Orion District Merit Badge University

Orion MBUFebruary TBD, 2026   |  9 am - 4 pm

Lone Star College - Beckendorf Conference Center
30555 Tomball Pkwy
Tomball, TX 77375

8:00 am (check-in)

Merit Badge University is an advancement opportunity open to Scouts in troops, crews or ships. A Scout has the opportunity to work on requirements for several merit badges. These are not give-away merit badges, and this is not a merit badge factory. Each Scout is expected to fulfill all the requirements by reading the merit badge book ahead of time, attending classes and doing prerequisites. Scouts are expected to participate fully during the class in order to receive full credit for the requirements completed.

Adult participation is required to offer this event. Every unit with Scouts participating is expected to provide volunteers.

        What to Bring        Prerequisites


The registration fee is $26.50 and covers an event patch and lunch. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Merit badge class sizes are limited. 

Due to the popularity and availability of counselors, some classes will fill up quickly. Scouts who register early have the best chance of getting their desired classes. Class sizes are limited. 

New:  Before attending a merit badge opportunity, "a Scout must meet with their unit leader or their delegate … this meeting is a required part of the merit badge process, and that it should be documented … in Scoutbook Plus or other method.” (Source, p.40,

Important: Before registering, check your Scout's school and troop calendar for conflicts. Check which merit badges the Scout has already completed. Have the Scout discuss which merit badges they should sign up for with their Scoutmaster or troop advancement chair.  

Registration is typically completed by parents but can also be completed by the troop leadership (how to register). Pay online with a credit card, or electronic check. Council refund policy.

Changes: Merit badge class selections can be changed after registering. See the instructions below or in your email receipt. 

There is no onsite registration. You must register online before the event.

Register            What to Bring  

Classes and Prerequisites

Merit Badges
(click on class to see requirements)
Tentative Prerequisites, Partials and Notes
American Business   • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Not covered: #6
• Bring internet device and research or interview #6 notes, completed worksheet
American Heritage       • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Not covered: 3c
• Bring completed worksheet
Automotive Maintenance   • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book
• Not covered: #11
Citizenship in the Community         • Requirements not covered: #2, 3, 4, 7, 8
• Prerequisite: Read merit badge book
• Not covered: ​3, 4, 7, 8
• Bring #2 (community map and government chart), completed worksheet
Citizenship in the Nation   • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book. Start watching the national news.
• Not covered: #5,7,6,8
• Bring #8 (letters) and completed worksheet
Citizenship in the World   • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book. Prepare #3 (a current world event or geography topic to discuss during class).
• Not covered: ​4,7
• Bring completed worksheet
Communications       • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #5, 8
• Bring #2, completed workbook
Cycling           • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #7
Digital Technology           • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book; bring verification of viewing the Personal Safety Awareness "Digital Safety" video
• Bring a tablet or laptop with wifi, merit badge book, email address
Disability Awareness         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book
• Not covered: #2, 4
Electricity         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #2
Electronics         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.  
Emergency Preparedness         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book,  #1 (already earned First Aid Merit Badge) is a required prerequisite
• Requirements not covered: #2c, 7a, 9
• Bring: #8b (emergency pack or a picture with all contents)
Energy         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #4
Engineering         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #2, 3, 9
Entrepreneurship     • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #3, 4
Environmental Science   • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #3e, 3f, 4
• Bring completed worksheet
Exploration ♦*       • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #4
• Bring appropriate footwear and clothing to walk around campus
Family Life         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book
• Not covered: ​#2, 3, 4, 5, 6
• Bring: completed worksheet
First Aid       • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book
• Bring: #5a (first aid kit), completed worksheet
Genealogy         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #2, 4b, 5
Hiking          • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Not covered: #4
Insect Study         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.  
Music       • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #3b
Personal Fitness         • Prerequisite: Be prepared to discuss #1-5, 9;
• Requirements not covered #6-8 ca
• Bring:  Annual Health and Medical Record (Part A, B, C entitled Are You Going to Camp?) which requires a physical.
• Wear activity uniform (e.g., Scout shirt) and appropriate clothes for the fitness test including tennis shoes
Photography       • Requirements not covered: #7
• Prerequisite: Read merit badge book; bring verification of viewing the Personal Safety Awareness "Digital Safety" video
• Bring camera, and 12 digital pictures that you are willing to share for #4, 5.
Personal Management   • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.
• Requirements not covered: #2, 8
• Bring completed worksheet
Plant Science         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.  
Public Speaking           • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book; prepare #2
• Not covered: #1
Radio   • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book.  
Soil and Water Conservation         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book. Must be able to read a topo map,
• Requirements not covered: 5a, 6d, 7c
Sustainability         • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book ``

