April 4-6, 2025

Camp Strake
2020 Camp Strake Rd.
Coldspring, TX 77331

Camporee is a weekend campout for troops around the district.  Troops compete against other troops in a series of patrol games, a troop-wide game, cooking and shooting contests, as well as many other fun events, all culminating in who will win the honor troop flag.

Patrol events

  • Troop contests
  • Skill tests
  • Order of the Arrow callout
  • Saturday campfire

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Registration is done by the troop leadership. Registration is a two-step process.

Step 1:  RSVP

Every unit needs to RSVP by February roundtable to let the event staff if you are attending. Estimated numbers are provided to the council so the district can reserve the appropriate number of campsites and program areas for the event.

Step 1: RSVP

Step 2: Payment and Order T-shirts

Registration is $15 per Scout and $10 per adult. T-shirts can be purchased for $12-$15 and must be ordered by March 26, 2024. Pay online with credit card or electronic check. Council refund policy

Step 2: Payment & T-shirt Orders

What to Bring

Personal (check with Scoutmaster)

  • Field uniform (Scout uniform) and belt 
  • Activity uniform (Scout t-shirt)
  • Clothing appropriate for weather
  • Shoes (closed-toe) or hiking boots 
  • Pajamas or sleeping clothes
  • Rain gear (pants and jacket) 
  • Flashlight and extra batteries 
  • Personal items (e.g., deodorant, comb,
    medications, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Water bottle (or canteen) and cup 
  • Pocket knife and Totin' Chip
  • Sleeping bag, blankets, sheet 
  • Pillow 
  • Cot or pad 
  • Personal first aid kit 
  • Portable chair or camp stool, optional
  • Backup phone battery, rechargeable, fully charged, optional


  • Tents with ground cloth
  • Water containers for hauling water
  • Cooking gear and meals
  • Duty roster and menu
  • First-aid kit
  • Trash bags
  • Patrol flag
  • Items for campsite inspection
  • Toilet paper
  • Wash soap for restrooms
  • Firewood, if having a fire in campsite
Mark all items with name and troop number.

*Electricity is very limited. 


  • Annual Health and Medical Record (part A&B for all Scouting events) for every participant (due at check-in)
  • Roster (due Friday at the leaders meeting)
  • Firewood, rakes and fire buckets; buckets and shovel to remove unused firewood
  • Axe yard to cut firewood into manageable pieces
  • List of Scouts elected into the Order of the Arrow for call-out and those eligible for Brotherhood
  • Painter's tape. Painter's tape is the only tape allowed to be used at Camp Strake. Do not use any other tape (e.g., Duct tape) on pavilions or buildings
  • Hand washing station to put next to the water spigot, recommended (e.g., small bucket, bar of soap)
  • Zip ties (20"+, wide, industrial-strength) or twine. All items must be removed be leaving camp.
  • Power strips
  • For bulletin board: 
    • Camp roster 
    • Troop duty roster 
    • Scout schedules 
    • Pushpins

Don’t Bring: alcohol, valuables, electronics, fireworks, sheath or hunting knives, pets, hammocks, personal firearms and ammunition, jewelry, personal bows and arrows













Medical Forms

Health and Medical Records (Parts A & B) are required for every participant. These will be turned in on Friday night. You can bring your alphabetized notebook which will be returned on Sunday morning.

Tentative Schedule


6:00 - 9:00 pm Check-in; set up campsites  
10:00 pm Scoutmaster and SPL meeting Headquarters
11:00 pm    


6:00 am Reveille  
6:30 am Breakfast Campsites
8:00 am Opening Ceremony (all Scouts attend in activity uniform) Flagpole
8:30 am Station 1 Activity Field
9:15 am Station 2  
10:00 am Station 3  
10:45 am Station 4  
11:30 am Station 5  
12:10 pm Lunch Campsites
1:30 pm Deadline to submit skits Headquarters
2:00 pm Troop Game Activity field
3:30 pm Brotherhood Walk TBD
4:00 pm Patrol time  
4:00 pm Top Shot Competition Rifle Range
4:30 pm Aircraft Carrier Landing Competition Campfire Arena
5:30 pm Cooking Competition Headquarters
5:30 pm Dinner Campsites
7:00 pm Closing Flag Ceremony (wear field uniform) Flagpoles
7:30 pm Closing Campfire TBD
9:00 pm OA Call Out Ceremony TBD
10:00 pm OA Crackerbarrel Headquarters
11:00 pm Taps / Light out  


