
Facilities Committee

The Sam Houston Area Council is looking for volunteers with specialized skills who would be willing to be called upon to help provide service to our camps and facilities which includes buildings, the grounds, equipment, and other assets. Learn More

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Youth Safety | Ongoing Commitment

The safety of children in our programs is the most important priority of the Boy Scouts of America. 

The BSA’s safeguards highlighted below are key parts of our multilayered approach to help keep kids safe.

These measures were informed by respected experts in the fields of child safety, law enforcement, and child psychologyand are among the strongest safeguards found in any youth-serving organization. 

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Two-Deep Leadership

What’s the difference between ‘two-deep leadership’ and ‘no one-on-one contact’? Source: Scouting Magazine While no Scouter questions the value of Youth Protection training and policies — we all agree on the need to keep young people safe... read more

Scouts First Helpline

'Scouts First' Helpline for Abuse and Youth Protection Our Commitment The protection of youth is the primary obligation of every individual involved in Scouting America — including leaders, parents, members and professionals. Scouting... read more

Update Your Pin at

Unit Leaders: Make sure your unit’s information is correct on is a tool prospective families use to find units to join. Is your unit information up to date or do you have the unit leader from three years ago as your... read more