February 6-8, 2026
Trail to Troop is a weekend campout designed to introduce 4th- and 5th-grade Scouts to the many outdoor adventures of Scouting. This awesome weekend event includes an introduction to patrol-method camping and Scouts BSA skills. Activities typically include knot tying, orienteering, archery, BB guns, Frisbee golf, and scavenger hunts, just to name a few. On Saturday evening, there will be a flag retirement ceremony and Arrow of Light Ceremony.
All den leaders and troop leaders are encouraged to attend January and February roundtables to help with planning and provide estimated registration numbers for planning purposes (e.g., ordering patches, campsite assignments, program planning). In addition, the unit need to request an activity to run. Campsite and program assignments are made on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Learn more about Webelos-to-Scout transition and information to help assist Scouts as they make the important decision on which troop to join and questions to ask troops at www.shacbsa.org/webelos. Find area troops at shacbsa.org/join-troop.
Registration is a two-step process typically completed by the unit leader or den leader. This event is designed for the Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts; there is no program for siblings.
Step 1: RSVP: Every unit needs to RSVP by the December roundtable to let the event staff know if you are attending and to sign up for a station for your unit to run. Estimated numbers are provided to the council so the district can reserve the appropriate number of campsites and program areas for the event.
Part 1: RSVP
Step 2: Payment: Names of 5th-grade Scouts participating in the Arrow of Light Ceremony will need to be provided. Payment is completed online with a credit card or electronic check; there is no onsite registration. The late fee begins 2/13/25. Council Refund Policy.
Step 2: Payment
$15 |
Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts (4th and 5th graders) |
$5 |
Extra fee for 5th graders participating in the Arrow of Light Ceremony (optional) |
$10 |
Leaders, Scouts in troops, crews or ships |
$10 |
Parents (patch is not included) |
$5 |
Siblings (there is no program for siblings; patch is not included) |
Every pack is expected to help run an event at Trail to Toop. Units provide any needed equipment and adults to run the event. Please review the list of tentative events or suggest a new event and provide a description in the comments section. Sign up for a station to run when submitting the RSVP.
Event (2025) |
Unit (confirmed = registration Step 2) |
All Tied Up in Knots |
Pack 603 |
Walk the Plank |
Pack 911 (confirmed) |
Frisbee Golf |
Scavenger Hunt |
Pack 912 |
Supply Relay |
Pack 922 |
Cracker Barrel |
Fire Building |
Pack 938 |
Rubber Chicken Volleyball |
Archery |
Orienteering |
Troop 1922 (confirmed) |
BB guns |
Troop 1377 (confirmed) |
Cub Scout Trivia |
Tent Building |
Troop 1377 (confirmed) |
General Information
Awards: There will be awards for dens and packs.
Low Impact: This will be a low-impact event. Please ensure that all attending this event are familiar with this type of camping and understand the principles involved.
First Aid: First aid will be available in the staff area. Units are encouraged to address minor first-aid situations within the unit. Any serious injury, illness, or situation with which the unit personnel are uncomfortable should be taken to the WDYB first aid area immediately.
Visitors are welcome and invited after 9:00 am on Saturday and are welcome at the evening campfire and Arrow of Light Ceremony, but should plan to depart the campground no later than 10:00 pm.
Arrow of Light Ceremony
The highest rank in Cub Scouting is the Arrow of Light Award.
Registration is required for any 5th-grade Webelos Scout who wants to participate in and receive their Arrow of Light rank at Trail to Troop. There is a small additional charge to cover the cost of the arrows that are given to the Arrow of Light Scouts Scouts. It is up to the den leader to ensure that the Scouts completed all the requirements.
The Arrow of Light ceremony is the pinnacle of a Cub Scout’s experience. All family and friends are invited to participate in this event. Guests do not need to register to attend; however, guests must check in at headquarters. Guests will be allowed access to camp starting at 9:00 am Saturday and must depart by 10:00 pm. Guests cannot camp overnight under any circumstances.
