3450 County Road 317 
Navasota, TX 77868

Bovay sign Bovay Scout Ranch was founded in 2001 and is named after its founders, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Bovay Jr. Located three miles south of downtown Navasota, Texas, Bovay Scout Ranch offers each visitor an opportunity to enjoy the wonder and beauty of central Texas. Bovay Scout Ranch is a sight to behold with its rolling hills and lakes, campsites surrounded by native Huisache and Bois-d'arc trees and sunsets that are absolutely breathtaking. The ranch's 1,498 acres are a natural paradise for plants and wildlife. Bovay Scout Ranch has facilities for a wide range of activities including a water park, slingshots (wrist rockets), Cub Scout shooting range and more.

  • Adventure Camp is a weekend campout for Cub Scout families at Bovay Scout Ranch. Families will enjoy activities such as BB guns, archery, swimming, sports, crafts, games, and eating in the air-conditioned dining hall.
  • Family Overnighters are available to packs or Webelos dens. Groups plan their own activities and cook their own food. Campsites, restrooms, and showers are available.
  • Resident Camp is a three-night summer campout held in July for Cub Scouts entering first through fifth grade the following school year. Cub Scouts will enjoy BB guns, archery, sling shots, crafts, sports, games, campfire program and lots more. 
  • Weekend Camping is available to troops and crews at Tellepsen Scout Camp.
  • The Camporee Site is a 100-acre primitive area nestled between the rolling hills and prairies of Bovay Scout Ranch. Districts can reserve the camporee site for district events through their district executive.

Bovay Scout Ranch is a council camp. The 1,498 acres are a natural paradise for plants and wildlife with rolling hills, lakes, and campsites surrounded by native Huisache and Bois-d'arc trees and spectacular sunsets.

The camp is located about six miles south of Navasota (one mile south of TX-6 BUS N and Tx-6 N Split) on the east side of TX-6 on County Road 317 (3450 County Road 317, Navasota, TX 77868).

Directions through Hempstead:

  • Take Hwy 290W through Hempstead
  • From Hempstead take
    Hwy 6N for 16 miles
  • Turn right onto County Road 317
  • Travel to the end of road past the camp gate

Directions through Conroe:

  • From Conroe take Hwy 105W
    for 45 miles
  • Turn left onto Hwy 6 South
    for 3 miles
  • Turn left onto County Road 317
    (just past Grassy Creek)
  • Travel to the end of road past the camp gate.

Note: When leaving camp, be extremely cautious as this is a 75 mph zone with poor visibility of oncoming traffic due to the hill. Many people will be leaving at the same time, do not bunch up in the median. Instead of crossing two lanes of high-speed traffic, it may be advisable to turn right and then u-turn at the next available median a short distance away. 



Bovay Scout Ranch Prayer

For the trees, lakes, and hills, We thank thee O God,
For the fun, friends, and fellowship, We thank thee O God,
For the food that has been prepared, We thank thee O God. Amen.

Adventure Camp and Resident Camp activities include a variety of activities such as conservation activities, nature programs, paleontology quest at the dinosaur dig, adventure at the archery range, marksmanship at the BB gun range, action at the Bud Adams sports field, and splashing in the water at the David Weekley Family Water Park (weather permitting). A team member in each area will provide program supplies and support the parents who will be invited to assist in leading the activities.

Camp Headquarters

The headquarters building houses check-in, lost and found, camp director’s office, quartermaster, trading post, health lodge, Safari room and restrooms.

Dining Hall

The air-conditioned dining hall can seat 400 people comfortably. High-quality, nutritious meals are served during select events such as Adventure Camp, Resident Camp, and Arrow of Light Adventure Day.

Flag Poles

Morning and evening flag ceremonies are held at the camp flag poles, located just to the west of the dining hall.

David Weekley Family Water Park

The David Weekley Family Water Park is a 93,000-gallon swimming hole. Cub Scouts can splash in the spray area or shoot down twister water slides. Scouts with all levels of swimming abilities will enjoy this blast of cool fun. Open during select events, weather permitting.

Shooting Sports

The shooting sports area contains a BB gun range with 22 firing seats and an archery range with  16 targets. The ranges are located northwest of Lake George. During some events, temporary ranges are set up in the Sports Field. The shooting sports activities are run by trained range masters. Open during select events.

Fort Blue Bell

Fort Blue Bell is a miniature replica of a pioneer fort. Scouts love the fort, and it’s an excellent opportunity to talk about the pioneer days and the Wild West. Open during select events.

K.S. "Bud" Adams Sports Field

The sports field is a wide-open space to play volleyball, softball, baseball, kickball, Frisbee golf, and games. Scouts love to climb on the Traverse Wall. Open during select events.

Reliant Energy Nature Center

Nature, energy, ecology, and conservation programs are taught at the Reliant Energy Nature Center, Marathon Oil Company Oil Derrick, and along the nearby nature trails and ponds. Open during select events.

Dinosaur Archeological Dig

An archeological adventure in the heart of Texas awaits Cub Scouts! At the Dinosaur Dig, Cub Scouts will have a hands-on learning adventure. With brush in hand, they will learn the fine art of uncovering the Bovay dinosaur fossils. Cub Scouts will learn about paleontology and how the dinosaurs roamed through the hills of Texas. Open during select events.

Lake George

Nestled in the center of camp is Lake George. This is a hotspot for fishing and watching nature. Canoes are available during Adventure Camp. The S.S. Mary K. Fleming Paddle Wheel Boat is located on Lake George, and is a great location for fishing, bird watching and observing nature. Open during select events.


The canoe pier is located on the west banks of Lake George. Open during select events.

S.S. Mary K. Fleming Paddle Wheel Boat

The S.S. Mary K. Fleming Paddle Wheel Boat is located on Lake George. Open during select events.


Trading  Post

Trader Vic’s is located in the camp headquarters building. It is stocked with t-shirts, Scouting literature, handicraft supplies, camp patches, mugs, and equipment in addition to cold drinks, ice cream and candy. The Trading Post accepts cash, checks and major credit cards and Apple Pay. Open during select events.

Staff Area

The McNair Cub Adventure Camp staff area is just located south of the headquarters building. It contains a bathhouse/laundry building and a dorm building with five dorm rooms that sleep up to six. Adjacent to this building are 6 two-person huts. 

Bovay Staff Area


question mark patch Support desk (for questions not addressed on this page).

Geno Aguilar

Katelyn Thomason
Bovay Scout Ranch Professional Staff Advisor

Brandon Lewis
Director of Support Service


Bovay Scout Ranch Programs
    •​ Pack Overnight Camping   
    •​ Adventure Camp
    •​ Resident Camp
    •​ Webelos Coyote Extreme
    •​ Fun with Family
Camping Resources  
    •​ Day Camp  
    •​ Campmasters  
    •​ NCAP  
    •​ Camp Staff  
Program Committee Contacts    
    •​ Advancement Contacts  
    •​ Aquatics Contacts  
    •​ Camping Contacts  
    •​ Conservation Contacts  
    •​ Disabilities Awareness Contacts
    •​ Fishing Committee        
    •​ Training Contacts  
    •​ Shooting Sports Contacts