November 7-9, 2025

Trail to Troop is a campout designed to introduce Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts to the many outdoor adventures of Scouting and the patrol-method of camping. Dens participate in competitions that require Scouting skills. The dens are judged on den flag and yell, resources, leadership, teamwork, skill demonstration, and Scout spirit.
Dens compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the following events: first aid, fire building, Scouting knowledge, and knots. There are demonstrations along the trail to fill the time between challenges. The scavenger hunt is a day-long event, with the goal of collecting as many troop tokens as possible. Awards are presented at the closing campfire.
Learn more about Webelos-to-Scout transition and information to help assist Webelos Scouts as they make the important decision on which troop to join and questions to ask the troop leadership at Find area troops at
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Webelos & Arrow of Light Scouts: |
Early bird registration (until 11/17/24) |
$15 |
Registration (begins 11/18/24) |
$20 |
Adults, Scouts in troops, crews & ships |
$0 |
Medical Forms
Every participant must bring an Annual Health and Medical Record (Parts A & B for all Scouting events) and turn them in at check-in.
The program will consist of camping Friday and Saturday night and a full day of activities on Saturday. Webelos Scouts should utilize the patrol method as much as possible. More information will be available at November roundtable. Webelos den leaders may want to purchase a Scout Handbook and read the chapters on cooking, and first aid, and the sections on knots. Participants will check-in Friday evening. Webelos dens will compete in activities such as basic first aid, fire building, Scouting knowledge (Outdoor Adventure and Scouting Adventure) and knots (square, taut-line, clove hitch, two half hitches, bowline, sheet bend). The Webelos dens are judged on den flag and yell, leadership, teamwork, skill demonstration and Scout spirit. On Saturday, Webelos Scouts will also participate in fun activities with area troops, scavenger hunt, and learn more advanced skills taught by local Scouts.
Tentative Schedule
The final schedule will be distributed onsite.
5:00 - 10:00 pm |
Campsite set up; Den leader or Scoutmaster checks in at Pavilion/HQ |
9:00 pm |
Crackerbarrel (SPL and SM from each troop, one patrol leader and one den leader from each Webelos den reports to Pavilion/HQ; bring cup) |
11:00 pm |
Lights Out – Camp Quiet |
6:30 - 6:45 am |
Wake Up |
7:00 am |
Prepare, Eat Breakfast and Clean Up Check-In (For those units arriving Saturday) |
8:00 am |
Call to Colors (at Flag Poles) |
8:15 am – 12:00 pm |
Core Scouting Skills Competition - First Aid, Fire Building, Scouting Knowledge, and Knots |
12:10 pm |
Lunch Break |
1:00 - 5:00 pm |
Fun Activities, Scavenger Hunt & Troop Visits (Webelos Scouts visit troops at their campsites – Don’t forget to ask for a totem when you visit!) |
5:00 pm |
Evening Colors (at the Flag Poles – Each troop and pack send at least one representative) |
5:00 - 7:00 pm |
Prepare, Eat Dinner and Clean Up |
7:30 - 8:30 pm |
Campfire and awards |
9:00 pm |
Winter Themed Night Hike |
11:00 pm |
Lights Out – Camp Quiet |
Units checking out Saturday night should be checked out by 8:30 pm |
7:00 am |
Wake up and breakfast |
8:00 am |
Pack up and clean campsite |
8:30 am |
Check out starts (campsite inspection and pick-up event patches) |
10:00 am |
Last den/patrol out |
What to Bring
Personal gear:
- BSA Health and Medical form for every participant -- everyone onsite (parents too)
- Tent with ground cloth
- Sleeping bag
- Cot or sleeping mattress
- Pillow
- Tarp/ground cloth for under tent,
- Flashlight with fresh batteries,
- Personal items / toiletries
- Personal medication
- Eat dinner before arriving
- Jacket, raingear, hat
- Clothing appropriate for weather
- Mess kit; camp cup
- Refillable water bottle
- Personal items
- Field uniform (Webelos Scout uniform) and/or activity uniform (Scout t-shirt)
- 6’ rope per Webelos Scout (for knots event)
- Neckerchief (for first-aid event)
- Hand sanitizer
- Insect repellent
- Hand sanitizer
- Portable chair or camp stool
- Webelos Handbook (optional)
- Camp chair
Den gear:
- First-aid kit (required – one per pack is acceptable)
- Water containers for hauling water
- Cooking gear and food
- Trash bags
- Den Flag
- Menu and duty roster
- Items for fire building: 4 hat fulls of tinder (size of match), 4 hat fulls of kindling (size of pinky finger), 10-15 pieces of fuel (size of wrist). Please bring the wood in bags (e.g., paper sacks) for easier transport - it can be mixed up
- Optional items: extra table (each patrol will be supplied one picnic table), marshmallows and sticks, raised firebox and wood (if you want a fire), 5-gallon buckets and shovel (to remove all ashes & unused wood), Scout Handbook, canopy
- Optional items: Scout Handbook
Special Items
For the first aid event, every Webelos Scout should bring or wear a neckerchief. For the knots event, every Webelos Scout should bring a six-foot section of rope (easy to handle and good for knots). For the fire event, every den is to bring tinder and kindling.