What to Bring
Personal Equipment
- Health and Medical form (part A&B), bring a copy for every attendee
- Ground cloth
- Tent
- Sleeping bag
- Extra blanket
- Pillow
- Mess kit with utensils
- Drinking cup / bottle to carry during the day
- Field uniform (Scout uniform)
- Activity uniform (Scout t-shirt)
- Change of clothes appropriate for weather
- Closed-toed shoes
- Jacket/sweatshirts
- Rain gear
- Hat
- Toiletries – soap, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, deodorant
- Personal medications
- Pajamas/nightwear
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Camp chair
- Webelos or Arrow of Light Handbook
- Ear plugs, options (there is a train nearby)
- Hand sanitizer, optional
- Insect repellent
- Portable phone charger, optional
Pack Equipment
- Dining fly or canopy
- Firewood or charcoal
- Den/pack flags
- First aid kit
- Folding table
- Lanterns – propane or battery for campsite
- Stove – small propane
- Meals (see suggestions below)
- Cooking gear – pots, pans, utensils, food
- Cleaning gear – dishwashing soap, buckets
- Water containers for hauling and holding (e.g., 5-gallon container with lid)
- Trash bags (Small for restrooms; 55-gallon for campsite)
- Menu and duty roster posted in campsite
- Scout Handbook (optional)
- Fire extinguisher
- Supplies to run assigned event
- Roster, turn into registration
What NOT to bring to camp: Alcohol, electronics/game equipment, firearms, guns and ammunition, sheath knives, archery bows, fireworks, illegal drugs, liquid fuel lanterns or stoves, pets, scooters, skates, skateboards, valuables |
General Rules
- Campsites will be assigned at the discretion of the registration staff at the time of check-in based on pack size and the condition of the campsites.
- Units must register as a group even if you have late arrivals. The unit roster must be complete and the total fee paid prior to registration.
- Scouts must be under adult supervision at all times.
- Strict observance of the Scout Oath and Law is a necessity, especially the 5th point of the Scout Law (that being A Scout is Courteous).
- No use of profanity.
- No fighting tolerated.
- No trash/foreign objects in fires!!!!!
- Each unit must furnish its own food, charcoal, or firewood, and ground protection for fires. In case of a burn ban due to dry conditions, units need to be prepared to use other means for preparing meals.)
- Scouts are encouraged to wear their uniform.
- Common courtesy with cars/noise during the Arrow of Light ceremony and Scouts Own Service
- Safety, safety, safety!
Vehicle policy
After registering/check-in, campers can temporarily park cars by their designated campsites. Unload all camping gear adjacent to campsite , then immediately move vehicle (trailers included) to the central parking area. Campers can then return to campsite and set up camp. Friday evening, all vehicles should be parked at central parking area before cracker barrel at 10:00 pm, but no later than 10:30 pm. For campers arriving on Saturday morning, Troop 1377 will provide carts for participants to haul their camping gear from the central parking area to their campsite to minimize safety hazards.
Interfaith Worship Service
The Scout Law teaches, A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. They are faithful in their religious duties. They respect the beliefs of others. It is important that Scouts be taught to recognize the beliefs of other Scouts and to respect those beliefs. An interfaith service, respectful of all religions will be held on Sunday morning. All Scouts, leaders, and parents are encouraged to attend.
Wood-fueled campfires can be built in the campsites, but should only be built in camp-supplied fire pits. No ground fires should be built. Fires must be attended by at least one adult at all times and be fully extinguished before participants depart the campsite for any reason. There is no firewood available at the camp. All firewood brought to camp must also leave with you, including partially burnt firewood.
Campsite fire rings are not designed for large bonfires, please keep fires contained and flames less than two feet above the ground. Depending on the weather, a fire ban may be active during the camping weekend. Fire bans are issued by the county fire marshal and the camp staff cannot override that decision. If a fire ban is in force during the weekend, no open fires will be allowed. All campfire rings are to be cleaned out before departing. Campfire rings will be inspected during check-out inspection and any material left in the fire ring will be required to be cleaned and delay your departure. A bucket is to be filled with water and kept by the fire at all times. This is mandatory.
Cooking Fires
Cooking fires built of charcoal should be contained within the campsite fire ring or an elevated container. No holes should be dug for fires. Metal garbage can lids, barrel bottoms or the camp-supplied fire pits should be used to contain the charcoal fires. No cooking on the ground. Liquid charcoal starters may not be used; council policy prohibits the use of liquid fuels. During a fire ban, fires of charcoal are generally allowed within the fire ring for cooking only. Propane-fueled stoves are acceptable. Specific requirements for cooking during a fire ban will be discussed during the leader's meeting on Friday evening.
