September 6-8, 2024

Bovay Scout Ranch
3450 County Road 317
Navasota, TX 77868

Minto Rendezvous is an annual regional event where Sea Scouts test their knowledge and skills. The competition includes over 20 events that test a ship’s teamwork, training, and preparation in a variety of nautical-related events.  Some events such as navigation, first aid, knot-tying relays, and marlin spike require study and practice.  Other events like the blindfold canoe race and the no-paddle canoe race require luck and laughter to run the course.

Ships from across Texas and Oklahoma look forward to the fun and fellowship. The highlight of the weekend is the annual Flotsam Flotilla race of homemade vessels made from a variety of materials.  

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Early registration Through August 11, 2024 $70 per person, includes meals and a t-shirt
Registration August 12-30, 2024 $80 per person, includes meals and a t-shirt
Late registration After August 30, 2024 $90 per person, includes meals; doesn't include a t-shirt

At checkout, pay with a credit card or electronic check. Council refund policy.


Boarding Manual

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Check-in: Event check-in starts Friday night. Units will be assigned a campsite at that time and participants will need to set up camp. Dinner will not be provided. A Skipper/Boatswain meeting will be held at 2000 and will be followed by cracker barrel at 2030 in the dining hall.

Meals: Meals will be provided in the dining hall beginning with breakfast on Saturday and ending with breakfast on Sunday morning. Each ship will be required to provide assistance in serving meals and cleaning the dining hall after meals are completed.

Billeting: Unit sleeping accommodations will be in tents provided by the unit. Each individual is responsible for their own sleeping equipment. A schedule will be provided at the first Skipper/Boatswain meeting assigning units for cleaning the shower/restroom facility that is nearest their campsite.

Medical: Each ship will provide current Annual Health and Medical Records (part A&B for all Scouting events) available at for each youth and adult that will be on-site during the event. Any injury shall be immediately reported to the medic for treatment. In case of a serious injury, the medic will notify the event chair and council representative.

What to Bring

Suggested Personal Gear

  • Health and Medical form (part A & B) required for every participant
  • Water bottle, hydration system to carry during the day
  • Activity uniform (Scout t-shirt) or field uniform (Scout uniform)
  • Sea Scout uniforms (for uniform inspection and awards ceremony)
  • Clothes and change of clothes appropriate for outdoor weather
  • Closed-toed shoes (no open-toed shoes)
  • Modest swimwear (when competing in water events only)
  • Wet socks or water shoes (required for all waterfront events including sailing); no bare feet
  • Jacket/sweatshirts 
  • Rain gear
  • Hat
  • Toiletries – soap, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, deodorant
  • Personal medications
  • Pajamas/nightwear
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Hand sanitizer, optional
  • Insect repellent, optional
  • Eat dinner before arriving on Friday night

Camping gear

  • Ground cloth
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Extra blanket
  • Pillow
  • Camp chair, optional
What NOT to bring to camp:  Flip-flops, tank-tops, halters, tube-tops, open-toed shoes. Alcohol, electronics/game equipment, firearms, guns and ammunition, sheath knives, fireworks, illegal drugs, liquid fuel lanterns or stoves, pets, scooters, skates, skateboards, valuables











1700 Begin checking in, campsite setup (eat dinner before arriving)
2000 Skippers, boatswains and judges meeting
2030 Cracker barrel
2200 Lights out


0600 Reveille
0700 Breakfast 
0800 Flag ceremony 
0810 Competition events
1200   Lunch 
1300 Mariner’s Quiz
1330 Competition events
1730 Competition ends
1800 Flag ceremony 
1800   Dinner 
1900   Flotsam Flotilla Race
2200 Lights out


0700 Reveille
0800 Breakfast
0840 Interfaith worship service
0930 Uniform inspection and awards ceremony 
1100 Camp inspection
1130 Check out

General Orders

Adult Leadership: Each unit must have at least one adult leader for each 10 youth with two adults minimum. Units with female members present must provide appropriate female adult leadership. Arrangements with companion ships may be made to share gender responsibility so long as the ships are immediately adjacent in camping location and the responsible adult understands and conscientiously accepts the increased responsibility. All adults are expected to cooperate and participate when called upon by the rendezvous staff. Adult participation includes judging of events, campsite monitoring, kitchen staff, score sheet control, timekeeper, service watch, or other duties assigned by the event chair.

