Website Graphics

Adventure On Banner

Kid Playing Archery


Kids Racing

Cub Scout Salute

Closed Memorial Day




Adventure Day


Adventure Day

Adventure Camp


Adventure Camp

Adventure Camp

Adventure Camp

Adventure Camp



Science and Beyond



Science and Beyond


Let the Adventure Begin


Adventure Camp



Adventure Camp

Angler Classic


Scouts in troops, crews and ships are invited to the ultimate fishing derby hosted at the breathtaking Camp Strake!  September 29 - October 1, 2023. Learn More

Angler Classic


Angler Classic

Aquatics Day


Aquatics Day



Arrow of Light Ceremony


Arrow of Light

Arrow of Light Advancement Day


Arrow of Light


Advancement Day



Astros Scout Day

ATV Experience


ATV Experience


ATV Experience

Baden Powell Fellowship


Baden Powell Fellowship


Baden Powell Fellowship

Bay Area Rowing Club


Bay Area Rowing Club

Bobcat Day


Bobcat Day


Bobcat Day


Camporee is a weekend campout for troops. Patrols compete in various competitions and are judged on leadership, teamwork, skill demonstration and Scout spirit. 




District Dinner

Camp Strake






College of Commissioner Science


College of Commissioner Science


College of Commissioner Science








Cuboree is a weekend campout for Cub Scouts and their families.  





Day Camp

Day camp is a week of outdoor fun for Cub Scouts and parents with fun activities including BB guns, archery, crafts, games, Scouting skills, advancement & more!


Day Camp


Day Camp

Day of Service


Eagle Wall


The Day of Service is a new program and is an opportunity for Scouting families across the 16 counties served by the Sam Houston Area Council to participate in unit-developed service projects to benefit the local community.  December 9, 2023Learn More

Day of Service


Day of Service

District Executive 


District Executive


District Executive


District Operations


District Operations

District Award of Merit


District Award of Merit

Eagle Award


Eagle Wall

Eagle Scout Association



Eagle Wall

The names of all Sam Houston Area Council Eagle Scouts are listed on the wall in front of the Cockrell Scout Center. In the fall, the names of the 2022 class of Eagle Scouts will be added. Parents and leaders, please verify that your Scout’s name is formatted and spelled correctly and submit any needed corrections by August 1, 2023.


Eagle Wall

Facilities Committee

The council is looking for volunteers with specialized skills who would be willing to be called upon to help provide service to our camps and facilities which includes buildings, the grounds, equipment, and Scout/volunteer affiliated companies that offer professional services with dedication and competitive rates. 


Facilities Committee


Fishing Derby


Fishing Derby



Fishing Derby


First Aid Meet

Council First Aid Meet

Council First Aid Meet

District First Aid Meet / First Aid Day

The First Aid Meet is an event that challenges Scouts in troops to perform first aid in simulated real-life situations. 


District First Aid Day

District First Aid Day

District First Aid Meet

The First Aid Meet is an event that challenges Scouts in troops to perform first aid in simulated real-life situations.

District First Aid Meet

District First Aid Meet

First Aid Training

first aid training

first aid training

Fishing Tournament

During the fishing tournamentScouts of all ages compete to catch the longest, smallest and most fish. 


Fishing Tournament


Fishing Tournament










Fun with Family

Fun with Family is an overnight campout for newly registered Cub Scouts and their adult partner and families at Bovay Scout Ranch. Scouts can participate in archery, sling shots, crafts, rockets, sports, campfire and more.