7:00 am Reveillie  
7:30 am Breakfast Campsites
9:00 am Flag Ceremony / Interfaith Worship Service Flagpoles
9;45 am Clean up / Checkout  
10:30 am Units must be checked-out  
11:00 am Camp closed  


The three areas of competition: campsite challenge, fire building/cooking and Dutch Oven dessert contest.

Volunteer Information

Each troop will need to provide at least one adult to assist the events and skills competitions. Please contact the camporee chair if your volunteers have any preference for any particular event. We will try to accommodate your preferred event, but we cannot make any promises.


Field uniforms should be worn at all flag assemblies, campfire and awards ceremony, and the interfaith worship service. Scouts may wear activity uniforms (Scouting t-shirts) or Scouting-appropriate themed attire at all other times. All patrol members are expected to be in uniform with each other; themed spirit items within the patrol are encouraged and not required, but no spirit points will be awarded. Running cleats or special competitive clothing is not permitted. No inappropriate costumes or clothes are permitted. Scouts must wear a shirt. No firearms, including toys, props, and replicas are permitted. Any such weapons will be confiscated. Judges factor neatness, completeness, and uniformity of Scout uniforms and patrol cooperation during competitions. In keeping with the theme, Scouts are encouraged to go all out in designing. Please note that you are not required to dress in themed attire or to make themed patrol flags or campsite items; however, patrols will not be awarded the spirit points. Scoutmasters should inform all Scouts / Scouters scheduled for Order of the Arrow (OA) callout to be prepared to wear their field uniform during the call out ceremony.

Scoutmaster Guidance

  • Be prepared! The camporee will go on to the best of the staff’s ability unless there are dangerous weather conditions. Unit leaders and Scouts should be prepared for rain, snow, or shine. Some events or activities may be canceled if the camporee staff determines it to be in the best health and safety interest of all involved.
  • All units are required to carry a first aid kit. There will be a first aid station at headquarters should the need arise. Major medical needs will be addressed using 9-1-1 or local emergency response as required.
  • Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters (at least two adults from each unit) and SPLs are invited to the cracker barrel on Friday night. Program details will be discussed there. Trailers are allowed at campsites, and one vehicle. Please park all other vehicles in a designated area near check-in.
  • All events require two-deep leadership.” All units are expected to adhere to this, and operate using the patrol method, under the leadership of their senior patrol leader.
  • Scouts and leaders alike are to use the buddy system at all times. Do not leave and go anywhere by yourself and keep your buddy informed of your activities. Unit leaders are responsible for their units at all times.
  • All Scouts in possession of a knife must have their Totin’ Chip on their person. Otherwise, if you cannot produce your Totin’ Chip card on request, your knife will be confiscated.
  • Cutting or pruning live trees is not permitted.
  • The following items are prohibited and will be confiscated: sheath knives, fireworks, firearms.
  • Confiscated items will be returned to the Scoutmaster or unit leader.
  • Illegal drugs and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Users will be turned over to proper authorities.
  • Electronic entertainment devices are strongly discouraged and should be left at home, or in the car. GPS are permitted for camp activities; cell phones needed for emergency purposes should be left with Scoutmasters.
  • Campsite fires are permitted only in designated fire rings. Remember and practice Leave No Trace, please: bury your ashes and remove any partially burned fuel. It shouldn’t look like you had a fire there when the event is over.
  • No pets are allowed unless preauthorized by camporee staff.
  • Destroying, trashing or defacing the property of other Scouts will result in the offending Scout’s automatic dismissal.
  • All Scouts and their units will be required to follow the Leave No Trace practices and the Outdoor Code. If trash receptacles are full, don’t leave your trash on the ground, take it home. Each unit must provide their own trash bags and remove all refuse from their campsite. Remember, Pack It In, Pack It Out.
  • Restrooms and restroom trash receptacles are not for campsite trash. Toilets must be kept clean. Please use proper etiquette and cleanliness with this property. A scout is, after all, courteous and clean.
  • All units may bring their own water for drinking and cooking (e.g., have water jugs in your campsite), though there are water spigots available at camp for refill.

