Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Name is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Address (street, city, zip) is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Home Phone is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Cell Phone is required.
Email is our primary form of communication. The email address listed must be checked on a regular basis.Feel free to list a family email; you may list than one email with a comma in between.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Email is required.Must be a valid email address.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Date of Birth is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.School is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Current grade in school is required.
District is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Rank is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Current Scouting position is required.
Leadership Experience
Please list any leadership positions held in and out of Scouting (e.g., SPL, Patrol Leader, President of Student Councill)
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Leadership positions held is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.If you have staffed summer camp, list the location, year and what job(s) you held. is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.NYLT or other staff experiences is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.List other Scouting experiences that qualify you for NYLT staff is required.
Leadership Training
What year did you take:
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.NYLT as a participant is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops) is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.ILSC (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews) is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.NAYLE is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.List any other training experiences is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.What did you gain from your participant experience is required.
The NYLT Experience
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.What did you gain from your NYLT experience as a participant and/or staffer is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Why did you decide to apply for a staff position is required.
First staff choice is required.
Second staff choice is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Why did you pick your choices is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.What do you hope to accomplish by serving on staff is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.How will you use your staff experience to help your unit is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.1. Parent is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Phone is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Email is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.2. Scoutmaster or Crew Advisor is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Phone is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Email is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.3. Teacher or Coach is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Phone is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Email is required.
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