Packet Drop Off (complete all requirements at home and drop them off at check-in for review)

Scholarship^           • Prerequisite: Read merit badge book
• Bring all requirements in an envelope, folder or notebook clearly marked with the Scout's name. Include: completed workbook, #1 (copy of report card), #3 (letter from principal/counselor), #5 (report)
​• Special Instructions: Drop off requirements at check-in before 9am for review by the merit badge counselor and pick up after the event.
*4-hour class; 9am - 1:00 pm
^For the Scholarship Merit Badge, complete all requirements at home and drop them off.
Classes that are full will not show up in the online registration.
Classes will be added as additional merit badge counselors volunteer.

 = Eagle Scout Required 

What to Bring

Label everything you bring. The lost and found will be located at the check-in tables.

Cell phones or electronic devices should only be used at the direction of the counselor. Keep personal use to between classes or during lunch.

Check-in and Arrival

  • Check-in will be held in the Beckendorf Conference center at Lonestar College (30555 Tomball Parkway, Tomball, 77375) between 8-8:45 am. Enter the North entrance at SH 249 and Zion Road.  Look for the flag poles to your left as you enter the campus.
  • Check-in will start at 8 am and classes start at 9 am.  Scouts check in individually by last name, not by troop. Only Scouts should enter the check-in lines to avoid congestion.
  • Lunches are scheduled at 11:00 am, 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm.  Scouts should pick up lunches in the conference center, behind the check-in area.
  • Lost lunch tickets cannot be replaced.  Scouts should write their name on the back of their ticket after check-in.
  • What to Bring 
  • Prerequisites      

Prerequisites, Requirements Not Covered, and Partials

prerequisitesAttending a merit badge class does not guarantee that a Scout will complete the merit badge, but it is an opportunity for Scouts to meet with qualified counselors, to help them work on the requirements needed to complete a merit badge. The merit badge fair should not be considered another school where the pupils sit and stare for hours on end. Scouts should come prepared to participate. The counselor's job is to encourage self-discovery and then check that each Scout has the minimum knowledge and does the requirements. Scouts should be ready to take notes and come prepared with notetaking materials and writing utensils. Remember one goal of the merit badge advancement system is to develop individual growth and initiative. 

Prerequisites: All Scouts are to read the merit badge book prior to the Merit Badge Fair. Merit Badge books can be purchased at an area Scout Shop. Scouts are to be prepared to answer the questions to each of the requirements before the merit badge fair; Scouts are highly encouraged to print and complete the worksheets available at http://usscouts.org/usscouts/mb/worksheets/list.asp to help them prepare. Some merit badges require additional prerequisites to be must be completed before the merit badge fair.

Merit Badge Worksheets

Requirements not covered: Some of the requirements cannot be completed during the class. The Scout should bring documentation of requirements not covered. Scouts are encouraged to complete requirements not covered before the merit badge fair and bring proof of completion; otherwise, the Scout will receive a partial.

Partials: If the Scout does not complete the requirements not covered and bring documentation to the class, the Scout will receive a partial completion of the merit badge. The partial completion will be noted on the blue card, given to the Scout at the completion of the class. Scouts will need to complete the badge with a registered merit badge counselor approved for that particular badge back with their unit. Merit badge counselors are not usually available to serve as a counselor after merit badge fair ends unless arrangements are made. Find a list of merit badge counselors by logging into http://scoutbook.scouting.org with your my.scouting userID and password, click on My Dashboard, Administration, your unit and scroll down the page. Remember that a youth member must not meet one-on-one with an adult. Sessions with counselors must take place where others can view the interaction, or the Scout must have a buddy: a friend, parent, guardian, brother, sister, or other relatives—or better yet, another Scout working on the same badge. 