SPL Guidance

  • Each activity will begin at the times indicated on the schedule; please ensure that your unit is on time.
  • SPLs are invited to the SPL/SM meeting Friday night. Program details will be discussed there.
  • Field uniforms are requested to be worn for assemblies, the campfire, and interfaith service. An activity uniform is acceptable for other camp activities.
  • All units are strongly encouraged to participate in the interfaith worship service on Sunday morning. A Scout is reverent.
  • Practical jokes, whether in your troop, patrol or to another unit, are not in accordance with proper Scout spirit and will not be tolerated.
  • Scouts are not to roam through other campsites. A Scout may enter the camping area of another troop only by asking for and receiving permission.
  • Scouts are not permitted in the staff camp unless permission is requested and received.
  • Scouts are expected to do their best and participate in the activities at the prescribed times. Campsites are off-limits during activity times.
  • Scouts are expected to remain within the camporee bounds at all times. Scouts must remain in their camping area between taps and reveille unless on authorized errands.
  • There will be a limited number of slots available for skits and songs at the campfire. We strongly encourage units to participate, and to practice your presentation in advance; however, the campfire chair must approve all songs and skits in advance. Please let him know if your patrol is interested in participating. Slots will be awarded on a first come first serve basis, subject to approval from the campfire chair. Participating in the campfire will add bonus points to the honor troop and honor patrol competitions.

Camp Rules

  1. Have fun
  2. No running in camp except for competitions
  3. All injuries must be reported to camp staff
  4. Quiet time begins at 11:00 pm
  5. Leave No Trace
  6. Camp director has the final say
  7. Demonstrate sportsmanship and Scout values
  8. Have more fun!

2023 Top Fun Patrol Competitions

Afterburner (Campfire Building). Each patrol will need to assemble a campfire to burn the rope over a tray.

  • First to burn wins
  •  Timed event
  •  If you want to use matches: one free match, 15 seconds for first
  • match and 30 seconds per additional match added on
  •  You can bring your own flint and steel - no penalty for flint and
  • steel - Actual flint and steel - No fire starters (lighters, etc)

Highway to the Danger Zone (Obstacle Course) Each patrol will make their way through the course at the Patrol Leaders Directions.

  • Timed Event
  • Blindfolded Scout will maneuver through a course one at a time
  • 5 Participants will run the course per Patrol, so repeat individuals if needed

Canyon Run (Hot Isotope) Make the Miracle shot on the target as patrols work as a group to maneuver the ropes around the cup, then make their way through the canyon to the target.

  • Rubber band tied in the middle and 6 ropes under it to lift the cup to move it to a specific target.
  • Go through a “canyon maze” to get to the target
  • Points given for amount of water left at the end- No refills.
  • Points taken off for going outside the canyon, not completing certain parts
  • You only get scored if you make it through the whole course
  • Timed event (bonuses for efficiency)

Formation Flight (Toxic River) Patrols move across the field on provided tiles without touching the ground, completing formations as directed

  • Each patrol given a set of tiles they must use to get across a designated area
  • Each patrol member must stay on the tiles, not touching any of the ground
  • Must use the tiles to make formations as designated by instructor
  • If missing Scouts, use blank tiles to finish formation
  • Points off for every restart when a scout touches the ground
  • Points awarded for each complete formation, and exiting course
  • Time cap of 15 minutes to make the run, maximum of 5 restarts

Pre-Flight Check (Knots) Patrols are given a series of knots and lashings to correctly identify as some are correct, some are knot!

