February 12, 2026 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
St. John the Divine
2450 River Oaks Blvd.
Houston, TX 77019
The Recognition Event is an opportunity for a night of fellowship and great food as we acknowledge and thank our adult volunteers for the hard work and dedication that made this year incredibly successful. Twin Bayou District’s outstanding leaders at the unit and district levels will also be recognized. All volunteers in the Twin Bayou District are invited.
Tickets are $25 for adults and Scouts BSA and $10 for Cub Scouts payable online with credit card or electronic check. Food is ordered on 2/5/23; registrations after this date are not guaranteed food. Meal, dessert, lemonade, and water are included. Council refund policy.
Purchase Tickets
Award Nominations
Due by January Roundtable
Nominate Scouters who have served Twin Bayou District youth above and beyond the call of duty. Nominations must be submitted by January roundtable.
Nomination Form Recognition History
- District Award of Merit is a council award presented by districts. The award is available to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. A nominee must be a registered Scouter who has rendered noteworthy service to youth in Scouting, outside Scouting, or both. The nature and value of noteworthy service to youth may consist of a single plan or decisions that contributed vitally to the lives of large numbers of youth or it may have been given to a small group over an extended period of time. Considerations must be given to the nominee's Scouting position and the corresponding opportunity to render outstanding service beyond the expectations of that Scouting position. The nominee's attitude toward and cooperation with the district, division, and/or council is to be taken into consideration.
- Jack-of-all-Trades Award is presented to a Scouter whose unit always seems to turn to when there is a need within the unit. This Scouter is never afraid to take on a task, no matter how big or small if the youth benefit
- Elbert K. Fretwell Outstanding Educator Award is presented to a person who makes their students better people by modeling and teaching Scouting values. Often, that will go hand-in-hand with academic excellence, but the selection process should emphasize those who are proactive in teaching Scouting values..
- Rising Star Award is presented to a Scouter whose unit always seems to turn to him or her when there is a need to work with the district or is taking on additional Scouting positions or responsibilities.
- Scout Family of the Year Award is presented annually to a family who has, as a group, provided outstanding support to Scouting America's programs in Twin Bayou District. Often times a family participates at all levels of program.
- Shining Star Award is presented to a Scouter who says “Yes, how can I help?” when asked to assist the district committee.
- Unit Service Award recognizes exceptional leaders who work with youth at the unit level. These volunteers share their energy, resources and talents with Scouts. Each unit may select one award recipient for each five registered Scouters or fraction thereafter, rounded up.
- Veteran's Award to recognize Scouting America individual members for tenure in Scouting
Additional Adult Awards: Council and National Awards
- Silver Beaver Award is a national award presented by the council. It is the highest form of recognition that a local council can bestow on a volunteer. Nominations are due by May 1. The District Recognition Chair is available to assist Scouters in preparing nominations.
- Unit Leader Award of Merit recognizes Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, and Skippers who provide a quality program to youth. Nominations accepted at any time.
- Venturing Leadership Award recognizes Venturers who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Venturing Code. Nominations are due by June 15.
- SHAC Conservation Award recognizes youth for completing a conservation projects and adult volunteers for involvement in teaching the value of natural systems and wise resource management.
- William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award is to recognize volunteers who organize one or more traditional Scouting units. The recognition is a knot and a certificate.
- Training Awards (click the link, then scroll down to training awards at the bottom) - Recognizes unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. Progress record forms with the 2012 requirements for these awards can be found at the links below. The recognition is a knot and a certificate.
- Awards Central is Scouting America’s repository for information about official awards and recognitions.
For questions, contact the District Dinner chair or district activities chair.