Courtesy: Leaders should impress upon their members the necessity of exemplary conduct at all times. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated! 

Smoking: An important way adult leaders can model healthy living is by following the policies on alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Leaders should support the attitude that they, as well as youths, are better off without tobacco in any form and may not allow the use of tobacco products at any Scouting activity involving youth participants. This includes the use of electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems that simulate tobacco smoking. All Scouting functions, meetings, and activities should be conducted on a smoke-free basis, with smoking areas located away from all participants. Source

Adult Responsibility: Units are responsible for their camping areas and their bathroom facilities. Facilities will be inspected prior to check out Sunday. Other adults will be responsible for the final cleanliness of the dining hall (including restrooms).

Shore Leave: There is no shore leave. All youth are responsible for staying within the limits of Bovay Scout Ranch. Ship officers and adults are responsible for compliance with this rule.

Swimming: Swimming is not permitted except as part of scheduled events.

Campfire: Campfires may not build; outdoor cooking is not allowed during the event.

Bathhouses: Facilities will be clearly marked for youth male, youth female, adult male, and adult female.

Liquor or Drugs: Possession or consumption of intoxicating products or drugs of any kind by participants, guests, or adults will not be tolerated at any time during the rendezvous.  Violation of this regulation will result in immediate expulsion from the rendezvous.

Medications: Anyone requiring refrigeration for medication should notify the event medic.

Special Accomodations: If special accommodations are necessary for anyone attending the rendezvous, the unit leaders should notify the organizers prior to the event.

Food Allergies: Special dietary needs or specific food allergies must be listed on the registration form and submitted on time.

Events, Scoring and Rules

Please read the page on events, scoring and rules carefully. The scoring and participation may not be the same as other rendezvous. Teams participating in trial events will receive participation points.

Events, Scoring and Rules


Awards will be presented to each participating ship. First, second, third and fourth places will be presented in addition to participation awards. Leadership and conduct will receive a special recognition.

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterThe Scouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing and we want you to know that the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on the safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow Youth Protection Guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in a Scout activity, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council have developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These 16 points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities.

    Guide to Safe Scouting    SAFE Checklist    Enterprise Risk Management

Safe Boating and Sailing Standards       Boating Incident Review

Please read this carefully to all youth and adult participants. The scoring and participation may not be the same as other rendezvous. Teams participating in trial events will receive participation points.     

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Rules of Competition 

Events may be canceled or modified if conditions make it necessary.

  • Unit’s teams must be composed of only its own members. Loaning of members is not permitted. Any borrowing of members must be approved by the rendezvous committee. Any combined or maverick teams are not eligible for any overall awards.
  • All teams are expected to arrive ready to compete in each event they enter. Teams are encouraged to "try" events. If a team is totally unfamiliar with an event then it should observe other teams before attempting the event. The judges are not there to provide instruction; however, they are responsible for safety. All "ready to compete" teams shall be given first priority at the event.
  • Units and teams shall compete entirely on their own without adult coaching. During the competition, a team shall not receive any guidance, shouted instructions, hints or other assistance from adult leaders or other shipmates not in the team competing at that time. Violations can result in disqualification from the event.
  • Each team shall have a leader. The judge will converse only with that leader. Team leaders members may listen to the conversation but are not allowed to participate in it unless invited to do so by the judge.
  • Event rule changes and or scoring procedures may be necessary because of a variety of conditions. These changes should be reviewed with the rendezvous chair prior to implementation. All teams participating in the event should be instructed in any changes.
  • To be eligible for overall standings each unit must enter at least 14 events including Mariners Quiz, and First Aid Quiz.
  • Judges are specifically prohibited from demonstrating or otherwise giving instructions in the methods by which an event should be performed unless there is a risk to someone's personal safety. Judges are prohibited from telling any unit how other units have performed an event or what they scored. They can give the unit the raw score/time for their performance.
  • Protests must be submitted to the rendezvous chair in writing within one hour of the close of the event being protested. The protest shall include all relevant details and can only be submitted by the ship's boatswain. All protests will be handled by the rendezvous committee.