Advancements Completed

Blue cards are not issued at the event. A few weeks after the event, all of the completed requirements will be posted directly into Scoutbook.Blue cards are not needed; a few weeks after the event, all of the completed requirements will be posted directly into Scoutbook by the merit badge counselor.  If a parent doesn't enter the first and last name and BSA ID correctly in the registration system, then the advancements won't upload into Scoutbook. A few weeks after the event, a parent can log in to Doubleknot and pull a report to provide to the Scoutmaster or unit advancement chair of advancements completed.       

What Are the STEM Nova Awards?

Scouting America developed the STEM Nova Awards program to excite and expand a sense of wonder in our Scouts. By working with an adult counselor or mentor, the various modules allow them to explore the basic principles of STEM and discover how fun and fascinating STEM can be. 

How to Register

How to Register

Step 1: Select a participant: 
Step 2:
Step 3: Select a class 
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional classes: 
Continue steps 1, 2 and 3 for additional Scouts

Step 4: Review the schedule.
Step 5:  
Step 6:
Step 7: Select payment type  
Step 8: 

Classes that are full will not appear.  

How  to Change Merit Badge Classes

To modify your registration:

Event Volunteers

It is the purpose of the event to provide an exciting program for youth to build character, to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship and to develop personal fitness. Providing advancement opportunities is a primary part of this educational program. The Merit Badge Fair can only be offered to our Scouts if adults assist in running the event.  


Event Staff 

Successful Scouts have the support and guidance of parents. The parents are a treasure trove of information that can benefit every young man in our leadership program. Your encouragement and occasional refocusing of purpose that youth require will be invaluable. The successful leader in Scouts learns quickly to be successful in everything they attempt.

Adults are needed to set up the facilities before the fair starts, handle check-in act as roamers to look out for issues that need to be resolved, assist the merit badge counselors, and to help clean-up after the event is over. Volunteers who work directly with the youth must have current Youth Protection Training. YPT can be taken at www.myScouting.org

Merit Badge Counselors

MBCMerit badge counselors are needed to run the merit badge classes. Merit badge counselors must be registered with the council and have up-to-date Youth Protection Training. YPT can be taken at www.myScouting.org. It is our goal for the Scouts to be afforded opportunities to share resources with other troops with diverse occupations and skills. The Scouts will be expected to complete all the requirements as indicated by Scouting America. Merit badge counselors should wear their Scout uniform if possible.  

The merit badge counselor is a key player in the advancement program. Whatever your area of expertise or interest—whether it is a special craft or hobby (basketry, leatherwork, coin collecting), a profession (veterinary medicine, aviation, engineering), or perhaps a life skill (cooking, personal management, communications)—as a merit badge counselor, you can play a vital role in stirring a youth's curiosity about that particular topic. By serving as a merit badge counselor, you offer your time, knowledge, and other resources so that Scouts can explore a topic of interest

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management

Late-Breaking Information

Late-breaking news and announcements will be emailed to those registered and posted on the Orion District Facebook page.

Please like our page at www.facebook.com/orionbsa. Invite parents and Scouters in the district to like our page. Units and Scouters can tag us (@orionbsa), and message pictures. To make sure you never miss a post, after liking the page, click on 'Following' and 'See First.' To help us promote Scouting, please engage with our content by liking, commenting and sharing our posts.

For additional district communications, sign up for the Orion District newsletter.

For additional council information, sign up for the eScouter and follow the Sam Houston Area Council Facebook page. Tag the council (@shac.bsa) and send them pics of your Scouting memories.

Orion District Facebook    Orion District Newsletter    SHAC Facebook    


For questions, contact the event chair or district activities chair.