Advancing from Life to Eagle Scout

In order to advance to the rank of Eagle, a candidate must complete all requirements of tenure; Scout spirit; merit badges; positions of responsibility; while a Life Scout, plan, develop, and provide leadership to others in a service project; and the Scoutmaster conference.

Eagle Scout Process   |   Eagle Project Fundraising     |    Resources    |   Eagle Scout Wall

Rank Advancement Updates (8/7/2023)

Please keep the following in mind with regard to the Eagle Scout process: 

  1. All post-Eagle Scout Board or Review paperwork turned in for certification must be accompanied by the card indicating that the district Eagle Scout Board or Review representative has been assigned by the district advancement chair. The district representative will give this card, commonly referred to as the "pink card," to the unit at the Eagle Scout Board of Review and turn it into the council office with the completed signed application.  
  2. The 2022/2023 version of the Scouts BSA Eagle Scout rank has been added to Scoutbook. This version requires the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge to be completed in order to complete Requirement #3 (Merit Badges) and the Eagle Scout rank.  Please make sure you are using the June 2022 version of the Eagle application which includes this merit badge.
  3. Extension requests are rarely approved and MUST begin by submitting the completed application linked below to the council office. See extension criteria in GTA
  4. Keep in mind that the unit leader conference can be conducted at any time while the Scout is working to progress from one rank to the next; leaving it to the last item OFTEN penalizes a Scout because adults are not available. 
  5. Permission must still be obtained from the council Support Services office prior to conducting each and every Eagle Scout Board of Review (EBOR), including special permission to conduct any EBOR via videoconferencing.
  6. If eligible, submit the form: Request for Extension of Time to Earn the Eagle Scout Rank to the council office to petition for an extension of time to earn the Eagle Rank  

Life to EagleLife Scout to Eagle Scout Process and Forms 

Resources for Eagle Scouts and their advisors: 

Before the Eagle Scout Board of Review: Eagle Scout applications must be submitted and reviewed by the council's Support Services office before proceeding to an Eagle Board of Review.  The paperwork may be brought in person to the council office during normal business hours (takes about 15 minutes) or may be submitted by email to (utilizing these instructions).

After the Eagle Scout Board of Review 

Eagle Scout Process

The most current Guide to Advancement is the official source for administering advancement in all Scouting America programs. Summary:  

  • Complete All the Requirements (  Note that the unit leader (Scoutmaster) conference need not be the last item accomplished. The board of review may be conducted after the 18th birthday. 
  • Prepare the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook ( Scouts must use the current Service Project Workbook
  • Complete the Application ( The Scout must complete the latest version of the official Eagle Scout Award Application (currently June 2022, as indicated on Page 2 of the application). See also these tips for generating and downloading the Eagle Application directly from Scoutbook – Generating Fillable PDF Eagle Application from Scoutbook.
  • Obtain Required Signatures ( 
  • Submit to Council Service Center ( 
  • Council Verifies Application and Board of Review Scheduled ( 
  • References Contacted ( 
  • Application Returned to Council Service Center ( 
  • Council Sends Application to National Advancement Team (  
  • National Advancement Team Returns Credentials ( 

Eagle Project Fundraising

Eagle ScoutThe Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application (part of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook) must be used by Scouts to obtain approval for Eagle Scout project fundraising or securing donations of materials for their Eagle projects. This is necessary for all circumstances except when all contributions are from the candidate, their parents or relatives, unit or chartering organization, parents or other members of their unit, or the beneficiary of the project. Scouts should submit the fillable form to the council for consideration. The Scout should also print a copy and include it with the project plan. Please allow up to two weeks for the Scout will receive an email response either seeking additional information or providing project funding approval. When approved, a copy of the approval email is to be included with the fundraising application as a part of the Scout's project plan.

  • Submit fundraising applications via email
  • Project must be approved in advance: Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application
  • Project must be done in the name of the beneficiary (not the troop).
  • Beneficiary organization retains leftover funds.
  • If the troop is holding project funds, these funds must be turned over to the project beneficiary immediately after expenses have been paid.
  • Gift documentation must come from the project beneficiary
  • Realize that approaches to big box stores will be met with a request for a tax letter, which you may or may not be able to secure from your project beneficiary.
  • Parents should let their Scout provide leadership and resist the temptation of raising funds or using their influence.
  • A Scout is courteous – and should follow up with a note of thanks
  • Guide to Advancement (section 9) 


Eagle Scout Paperwork

Find the most current forms at for:

  • Application for Alternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges
  • Belated Eagle Scout Rank Application
  • Eagle Scout Rank Application
  • Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
  • Individual Scout Advancement Plan
  • Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project; Information for Project Beneficiaries
  • Request for Extension of Time to Earn Eagle Scout Rank

Eagle Scout Service Projects

  • Service Project Guidelines contain age guidelines for tool use and work at elevations or excavations.
  • tool bank
    Service Project Planning Guidelines can be utilized for all Scouting service projects including Eagle Scout service projects. The guidelines must not be construed to be additional requirements for an Eagle Scout service project, but they do represent elements that should appear on the Eagle Scout candidate’s final project plan from the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512-927. 
  • The Houston Community ToolBank is a nonprofit tool lending program serving other nonprofits by putting high-quality tools in the hands of the volunteers. For three pennies on the dollar, the Houston Community ToolBank provides fast and easy access to tools (e.g., loppers, drills, ladders, wheelbarrows, shovels, hammers, rakes, safety cones, water coolers, cordless drills, safety gears, painting equipment) for Eagle Scout projects and community service projects to increase the impact and community revitalization efforts. Video Tour

Guide to Advancement

The Guide to Advancement is the official source for administering advancement in all Scouting America programs. 