10 points   First place
7 points Second Place
5 points Third Place
3 points Fourth Place
1 point Participation by unit not placing in an event.
The team must show some skill in the event.

Ships in a tie for an event divide the combined score for the places they would occupy. Example: a tie for first and second would split 17 points giving each ship 8.5 points. Overall scoring is based on the total of all events with scores. It is to a ship's advantage to participate in as many events as possible. Overall ties for the rendezvous will be broken by selecting the tying unit with the highest percentage in the Mariner Quiz. If the Mariner Quiz is a tie, the First Aid score will be used to decide the winner.

Mintos Rendezvous Events

All events are scored with the entire ship required to participate in some events, and others require smaller teams.  A ship can field as many teams as it can staff with no scout serving on more than one team, so larger ships may have multiple teams competing. Teams as small as 4 persons can compete successfully in all events, but may find themselves disadvantaged in a few events such as the Bos’n’s Chair where extra hands to hoist will make a difference. Each team will be scored separately and only the highest scoring team will be used for the ship’s score in the overall recognition. See below for the details of each event. Uniform inspections are required.

Mandatory Events

1. Mariner's Quiz (dining hall)

Team: All ship youth

Purpose: To test the knowledge of the ship. Test will cover material required for Apprentice and Ordinary rank.

Scoring: Percentage of questions answered correctly. Scores will be averaged based on the number of participants on team.

Procedure: A quiz will be given, consisting of multiple choice, true false and matching, as appropriate. Each registered youth member will be required to take the quiz unless they have been a member less than eight weeks. The scores will be averaged for the team score.

Time limit : 45 minutes.

Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition


2. First Aid Challenge (Crews must sign up for a time.) 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To test the knowledge and abilities of the team in first aid facts and procedures.

Procedure: The practical exam will be a medical simulation requiring a cooperative effort by the team to demonstrate their knowledge of first aid procedures and their ability to effectively handle the situation presented. The team will provide their own victim if they have sufficient team members; otherwise, another volunteer will be the victim. CPR mannequins will be provided for a demonstration of CPR techniques, if necessary.

Time limit: 30 minutes.

Primary Reference: American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED for Schools and the Community, 3rd Edition.

Optional Events

3. Ring-Buoy Toss  (waterfront)

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To demonstrate the ability to successfully throw a ring buoy to a person in the water needing aid.

Scoring: Each participant will be allowed three attempts to score. Successful first throw=15 points, second=10, third=5. The average of all members will be the score.

No score will be awarded for unsuccessful attempts. Physically disabled team members that are unable to perform this event will be given the ship average score, minus 5%.

Procedure: Equipment will be a standard ring buoy with outside lines attached. The line attached to the buoy will be 3/8" polypropylene, 50' in length. The target will be 6' across, with a simulated head, painted red, in its center. The target will be located 30' from the throw line at the edge of the pool. Throw will be from the approximate water level position. There will be no rail to throw over.  A throw is considered successful if:

  1. The ring buoy lands beyond the target, with line across the target or positioned so that thrower can pull the buoy to touch the target without moving from the throwing position.
  2. The ring buoy or line hits a cross-bar (arm) of target, or lands in the area encompassed by the arms of the target.
  3. Ring buoy or line lands near target but floats into and touches target within 10 seconds. All other throws will be considered unsuccessful. Thrower will be disqualified if the ring buoy hits the simulated head (red area), or if the standing end of the throwing line is dropped into the water. No practice is allowed. If gear is tangled, just drop it and recoil - do not  throw, it will be counted as one of your throws.