Each den must furnish food, ice, cook stove, propane, firewood, or charcoal. Cooking fires are to be in fire rings. Den leaders are encouraged to introduce the patrol method for meal planning and duty responsibilities during the event. Suggestions:
- Friday night meal: families eat before arrival or bring a sack dinner.
- Saturday morning meal: protein-fueled, warm meal to provide energy to get the Scouts through a long and tiring day.
- Saturday lunch: non-cooking meal requiring minimal preparation.
- Saturday evening meal: warm, delicious meal (e.g., foil meal).
- Sunday morning: non-cooking breakfast with easy clean-up using foods that don't need continuous refrigeration, as it is often difficult to keep food cold in an ice chest for an entire weekend.
Sample Duty Roster
Saturday breakfast
Saturday lunch
Saturday dinner
Knives and Axes
Knives may not be carried by Webelos or Arrow of Light Scouts during the event, even though they may have earned the Whittling Chip. Axes are not approved for use by Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. Axes may only be used by adults or Scouts who have earned the Totin' Chip in the axe yard set up in the troop campsite. Knives for meal preparation or similar activities under adult supervision.
Tentative Schedule
4:30 - 9:00 pm |
Arrival and check-in headquarters (HQ) |
10:00 pm |
Cracker barrel at HQ for all unit leaders and staff. |
11:00 pm |
Lights out! Please be courteous to fellow campers. |
6:00 am |
Wake-up and breakfast. |
8:00 - 8:30 am |
Unit leader and staff meeting (final instructions) at HQ. |
8:45 am |
All units assemble at flagpole for flag ceremony. |
9:00 - 9:30 am |
Get ready for events. Time to get campsites in order! |
9:30 am - 12:00 pm |
Program events |
12:00 - 1:00 pm |
Lunch (non-cooking) |
After lunch |
Campsite inspections |
1:00 - 4:00 pm |
Program events |
4:00 - 6:15 pm |
Free time and dinner |
6:15 pm |
Flag ceremony |
7:00 pm |
Campfire and awards ceremony. Arrow of Light Ceremony to immediately follow. |
11:00 pm |
Lights out! Please be courteous to fellow campers. |
7:00 am |
Wake-up and breakfast. |
9:00 am |
Scouts Own Worship Service (non-denominational) |
9:30 - 11:00 am |
Break camp and check-out. |
Emergency / Procedures
- Minor Medical Attention. All units should have a first aid kit in their camp to address minor medical needs. If medical attention is required beyond basic Scout/Leader rendered first aid, the individual should be transported by their parent/guardian or other (two-deep) adult leadership to a local healthcare facility.
- Life or death – Call 911 – then the event chair and district executive.
- Incident Reporting. Any incident that requires the intervention of medical personnel involves emergency responders or results in a response beyond Scout-rendered first aid must be reported. Near-miss incidents (does not result in injury, illness, or damage by definition, but it had the potential to do so) should also be reported.
- Sound alarm by yelling “Fire” and notify camp management immediately. Local fire authorities will be called to fight the fire.
- Because of the age of the Scouts, it is not recommended that any firefighting action take place. Remove yourself and others from harm’s way and notify camp staff.
- Move Scouts and family members to a safe location away from fire danger, usually in the parking lot in front of the campsite. Ensure that all members of your unit are accounted for and that they remain together and calm.
- In an emergency, the central alarm will be sounded (siren blown continuously for three minutes) to warn camp. Camp staff personnel will be dispatched to campsites to give further instructions.
- Be prepared to mobilize to a safe location.
- Three short blasts of the siren will signal the all clear. A radio announcement will also communicate the all clear.
Inclement Weather
- When threatening weather occurs, all persons in campsites should go to the nearest restroom building or their vehicles (lighting only). All persons in a program area should move to the nearest building or structure.
Scouting Safely
Scouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them.
Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:
- Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.
- One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited.
- The buddy system should be used at all times.
- Discipline must be constructive.
Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities.
*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.
^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.
Youth Protection Guidelines Guide to Safe Scouting SAFE Checklist Enterprise Risk Management
For questions, contact the Trail to Troop chair or district activities chair.