Council Calendar

Adventure Camp: Let the Adventure Begin

10/4/2024 12:00:00 AMAll Day
(Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868)
Adventure Camp

Let the Adventure Begin is an overnight campout for newly registered Cub Scouts and their families. Cub Scouts can participate in BB guns, archery, sling shots, crafts, sports, campfire and more.



January 2024   |   February 2024   |   ​​March 2024   |   ​​April 2024   |   ​​May 2024   |   June 2024   |   July 2024   |   August 2024   |   September 2024   |   October 2024   |   November 2024   |   December 2024   |   ​​January 2025   |   February 2025   |   ​​March 2025   |   ​​April 2025   |   ​​May 2025   |   June 2025

Looking For a Different Calendar?

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Training Calendar

The training schedule lists all training courses scheduled throughout the council.