Time: 6 Minutes


4. Heaving Line

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To demonstrate the ability to get a line from one vessel to another or from a vessel to dockside, with a monkey's fist or Coast Guard approved throwing ball.

Scoring: Each participant will be allowed three attempts to score. Successful first throw=15 points, second=10, third=5. Average of all members will be the score. No score will be awarded for unsuccessful attempts. Physically disabled team members that are unable to perform this event will be given the ship average score, minus 5%.

Procedure: Equipment will be 3/8", 3-strand line, 50' in length, with a 16 ounce monkey's fist on the end. The target will be a 4" high rail, 5-6' wide, at a distance of 30' (simulating water). There will be an 18" rail (simulating a ship's rail) obstructing the thrower. The thrower may not touch or hold the fist while throwing, and the arm motion of the heaver may not be any higher than side arm. A throw is considered successful if, and only if, the monkey's fist lands beyond the correct target, with line across the target rail. All other throws will be judged unsuccessful. Because the distance between the thrower and the target is understood to represent water, the monkey's fist may not bounce over the rail. Throwers will not be allowed to flip or move their line to lie across the target. No practice throws allowed.

Time: 6 minutes


5. Knot Tying

Team: 4- 6

Purpose: To demonstrate the proficiency of each participant in tying the specified knots correctly.

Scoring: One point for each knot tied correctly. Scores will be totaled. Time is a tiebreaker.

Procedure: Equipment will consist of line of the type and quantity suitable to tie each particular knot or hitch required. A time limit may apply. The clove hitch, timber hitch, and two half hitches must be tied around the rail.  The 10 required knots are as follows:

  1. Bowline (inside, left or right-handed)
  2. Bowline on a Bight
  3. Cleat Hitch (tied to a cleat; bitter end must be on opposite side of cleat as load end)
  4. Clove Hitch
  5. Figure Eight Knot
  6. Overhand Knot
  7. Sheet Bend (ends of both lines must be on same side of knot and bight must be in the larger line)
  8. Square Knot
  9. Timber Hitch (must be tied following the lay of the line)
  10. Two Half Hitches

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition


6. Radio Communication (Crews must sign up for a time. Limit one crew per ship.) 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To demonstrate the proficiency of the team in proper VHF-FM marine radio procedures.

Procedure: The team members will be given a "situation" for which they will be required to place a simulated call to the Coast Guard for emergency assistance.

Time limit: 15 minutes.

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition

Secondary Reference: Radio Merit Badge Pamphlet, current edition 


7. International Code Flags 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To demonstrate the proficiency of the team in of the use of the international code flags.

Scoring: Total time required to complete the event, plus any penalty time

Procedure: Team will be divided into halves with each provided a copy of the International Code of Signals book and a set of international code flags. Each team will be stationed at one of two flag hoist sites, which will be separated enough that conversations amongst one team cannot be overheard by the other. Each team will be given two messages to code and hoist, and will receive and decode the two messages hoisted by the other team.

At the judge's signal, the first team will code and hoist its first message. After the receiving team acknowledges the successful receipt of the message with the Romeo flag or answering pennant, the sending team will lower its first message, and hoist its second message. After the receiving team signals the receipt of the second message, the first team will lower their hoist. After all flags have been lowered by the first team, the second team will send its two messages using the same procedures. Timing will start at the judge's signal, when both teams will simultaneously be given their messages, and will stop when all flags have been lowered after the final message and answer sheets are handed to the judge and all gear is neatly stowed in the correct pockets. The team will be allowed to inspect equipment prior to event start.

A 2-minute penalty will be added for each incorrect message.