  • Timed Event
  • All knots and lashings are found in the book for advancement requirements
  • 20 different examples to identify, but some are incorrect, so must be identified as incorrect
  • The lower rank division of patrols will receive a list of the names of knots and lashing

2023 Top Fun Troop Game

Never Leave Your Wingman! (Search and Rescue) Each troop chooses 8 Scouts of varying ranks as it will be handicapped accordingly and will go through a series of tasks along a route to search for and rescue one of their own, who is lost out in the field!

  • Timed Event
  • Troop will pick one person to go off with staff as the lost Wingman who was injured when he ejected from his plane and had parachute issues on landing
  • The troops will proceed through 6 stations at which they will perform various first aid types of activities that may be needed when their wingman is found. (Bandages, treatments, carries, etc.) Staff will demonstrate to the troops after 10 minutes per station if not performed correctly.
  • A Scout Handbook is allowed on the course
  • Each troop will also be issued 1 cup of medical elixir that must remain safe until completion of the rescue, penalties assessed for missing elixir
  • Each troop will start in 10-minute increments at a designated time chosen by SPL at the Friday night meeting
  • Time stops when Wingman is returned safely, and Medical Elixir is used for final cure.

2023 Top Shot Shooting Competition

Each troop will select one Scout, and one adult leader to be at the Rifle Range at 4 pm to meet with our superb Shooting Sports team to participate in a shooting competition. The instructors will explain the rules and how the competition will pan out, we will award a Top Shot for both youth and adults. 

2023 Aircraft Carrier Landing Competition

All Scouts and adults will be allowed to compete in this event. Each Scout will receive a piece of paper to make their perfect paper airplane. The only materials you are allowed to use are the piece of paper given, and a marker to write your name and troop on the plane. We will start from the top of the campfire arena, and you have 1 toss so see who can land on the Carrier and hit the target or be the closest to the target. The rules will be distributed on Friday night at the leader's meeting.

2023 Top Chef Cooking Competition

Each patrol is to create a dish of your choosing to present to the judges for the competition. Each dish can be made in whatever Scouting cooking style you wish, as long as the entire thing is made while you are at the camporee. It is your choice as to how you will tie it to the TOP FUN theme. Each dish will be presented in a manner to allow for at least 5 judges to taste. It can be plated or served in a cooking vessel, again, it is each patrols choice. The presentation must be unmarked, and we will have cards to pass out to the
patrols at the SPL meeting to include the dish name, a description and a story on the front, as well as any allergens present in the dish. Patrol name and troop number will be put on the back of the card so as not to be seen by judges. Again, what you cook and how it is cooked is at your discretion.

2023 Top Fun Campsite Inspection


Scores (0-5)

Gateway US and Troop Flag properly displayed, Troop number evident, Skills of building demonstrated with properly tied knots and lashings
Layout The layout is proper and practical, avoids ground slopes, insects, poison ivy, rain run-off. Patrol areas clearly distinguishable, and youth sites clearly distinguished from adult sites (Only youth will be judged)
Tents Pitched correctly and ground tarps not visible. Tents properly staked and anchored. Individual patrol sites defined.
Cleanliness The campsite is clean with no litter (subtract 1 point for each piece found)
First Aid Kit Visible/ known location and accessible. Organized and complete.
Axe Yard Safe location, properly marked, tools stored safely, safety equipment available. No green wood evident in use.
Fire Extinguishers Visible and available in campsite, fire buckets/ sand buckets are acceptable
Fire Ring Being used safely and properly, fire bucket/ fire preventative present. 20-point deduction for unattended fire.


Duty Roster Posted and chores completed
Menu Posted and demonstrates my plate for each meal
Food Storage food stored properly and at correct temperatures
Garbage Store efficiently and effectively.
Patrol Boxes Clean and stored correctly, protected from possible inclement weather.
Cleaning Station Proper cleaning and sanitized methods of dishes evident
Handwashing Soap available to wash hands at hand washing site(bathrooms)


Troop TOP FUN theme evident in camp
Patrols Every patrol demonstrates the theme
Gateway Theme is tied into the troop gateway
Creativity Theme is demonstrated with creativity and originality
Bonus: Judges award points on extra items/ gadgets assembled correctly demonstrating the Scouts skill, creativity, camp organization, and cleanliness.

