Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The popcorn sale is the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson and fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever. The council does all the pre-work to set up the sale, eliminating the need for units to research opportunities, calculating returns, creating sales and promotional materials, managing a relationship with a vendor, etc. The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn...It’s also about promoting Scouting!
Hundreds of thousands of dollars go back to the Scouting program in the Sam Houston Area Council due to the annual popcorn sale. Dollars collected during the sale support local Scouting. The popcorn sale is a way for a Scout to support his or her way through the various activities during the year. There are three options to sell popcorn: traditional take-order sales, sell online to friends and family out of town, and show-n-sell. For more information, contact your district popcorn kernel or district executive.
Why Sell?
• Increase your unit and council income – stays in the local area.
• Meet annual fundraising goals faster than ever before
• Scouts pay for their way for various programs (e.g., summer camp, dues uniforms).
• Scouts learn life lessons by earning their own way.
• Loads of incentives motivate Scouts to sell.
• Videos and resources help Scouts learn how to be successful.
• Incentives for new units and units that haven't sold popcorn in three years.
• Training Handout
Sign Up Unit to Sell Popcorn Popcorn Training Handout Incentives

Ways to Sell Popcorn
There are three options to sell popcorn: traditional take-order sales, sell online to friends and family out of town, and show-and-sell (and wagon sales). All sales count towards prizes.
1. Take-Order Sales
Scouts go door-to-door with the take-order form. Sales begin after the unit kick-off (TBD). Customers can write their orders on the form. Scouts should collect the money when the popcorn is ordered (checks are to be made out to the unit). Popcorn will be picked up by the unit representative date to be determined.
Take Order Form
2. Online Sales - Spring and Fall Popcorn Sales
Selling online is the best way to sell to friends and family who live far away. Participants can send emails to friends and family asking them to purchase products online. The email includes a link allowing them to begin shopping right away. Customers can pay with a credit card, and the products are shipped directly to the customer, contact-free! The advantage of online sales is that Scouts don't have to collect money or deliver products.
Scouts who had a previous online account with Trail's End can use their existing login. Scouts who are new to selling may register for an online account.
Register for a Scout Account
3. Show-n-Sell and Wagon Sales
Show-n-sell is similar to take-order sales, except Scouts have the popcorn in hand to sell to customers. All units are eligible to participate if they agree to the terms stated in the commitment order form. Packs, troops, and crews can request permission to sell in front of a retail store or chartered organization. Show-n-sell should not replace traditional take-order sales. Unlike in previous years, there is no minimum order amount to place your Show-n-Sell order. Show-n-sell and add-ons must be ordered as whole cases. Orders are non-refundable.
Wagon sales is another great way of selling for Scouts. It's a combination of the show-n-sell and take-order methods. The Scout takes actual products door to door in their neighborhoods to sell and is like a show-n-sell table on wheels. There is little risk as any unsold popcorn is rolled into traditional, take-order sales.
Show-n-sell popcorn is picked up by the unit representative on August 12, 2023. For pick-up times, contact the district popcorn kernel. Weekly replenishment orders are available with no minimum requirements.
Order Show-n-Sell (opens in July)
Important Dates
January 1 - December 31, 2024 |
Online popcorn sales period |
Monday, July 8, 2024 |
Show and Sell orders open |
Saturday, July 13, 2024 | 10:00 am |
Unit Kernel Training (In-Person at Cockrell Scout Center) |
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 | 7:00 pm |
Unit Kernel Training (Virtual) |
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 |
First Show and Sell order due by 10:00pm |
Friday, August 9, 2024 |
First Show and Sell order pick up [popcorn pick-up every Friday] |
Sunday, August 11, 2024 |
First Show and Sell Replenishment - orders due by 10:00pm for Friday pick-up |
Sunday, October 27, 2024 |
Unit final popcorn orders due by 10:00 pm |
November 15, 2024 |
Final Popcorn pick-up |