A 1-minute penalty will be added for each procedural error, including:

  1. Improper signal acknowledgment
  2. Failure to wait for signal acknowledgment
  3. Failure to put gear away and/or properly
  4. Talking between teams

Primary Reference: The International Code of Signals, current edition

Secondary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition


8. Piloting (Crews must sign up for a time. ) 

Team: 4

Purpose: To test the proficiency of the team in basic piloting and navigation.

Scoring: 200 points possible (100 points per team)

Procedure: Team will schedule a one hour slot for Saturday at the Skipper/Boatswain/Judge meeting on Friday. The team will work in teams of two. A navigation challenge will be given, consisting of practical problems involving course, bearings, time, speed, distance, latitude and longitude. Each two-member team will take the test separately. Scores will be based on precision of answers, as well as accuracy of plotting and labeling of course, bearings and fixes on a furnished chart. Parallel rules or plotters may be used, depending upon which equipment the participants are most familiar with. Dividers or paper may be used for measuring distance. Ships can bring their own equipment. Event equipment and charts will be provided.

Time limit: 1 hour.

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition

Secondary References:

  1. Chapman Piloting, Current Edition
  2. Dutton's Navigation and Piloting, Current Edition


9. Blindfold Sunfish Rigging 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To test the knowledge of the team in sailing and to demonstrate the ability of the team to properly sail and maneuver a sailboat over a triangular course, which will require the use of various points of sail.

Scoring: The fastest time wins.


A Sunfish will be provided with the sail attached to the boom and gaff.  The halyard will be attached to the gaff with the running end laced around the gaff, boom and sail.  The sheet will be attached to the boom by being in the blocks and laced around the sail, boom, and gaff to have them properly prepared for transporting.  The tiller will be attached to the rudder, and the dagger board will be beside the Sunfish.  The team will be behind a mark and all but the crew leader will be wearing blindfolds.  At the command to begin, the crew leader will verbally move the team into position and instruct them by word, but not by touch, to properly rig the craft, move it from the starting point to a finish point and raise the sail.  The sheet will then be cleated, and the time will stop.  Time will be added for improper rigging of the sheet, halyard, tiller and rudder, belaying of halyard to cleat, dropping the boat, etc.  Time will be used as a tiebreaker.  The equipment is to be returned to its original position or points will be deducted from the score.

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition 


10. Ground Tackle and Motor Boating (waterfront)

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To determine the proficiency of the team in safely and properly handling a small motorboat.

Scoring: 100 points possible


Equipment will be a small motorboat, such as a flat bottom with outboard. The team will be required to safely and properly load a small motor vessel with safety equipment and board. Under the guidance of the cox'n, the team will properly anchor the vessel, taking into account all present weather and water conditions. Motor boating team will be judged on general seamanship, observance of safety procedures in leaving and returning to dock, boat handling and proper anchoring procedures.

Physically challenged participants must have permission of the waterfront head judge to participate in the practical portion of this event.

The following are guidelines for the duties of the cox'n in handling a power vessel:

  1. Appoint jobs for each team member
  2. Instruct team on use of life preservers
  3. Instruct all present that there will be no smoking allowed
  4. Check for fuel vapors in bilge
  5. Measure fuel supply
  6. Check fire extinguishers
  7. Count life preservers
  8. Check to make sure anchor line is clear and rode is secured properly
  9. Check that fenders are secure and outboard
  10. Check for a compass
  11. Ask for any missing safety items
  12. Start engine
  13. Leave dock
  14. Be prepared to respond to a simulated emergency situation while underway
  15. Anchor vessel
  16. Pull anchor
  17. Return to dock
  18. Disembark safely

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition 


11. Nomenclature 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To demonstrate the ability of the team to identify objects on board ship.

Scoring: 10 points possible

Procedure: 10 objects used on board a ship (power or sail) will be laid out on a table, out of view in a box. Each team member has one-minute maximum to view the object and record name of object and its use. Move to next object when one time limit is up. Continue in this way until all ten objects have been observed. There is NO talking or conferring with other team members. The score for each team will be the average of all members of each team. Spelling MUST be close enough for the judge to be able to tell what is meant.


