping at Camp) Corps is an opportunity for troops and crews to give back to camp in the form of a day of service. 

Life Scout to Eagle Scout Resources

Life Scout to Eagle Scout Resources

Resources are available for Life Scouts and the unit leadership to help them earn the rank of Eagle Scout.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

The BSA's Commitment to Safety is ongoing and we want you to know that the health and safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised.

Journey to Excellence

Journey to Excellence

Journey to Excellence is the BSA's council performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success, measure the performance of our units, and encourage excellence in providing a quality program at all levels of the BSA. 

Scouts at Work

Scouts at Work

Scouting encourages youth to achieve a deeper appreciation for service to others in their community. Find service opportunities.

Council Governance

Council Governance

The Sam Houston Area Council (SHAC) of Scouting America practices governance consistent with the Scout Oath and Scout Law. 

Internet Rechartering

Internet Rechartering

Every December, all Sam Houston Area Council Scouts, Scouters and units (packs, troops, crews, ships) are required to renew their affiliation with Scouting. 



Find a wide variety of forms, links, and resources.