In most cases, the Webelos Scout will be under the supervision of their parent or guardian. It is essential that each Webelos Scout be under the supervision of a parent-approved adult (Guide to Safe Scouting). If a parent cannot attend, arrangements must be made for another youth’s parent (not the Webelos den leader) or another adult to be a substitute. No parent should be responsible for more than one youth other than their own.
Rain Date / Late Breaking Information
For late-breaking news and announcements, join our district Facebook page and sign up for our district e-mail list. Webelos Woods is typically held rain or shine unless there is going to be dangerous weather.
Field or activity uniforms are to be worn at all activities and ceremonies.
Scavenger Hunt
This year there will be an additional activity for the Webelos dens. Webelos Scouts will visit troops to learn more about the trail and the troops. In return, the troop will give the den a totem to go on the den flag. Collect as many as possible.
Check-in: Check-in starts at 5:00 pm at the registration table, please bring the medical forms at this time. Leaders will receive a registration packet that includes the weekend schedule. The Webelos den leader must bring tinder and kindling to event, dropped off at firebuilding site or carried with you to firebuilding.
First Aid and Safety: A health and safety officer will be on duty all weekend. Since this is a wooded and water area, all campers should be on the lookout for snakes. The buddy system is to be used by the youth at all times.
Check-Out: Final checkout is to be completed at camp headquarters/registration, and patches will be issued at that time.
Troop Visits: Webelos Scouts and their parents are encouraged to visit troops throughout the day. You may visit them anytime. This is a good time to meet the adult leadership and watch the Scouts in action. This is a great time to ask questions and learn about the troop.
The Saturday evening campfire will include the presentation of awards to Webelos dens. Den will be recognized for their participation.
Event Rules
- Each den must work together to learn and accomplish different skills and tasks. Note: dens of 4th and 5th graders will be treated as a 5th-grade den.
- Each den should elect or appoint one youth as denner. Events are set up for Webelos dens of five to eight Webelos Scouts; combining smaller dens should be done before the competition begins. The ideal patrol size for this event is five Webelos Scouts. Webelos dens smaller than 5 will be allowed to participate and may have a difficult time participating in some events. If you have 10 or more youth --- split them into two dens so each youth participates in every activity. Please let registration know, if you have less than five or more than nine Webelos Scouts, so we can assist in combining smaller dens. Some attend as lone Webelos Scouts.
- Each den should have a den flag and a den yell.
- Each den should exhibit Scout spirit, which, for purposes of this event is defined as an interest in, and a willingness to learn and/or work at a particular task or event and game.
- Each den should exhibit teamwork, which, for purposes of this event is defined as working together under the direction of one youth leader (the denner) or their alternate, the assistant patrol leader, with each doing their task or part.
- Each den should exhibit leadership, which, for purposes of this event is defined as the denner or assistant denner taking charge, showing the den flag and patrol name when arriving at a new competitive event, leading the den in the patrol yell and directing and assigning tasks as needed. Note: Items 3, 4, 5, and 6 are part of the judging - don't let your den lose points by not being prepared in these areas!
- Each den is encouraged to participate in all events during the morning competition and the afternoon activities, in order to gather as many points as possible.
- Each den is required to bring the special items listed on page one in order to participate in events.
- One adult should remain with each den. The adults can watch the Webelos Scouts during the competition. Coaching during the competition will cost the den points, so parents bite your tongue and let them do it themselves!
- Each den may move to another competition area, once they have completed a skills competition or activity.
- We're all volunteers in this together our goal is to provide the youth with exposure to the Scout troops, learn new skills and enjoy themselves.
General Rules
- At all times, follow the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
- Stay with your den during the events and with your pack at all other times. Use the buddy system.
- If it isn't yours, don't touch it.
- Stay away from the playgrounds and the waterfront.
- Don't go into the woods at the edge of the park; we don't want someone lost or hurt.
- Don't mess with any wildlife.
- If you are not female, stay out of the women's restrooms and women's port-a-cans.
- Keep your campsite clean at all times. Dispose of trash properly.
- If someone gets hurt, let an adult know and have them get our medical team over to take care of the injured person. Don't move them unless they are in danger of staying where they are.
- Webelos Scouts will not be allowed to handle axes or hatchets. Saws are to have blade guards.
- No sheath knives, No firearms, No BB guns, No fireworks, or No slingshots are permitted.
- After all of the above, HAVE FUN IN SPITE OF ALL THE RULES!
Notice! Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the district has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper).
Scouting Safely

Scouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them.
Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:
- Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.
- One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited.
- The buddy system should be used at all times.
- Discipline must be constructive.
Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities.
*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.
^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.
Youth Protection Guidelines Guide to Safe Scouting SAFE Checklist Enterprise Risk Management
For registration questions, contact the San Jacinto District registrar. For questions about the event, contact the Trail To Troop Chair or District Activities Chair.