12. Rules of the Road and Aids to Navigation 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To test the knowledge of the team in boating rules of the road and aids to navigation.

Scoring: 25 points possible

Procedure: The team will be given a course.  There will be a starting point, and a finish.  They will need to successfully navigate the “waters” that have been laid out for them.  The team will have to correctly use the rules of the road and aids to navigation to be successful.

Time limit: 30 minutes.

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition 


13. Marlinespike 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: To demonstrate the ability of the team in the art of marlinespike seamanship.

Scoring: 120 points possible

Procedure: The event will consist of six individual projects. Each team member will complete at least one of the following eight projects (chosen by random draw) as his/her part of the event:

         1. Eye splice   5. Short splice
  2. Back splice   6. Rope grommet
  3. Needle whip end of line 7. Sew 4" of flat seam
  4. Sew 4" of round seam  8. Worked (sewn) grommet

Splices require three full tucks with no skips or jumps, and may be tapered. The rope grommet requires an overhand knot and three tucks, which may be single or half-thread tucks. Whippings must be standard palm-and-needle type, and must have three locking stitches. Seams should be started and ended using backstitches. The worked (sewn) grommet must cover the inside of the ring and stitches must be far enough from the outside of the ring to prevent the grommet from pulling out of the fabric.

Projects will be judged on correctness and functionality, and each project has a maximum score of 20 points.

Time limit: 15 minutes.

Primary Reference: The Marlinspike Sailor, by Hervey Garret Smith

Secondary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition 


14. Barrel Fill  (pool)

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: The purpose of this event is to demonstrate teamwork and have fun.

Scoring: Based on time, team spirit, wetness of team and dryness of judge.

Procedure: The Barrel Fill will be performed in a relay manner. At the judge's signal, the first member will fill a bucket with water, pour water into a barrel, and return to the starting point. The second person repeats the procedure, and so on, until the barrel is full. Throwing the bucket is not permitted and will result in disqualification. 


15. No-Paddle Canoe Race  (waterfront)

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: The purpose of this event is to demonstrate teamwork and have fun.

Scoring: Based on time, team spirit, wetness of team and dryness of judge.

Procedure: Entire team will start at attention with PFDs and soft-soled shoes properly on. Race will consist of launching a canoe and climbing into it, traversing a designated course, and returning to shore at a designated place. Time will start when the judge says, "GO" and end when the canoe touches the beach at the end of the designated course. No position changes are required.

Donning and doffing of PFDs are not part of the race.  


16. Blind Man Canoe Challenge 

Team: 4 - 6

Purpose: The purpose of this event is to demonstrate teamwork and have fun.

Scoring: Based on time, team spirit, wetness of team and dryness of judge.

Procedure: Two members of the team will start in the canoe with PFDs, soft-soled shoes, and blindfolds properly on. Other members will hold the canoe stable until the judge says go. The race will consist of the team leader giving directions to the members in the canoe which guide them thru a designated course, and returning them to shore at a designated place. Time will start when the judge says, go, and end when the canoe touches the beach at the end of the designated course. No position changes are required. Donning and doffing of PFDs and blindfolds are not part of the race. 


17. Clove Hitch On a Tree 

Team: 4

Purpose:  The purpose of this event is to demonstrate teamwork and have fun.

Scoring: The lowest combined time wins.

Procedure:  This is a timed event.  Each crew will divide into two pairs of participants.  Each pair will run the event and their time will be combined for a total time.  The first pair will start from attention.  Upon signal, each will take one end of the same dockline and proceed to tie a clove hitch around a tree without stepping within any space measured to be four feet from the tree.  Timing ends when the knot is pulled taut against the tree.  The second pair then repeats the procedure.