Verify Name on Eagle Scout Certificate 

After you receive your Eagle Scout certificate, you have 90 days to contact the council office if there are any errors. After the 90 days, there is a $15 charge to make corrections. Send corrections to John Szalkowski at 713-756-3398 or    Replacement Eagle Scout credentials (e.g., card, certificate) can be ordered from the National Council.

Eagle Wall

Verify Name for Eagle Scout Wall

The names of all SHAC Eagle Scouts are listed on the wall in front of the Cockrell Scout Center (2225 N Loop W, Houston, TX 77008). The prior year's Eagle Scout Class is added to the wall each year in the fall. 

Learn More


Share your accomplishments

Attaining the rank of Eagle Scout is a newsworthy event. Nationwide, only 2% of youth who start out in Scouting ever achieve this rank, a rare accomplishment.

•    Send pictures of your Eagle Scout project and your Eagle Scout Court of Honor on our council Facebook page (  Either tag the council's Facebook page or send your pictures as a message to the page.
•    Eagle Scout information can be provided to the local news media. The troop committee or Eagle Scout’s family can submit a photo and a press release.  

Eagle Scout Association

Eagle Scouts are encouraged to become members of the SHAC Eagle Scout Association. Membership is open to all Eagle Scouts, and there is no charge to join ESA-SHAC. The Council Eagle Scout Committee is affiliated with the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA). All Eagle Scouts are encouraged to get involved, volunteer and stay in touch.

Eagle Scout Scholarships

Scholarships are available to Eagle Scouts ranging in size up to $50,000 each.  Academic scholarships and merit scholarships are available.

Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia grants annual scholarships of up to $25,000 to Eagle Scouts.  Visit this link for further information

For nearly a century, the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) has enjoyed a close working relationship with the Scouting America, actively supporting Scouting programs that build character and good citizens. President Theodore Roosevelt, a distinguished SAR member and ardent supporter of the Scouting movement, earned the distinction of being the first and only person designated as the Chief Scout Citizen. In 1980, the ties between the SAR and Scouting were further strengthened by establishing its Eagle Scout Recognition and Scholarship Contest.

Eagle Scout Recognition Letters Certificates

Scout leaders and parents can request congratulatory letters from various individuals for their new Eagle Scout. Scouting Magazine has information on how to request such letters. Several US agencies provide print-on-demand congratulatory letters.

Other organizations provide Eagle Scouts with recognition certificates, with some giving free patches. The Sons of the American Revolution within the Sam Houston Area Council will not only provide a certificate and patch but, if requested, have a member attend the Court of honor to make the presentation.

Honor an Eagle Scout

Eagle Scouts have achieved an outstanding accomplishment and deserve special recognition.  Honor the Eagle Scout with the James E. West Award.

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

The National Eagle Scout Association has some suggested meaningful Eagle Scout ceremonies
Request permission to use the Scouting logo on cakes.

Adams Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award

The Glen A. and Melinda W. Adams Eagle Scout Project of the Year recognizes young men who have demonstrated excellence in their Eagle Scout service project. The council winner and up to five finalists are recognized. 

The Unit Leader Conference

The unit leader (Scoutmaster) conference, regardless of the rank or program, is conducted according to the guidelines in the Troop Leader Guidebook, No. 33009 (volume 1). Note that a Scout must participate or take part in one; it is not a “test.” Requirements do not say he must “pass” a conference. While it makes sense to hold one after other requirements for a rank are met, it is not required that it be the last step before the board of review. This is an important consideration for Scouts on a tight schedule to meet requirements before age 18. Last-minute work can sometimes make it impossible to fit the conference in before then, so scheduling it earlier can avoid unnecessary extension requests. More information can be found in the Guide to Advancement (section 4). 

Eagle Scout Board of Review

After a Scout has completed the requirements for any rank, the Scout appears before a board of review. Its purpose is to determine the quality of their experience and decide whether the Scout has fulfilled the requirements for the rank. If so, the board not only approves the advancement or Palm but also encourages the youth to continue the quest for the next rank. Information about conducting a board of review and the particulars that pertain only to the Eagle Scout rank can be found in the Guide to Advancement (section 8). 

Appeals Process

If a board of review or a board of review under disputed circumstances does not recommend a candidate for rank advancement, only the Scout or their parent or guardian may appeal the decision to the local council. The Guide to Advancement (section 8) provides information about filing and processing an appeal. 


For questions, contact the district advancement chair.