Patrol Scoring

Patrols will be broken down into three categories:

  • Patrols with Scouts between 1- 2 years of experience 
  • Patrols with Scouts between 2-3 years of experience 
  • Mixed patrol and patrols with 3 + years of experience

Each patrol will rotate to all events and compete. Each event coordinator will judge the events and awards points based time, skill performed correctly, team dynamics, and Scout Spirit. All scores will be tallied and a final score will be calculated. The top patrols in each category will be honored. Each event will have an event coordinator that will oversee the event. The event coordinator will make all rulings and judgments to the best of his/her ability. If there is a dispute that needs to be settled, it will be brought to the camporee chair. The chair will make the final decision after hearing from both sides.

Top Fun Patrol Roster

Patrol will have their Scouts ranks averaged out for the patrol, and the patrols average score will determine what level they are competing against.

Scout rank = 1 point
Tenderfoot = 2 points
Second class = 3 points
First class = 4 points
Star = 5 points
Life = 6 points
Eagle Scout = 7 points

There will be two levels of patrol competions. The more advanced patrol with more knowledge will be competing in the Jets Division, while the newer to Scouting patrols will be competing in the Propellor Division. The median point will determine the division. Patrols divisions will be prior to comptetions beginning on Saturday morning. Please have this sheet filled out and brought to the spl meeting on Friday nght.

2023 Honor Troop Scoring

  Camporee Patrol    
1 Competition 1 6% Top 3 of each level
2 Competition 2 6% Top 3 of each level
3 Competition 3 6% Top 3 of each level
4 Competition 4 6% Top 3 of each level
5 Competition 5 6% Top 3 of each level
6 Troop Relay 10% Top 3 of each level
7 Cooking Competition 3% Participation
8 Skit Participant 3% Participation
9 Troop Campsite Inspection 5% Top 5 receive points
10 Shooting Competition 3% Participation
11 Aircraft Carrier Landing 3% Participation
12 Spirit / Flag 3%  



Each troop is encouraged to participate in the closing campfire by performing a song, skit or dance. Multiple entries from the same troop are acceptable but cuts could be made due to time constraints. All entries will need prior approval from the camporee staff. Campfire entries are due to the camporee staff by the start of the cooking competition.

About Camp Strake


Camp Strake is a first-class, state-of-the-art camp at a rural site near the Sam Houston National Forest, close to the community of Evergreen.

Camp Strake is surrounded on three sides by the Sam Houston National Forest and has the Lone Star Hiking Trail close to one corner of the property. 

                    Google Map    Map     Camp Policies

Camp Strake has 20 campsites with pavilions; modern restrooms and shower houses; climbing and rapelling tower; zipline;  an aquatics center with a swimming pool, lake, canoes, and kayaks; a shooting sports complex with rifle, shotgun, and archery range, including a sporting arrows course; and more.

About Camp Strake

Camp Strake is located on 2,816 acres between New Waverly and Coldspring near the community of Evergreen, Tx. Lake Livingston is 10 miles east of the property. The camp is a 1.5-hour drive from downtown Houston and close to I-45 and the Grand Parkway. Camp Strake is located at 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331(latitude and longitude: 30.608901, -95.230270)


Directions from Houston:

  • Take I-45N to exit 94 (FM 1097) toward Willis
  • Turn right onto Montgomery St. (.7 mi)
  • Turn left onto Danville St. (360 ft)
  • Turn right onto FM 1097 / Stewart St (9.6 mi.)
  • Turn right onto TX-150E (8.8 mi)
  • Turn left onto FM 945N (3.6 mi)
  • Turn left into Camp Strake at the sign. 

Order of the Arrow

The George Strake Chapter of the Order of the Arrow will conduct a call out ceremony for Scouts and Scouters that have been elected into the Order of the Arrow. The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the national honor society of Scouting America. For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. The Order of the Arrow provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long-term resident camping, developing leaders, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich, support, and help to extend Scouting to America's youth.

Learn More About the OA


Notice!  Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the district has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper). 

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management


For questions, please contact the camporee chair or district activities chair.