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition 


18. Double-The-Angle-On-The-Bow

Team: 4-6

Purpose: Hone piloting skills

Scoring: The most accurate distance.

Procedure: There will be a designated course near the water’s edge and a designated item to simulate a hazard.  The team will be furnished a known distance which may be paced and a hand-bearing compass.  The crew will use the double-the-angle-on-the-bow technique to determine how near their course will take them to the hazard.  Because this represents a quick decision navigational situation faced afloat and underway, the maximum time allowed is ten minutes.  The most accurate distance will be the winner.  Time will be used as a timebreaker.  No calculators allowed!

Primary Reference: Sea Scout Manual, current edition 

19. Emergency Station (crews must sign up for a time. Limit one crew per ship.) 

Team: minimum of 3 

Purpose: To demonstrate your ability to keep your ship from sinking. 

Scoring: Scoring is a combination of how many emergencies are completed within the time frame and how well each leak is controlled. Successfully stopping the flow, 5 points, stopping flow, with some leakage, 3 points, using a correct technique, 1 point. Success is determined by stopping the leak for at least 30 seconds. Temporary stopping water, for example using hands, adds 1 point. 

Procedure: Each crew will use the provided materials to stop water flow from broken pipe, hose, and fittings. No outside materials may be used at the stations. Before starting, a brief introduction is provided with an overview of the materials available for the emergencies (“know the location and proper use of all lifesaving devices on every boat I board”). After the introduction, crews are allowed a minute to discuss how they will handle the emergencies. Each crew can decide which order the emergencies are presented. At the beginning of each emergency, the emergency kit and other items are replaced into their “storage” container. 

Each crew will determine when they are done with each emergency. 

Time: 30 Minutes 

20. Flotsam Flotilla (updated 8/15/2022)

Team: Ship

Procedure: Teams must build the vessel prior to arriving for rendezvous. 

The Commodore’s Challenge: Flotsam Vessel

Team: Ship

Procedure: Teams must build the vessel prior to arriving for rendezvous. The objective is to build a boat
out of cardboard and tape capable of holding two people that can be launched and maneuvered
through a course in a pool.


  • Only cardboard and tape may be used to construct the boat.
  • Only corrugated cardboard will be allowed.
  • You may NOT use any other objects to contribute to the structural rigidity or the craft's flotation ability.
  • You may only use clear postal tape that is two inches wide or duct tape. NO GLUE!
  • The boat may be painted. (No Tempura Paint)

Design Parameters:

  • Boats will be subject to a technical inspection before the race and must follow these guidelines. Any boat not following these guidelines will be disqualified.
  • Boats must be made from corrugated cardboard. The entire hull, superstructure, and seating must also be made from corrugated cardboard.
  • NO rafts are allowed! It must be a boat.
  • Swimming on a cardboard surfboard is not allowed. No appendages are allowed in the water.
  • The passengers of your boat may not be enclosed above the shoulders of the occupants. Both people must be visible while the boat is in the water.
  • Boats must be free of sharp edges, objects with pointed edges, or any other menace.
  • All boats may be propelled through the water by a paddle, or by constructing a device that will
    power the vessel, such as a paddle wheel, using a sail, or any combination of a, b, or c.
  • No arms or legs may be in the water to assist with stability or propulsion.
  • To qualify as a finisher, both teammates must be in the boat at the end of the race.
  • The boat cannot be assisted by pulling or pushing in any manner.

 Special awards will be given for: 1st place, Creativity, Innovation of Design, Humor

21. Campfire Skit or Song 

Team: Determined by the ship, only one entry per ship

Purpose: Entertainment and hilarity

Scoring: Youth will have one vote to cast for their favorite act.


  • Ships will declare their intention to participate at check-in.  A brief overview of the skit must be presented at that time to determine appropriateness of the subject matter.
  • The ship’s team will perform at campfire on Saturday evening.


For additional information, contact Cassie Johnson at or Richard Lipham at