Raven District Cuboree

October TBD, 2025  |  8:00 am - 5:00 pm

cuboreeDouble Bayou Park
2814 Eagle Ferry Road
Anahuac, Texas 77514

Cubooree is a fun, exciting weekend event for Cub Scouts (kindergarten through 5th grade) and their families to kick off the Scouting year. Scouts and their families can camp on Friday and Saturday nights with their pack or just attend the Saturday activities. Packs will be assigned a campsite. The event is hosted by Scouts in area troops, crews, ships, and posts. 

Cub Scouts can shoot BB guns and archery, participate in an acrobatics obstacle course, make crafts, and more. 

Rocket launch: Newly registered Scouts receive a rocket for joining Scouts. They can attend the rocket launch on Saturday for free or attend the full day of Saturday activities and/or camp for the weekend with their families. Learn more about the rocket launch.

Leaders and parents can attend BALOO or Dutch Oven Cooking 101 during the event. Register online as part of the event registration. 


Registration can be completed by the unit leaders or parents. There is no onsite registration. Registration must be completed online with credit card, or electronic check.  Council refund policy.

Option 1: Cuboree and Rocket Launch

Scouts and their families can camp on Friday and Saturday nights with their pack or just attend the Saturday activities. Newly registered Scouts can launch their rocket.

Option 1: Register for Cuboree & Rocket Launch   

Registration Fees

Late Fee
(begins 10/12/23)
Cub Scouts / siblings (kinder - 5th grade) $25 $30
Adults / pack leaders $5  
Troops, crews, ships $0  
Option 2: Rocket Launch only 

If a newly registered Scout only wants to launch their rocket, sign up for the rocket launch only. There is no charge to launch your rocket.

Option 2: Learn More & RSVP for Rocket Launch only           

What to Bring

Personal gear:      

  • Health and Medical forms (Parts A & B) for every participant
  • Tents with ground cloth
  • Bedroll, or sleeping bag and pillow
  • Field uniform (Scout uniform) or activity (Scout t-shirt) uniform recommended
  • Appropriate clothes for weather and extra clothes
  • Jacket, raingear, hat
  • Closed-toed shoes (tennis shoes)
  • Flashlight with fresh batteries
  • Mess kit; water bottle or cup
  • Food (check with your unit leader)
  • Toiletries
  • Medications
  • Folding camp chair
  • Insect repellant
  • Sunscreen
  • Bag of candy for trick-or-treating, one per family
  • Optional items: glow-in-the-dark sticks, camera, hand sanitizer, water, snacks (do not leave in tent), battery-operated lantern, wet wipes
  • New Cub Scouts: Rocket that you received from your pack leader (with the Scout's name on it). Learn more about the rocket launch.

Unit gear:

  • Meals
  • Water containers for hauling water
  • Cooking gear and food
  • First-aid kit
  • Trash bags
  • Optional items: table, marshmallows and sticks, raised firebox and wood (if you want a fire), 5-gallon buckets and shovel (to remove all ashes and unused wood), canopy





Tentative Schedule


5:00 - 9:00 pm Check-in 
5:00 pm BALOO Training starts (learn more & register)
8:00 pm Movie under the stars
10:00 pm Lights out


8:00 am Dutch Oven 101 starts
8:00 am BALOO Training continues
6:30 am Breakfast with pack
7:45 am Flag ceremony and announcements
8:00 - 12:00 pm Stations 1 - 5
12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch (non-cooking) with pack
1:00 - 4:45 pm Stations 6 - 10
5:00 - 7:00 pm Dinner with pack and rest before evening activities
7:00 - 9:30 pm Carnival-style games
9:30 - 10:00 pm Closing ceremony
10:00 pm Lights out


7:30 am Breakfast (continental) with pack
9:00 am Interfaith worship service 
9:30 am Pack up and head home


Adult Training

Leaders and parents can attend BALOO or Dutch Ovent Cooking 101 during the event. Register online as part of the event registration.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)

Friday: 5:00 - 9:00 pm & Saturday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

balooBasic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) is the Cub Scout leader training required for any Cub Scout den or pack outdoor event, including packing camping, overnighters, and Webelos den overnighters. BALOO training is comprised of two components – an online component, and a practical, hands-on component which includes an overnight with 16 hours of instruction time. One BALOO-trained leader is required to be present on any pack family or Webelos den overnight camping. Participants will camp and eat with their unit (except for lunch which will be eaten during BALOO training). 


Dutch Oven Cooking 101

8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Dutch ovenUnlock the secrets to the Dutch oven cooking. Beginners and seasoned culinary outdoor enthusiasts are invited to attend this hands-on class to elevate their cooking skills. During the Dutch Oven 101 class, participants will discover insider tips and tricks for temperature control, seasoning, maintenance and so much more to ensure dishes that always turn out exceptional. Participants will sit down to savor the fruits of their labor together, enjoying the prepared dishes.

Bring your Dutch oven if you have one and your recipes and ingredients if you want to compete in the cook-off competition.


Notice!  Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the council and district has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper).

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management


For questions, contact the Rocket Day chair or district activities/program chair.