Spirit Award
The Spirit Award is presented to one or more Scouters in each unit who has made a significant impact in the lives of youth in the unit and/or district. Each unit may nominate one candidate, regardless of unit size. Units may nominate additional candidates for every 25 Scouts registered. There is no cap on the number of nominations a unit may submit. For example, a unit of 100 Scouts may nominate four (4) candidates: one (1) for the unit itself (regardless of size) or the first 25 Scouts, one (1) for the next 25 Scouts (26-50), one (1) for the next 25 Scouts (51-75) and one (1) for the last 25 Scouts (76-100). Anyone may recommend a Scouter for this award. The unit committee selects the candidate(s) and makes the nominations to the district. All unit nominations will receive an award.
Nomination Form
Family of the Year Nomination
The family is an important part of Scouting. Family support for each youth is vital to their success in Scouting. Those parents who volunteer as leaders are a vital support for other kids as well as their own. The extra effort that parents put forth as leaders, in addition to their family responsibilities, deserve to be recognized. But when the whole family is involved in Scouting, they deserve recognition all the more. The Family of the Year award is a way to honor these families by selecting, from those nominated, the family whose work as a team in Scouting has made the greatest difference in our community.
Nomination Form
Chartered Organization of the Year
Nomination Forms
Charter Organizations are essential to Scouting, without them a unit cannot exist. Charter Organizations' support for each unit is vital to their growth and sustainability in the community. Those charter organizations who volunteer as homes for our units support our community and their own. The extra effort that charter organizations put forth deserves to be recognized because they do so much for us by allowing us to develop. When the whole charter organization and its members are involved in Scouting, they deserve recognition all the more. The Chartered Organization of the Year award is a way to honor these Charter Organizations by selecting, from those nominated, the Chartered Organization whose work as a team in Scouting has made the greatest difference in our community and with our units.
Business of the Year
Nomination Forms
The Business of the Year award is a new way to appreciate the businesses that support Scouting. As we expand as the Texas Skies District, business support is vital for a lot of Scouts and Units. Those businesses who volunteer their space, their funds, and their support will become another vital support line for Scouting. The efforts that businesses put forth to support their local community deserve to be recognized. The Business of the Year award is a way to honor these businesses by selecting, from those nominated, the businesses whose support in Scouting has made the greatest difference in our units and their Scouts.
District Award of Merit
The District Award of Merit is a council award presented by the district. The award is available to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. A committee of district peers will review the nominations and select the recipients. Selections for the Rising Star Award will also be chosen from these nominations.
Nomination Forms