Fun with Family is an overnight campout for newly registered Cub Scouts and their adult partner and families at Bovay Scout Ranch. Scouts can participate in archery, sling shots, crafts, rockets, sports, campfire and more. October 6-7 or 7-8, 2023. Learn More


Fun with Family


Fun with Family

Full Throttle

Full Throttle is a weekend event for troops. Scouts spend a half-day participating in program areas such as shooting sports, climbing, swimming, ziplining, and boating. Scouts will spend a half-day working on a merit badge. Learn More


Full Throttle


Full Throttle


Full Throttle


Full Throttle


Full Throttle



Full Throttle


Full Throttle


Full Throttle

Come Sail Away


Come Sail Away


Tricks of the Trade



Full Throttle

Health and Safety


Health and Safety



Health and Safety


We continually search for potential career employees who would like to work in a profession that has a meaningful, rewarding purpose. We continually search for potential career employees who would like to work in a profession that has a meaningful, rewarding purpose. Learn More


We're Hiring

Holiday - Memorial Day


Closed Memorial Day


Closed Memorial Day

Holiday - July 4


Membership Recruitment

Holiday - Winter

The Cockrell Scout Center will be closed 12/22/23 - 12/26/23.   
The Scout Shop will be closed 12/22/23 - 12/25/23.

Labor Day

Holiday - Labor Day

The Cockrell Scout Center and the Scouts Shops will be closed on Labor Day.

Labor Day

Holiday - New Year's


The Cockrell Scout Center and the Scouts Shops will be closed on New Year's Day.

Labor Day

Holiday - New Year's


The Cockrell Scout Center and the Scouts Shops will be closed ......

Labor Day

Holiday - Juneteenth


The Cockrell Scout Center and the Scouts Shops will be closed ......


Holiday - President's Day


The Cockrell Scout Center and the Scouts Shops will be closed ......

President's Day

Holiday - MLK Day


The Cockrell Scout Center and the Scouts Shops will be closed ......


Holiday - Easter


The Cockrell Scout Center and the Scouts Shops will be closed ......


Council Office Closed


Council Office Closed


Council Office Closed


council office closed

Houston Museum of Natural Science



Houston Gem & Mineral Society


Houston Gem & Mineral Society




Internet Recharter


Internet Recharter


Internet Recharter






Journey to Excellence



Leader Workshop


Fall Workshop


Leader Workshop


Leader Workshop

Cub Scout Leader Workshop


Cub Leader Workshop


Leader Workshop

Cub Scout Leader Workshop


Leader Workshop


Leader Workshop

Lion/Tiger Day

Lion/Tiger Day is an event for Scouts in kindergarten and first grade and their adult partner. 


Lion Tiger Day


Lion Tiger Day

Leave No Trace Training




Leave No Trace

Life to Eagle


Life to Eagle Scout

Lone Star Flight Museum


Lone Star Flight Museum

Meet the Troops

Webelos Scouts, prospective Scouts (ages 11 - 17), and parents are invited to attend Meet the Troops to ask questions to help make the important decision on which troop to join. 


Meet the Troops


Meet the Troops


Recruitment efforts take place throughout the year. Our main objective is to give multiple joining opportunities to ensure that every youth is invited to join Scouting, and to fulfill our promise to new Scouts for a great Scouting program. Learn More.


Membership Recruitment



Membership Recruitment




Eagle Wall


Recruiting Training


The pack leadership and troop, crew and ship leadership can order customized fliers to help recruit Scouts.

Recruiting Training


Order Recruiting Fliers

Recruiting Training

Recruiting Training


Merit Badge Fair

The Merit Badge Fair is an opportunity for Scouts in troops to work towards one or two merit badges. 


Merit Badge Fair


Merit Badge Fair

Merit Badge University

The Merit Badge University is an opportunity for Scouts in troops to work towards one or two merit badges. 


Merit Badge University


Merit Badge University


Merit Badge counselors


Merit Badge Days

Merit Badge Days


Merit Badge Days are an opportunity for Scouts in troops, crews or ships to work on requirements for one or more merit badges. Learn More

Merit Badge Day

Monster Jam


Monster Jam

Mission Lone Star


Mission Lone Star




OA Section Conclave 

Closed Memorial Day

One Car 

Closed Memorial Day