Mustang District Trail to Troop

 Webelos WoodsFebruary 21-23, 2025

Camp Brosig
1893 Trenckmann Rd.
Sealy, TX 77474

Trail to Troop is a special outdoor adventure for Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts (4th and 5th graders), featuring the many outdoor adventures of Scouting, including archery, BB-gun shooting, hiking, knots, and first aid. A campfire program and Arrow of Light ceremony is held on Saturday evening and conducted by the Scouts BSA youth leadership.

Trail to Troop is a great opportunity for Scouts to spend time with and learn from older Scouts, and experience first-hand what's ahead in Scouts BSA. Many dens visit several troops during the weekend event. By hanging out with the troops, the Scouts can get a feeling for the personality of each troop, and which troop fits them best. For fifth-graders, a troop visitation game is held on Saturday afternoon. Scouts who get their adventure cards signed off by every troop earn a prize. Trail to Troop can be a key component of the pack program that assists Scouts as they make the important decision of which troop to join. Learn more about Webelos-to-Scouts BSA transition and information to help assist Scouts as they make the important decision on which troop to join and questions to ask troops at Find area troops at


Trail to Troop is held rain or shine, except in case of dangerous weather. There is no program for siblings.

Registration is a two-step process. Registration is typically completed by the den leader or pack leadership. Registration can be completed individually if the pack is not attending; check with your pack leaders before registering individually.

Step 1: RSVP:  Every unit needs to RSVP by December 31st to let the event staff if your unit is attending. Estimated numbers are provided to the council so the district can reserve the appropriate number of campsites and program areas for the event and so the event staff can plan the event.

Step 1: RSVP

Step 2: Payment: Payment is completed online (including late registration); there is no onsite registration. At checkout, pay with a credit card or electronic check.

Scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light rank may participate in the Arrow of Light ceremony (for an extra fee) led by older Scouts BSA youth leaders. Participants will receive a commemorative arrow for an extra fee.  Council refund policy

Step 2: Payment


4th grade Scouts $17
5th grade Scouts (campout only) $17
5th grade Scouts
(campout &
Arrow of Light ceremony)
Arrow of Light ceremony only
(for 5th grade Scouts not attending campout) 
Adults $10

 Schedule      What to Bring      Program      Leader's Guide     Event Feedback

Learn More at Roundtable

Stay Informed Attend RoundtableDen leaders are encouraged to attend the January and February roundtables for more information about the event. Roundtable is a monthly meeting held the second Thursday every month at 7:00 pm to help unit leaders plan and carry out their own program. For more information about roundtable, view the district calendar or contact the event chair.

Tentative Schedule


5:00-7:00 pm Camp opens, unloading, parking, set-up campsite. Den leader checks-in.
9:00 pm Cracker-barrel: den leaders, pack leaders and event staff meet in the pavilion. Den leaders are required to attend.
10:30 pm Lights out


7:00 am Check-in opens for Saturday day-only participants
8:00 am Opening flag ceremony and welcome at the flagpole
8:30 am Sessions 1-3* (50 minutes sessions with 10 minutes travel time)
11:30 am Lunch in campsites (opportunity to work on the Cast Iron Chef Adventure)
1:00 pm Sessions 4 - 5
3:00 pm Sessions 6:
     4th Grade: Walkabout
     5th Grade: Troop Visitation Game
5:00 pm Flag lowering ceremony
5:20-6:40pm Dinner in campsites and troop visitation (sunset ~6:20 pm)
7:00 pm Campfire and Arrow of Light ceremony*
10:30 pm Lights out


7:00 am Reveille, breakfast and cleanup
10:00 am Interfaith worship service and closing flag ceremony. Check out immediately following flag ceremony. Camp must be cleared by 11:00 am.
11:00 am Camp closed and gates locked


All participants are to carry a water bottle at all times.  Encourage Scouts to stay hydrated.

*The Arrow of Light Ceremony will be directly after the campfire presentation. Everyone is encouraged to attend. If you choose to return to your campsite, please remain quiet in respect for those in the ceremony. Sound carries easily in the evening. Extinguish fires, turn off all lights, and remain silent.  

Cracker Barrel

A cracker barrel is an evening snack and time for fellowship with other Scouters and youth leaders. The term cracker barrel is most thought to come from the time when people would shop at their local general store and gather around the cracker barrel to sit and visit with others in the community, much like the modern-day water cooler. On campouts, many troops have a Friday night cracker barrel with the leaders and youth leadership to review the weekend schedule. Sometimes food is served and is typically kept simple, such as cheese and crackers, summer sausage, chips or cookies.

A cracker barrel will be held on Friday night at 9:30 pm for pack and troop leaders. Please bring a cup and pen.


What to Bring

Suggested Personnel Gear

Den / Pack Equipment List

  • BSA Health and Medical Record (Parts A & B) for every participant
  • Ground cloth/cover
  • Tent (2-4 man)
  • Sleeping bag
  • Extra blankets
  • Pillow
  • Mess kit with utensils
  • Daypack with light snack, sunscreen, bug spray, personal first aid kit
  • Drinking cup / bottle to carry to activities
  • Field uniform (Scout uniform)
  • Activity uniform (Scouting t-shirt)
  • Change of clothes – at least two days worth, appropriate for the weather
  • Toilet paper
  • Jacket/sweatshirt 
  • Rain gear 
  • Hat or head cover
  • Personal toiletries – soap, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, medication
  • nightwear
  • Flashlight, with fresh batteries
  • Extra batteries
  • Earplugs, optional
  • Camp chair or stool
  • Handbook
  • Wagon, optional

Mark all items with name and pack number.

  • Unit roster
  • Patrol roster
  • Canopy or dining fly
  • Pack / den flags
  • First aid kit
  • Folding tables
  • Trash bags
  • Firewood
  • Pack flags
  • Lanterns – propane or battery for campsite
  • Meals (Saturday breakfast, non-cooking lunch, Saturday dinner, Sunday non-cooking breakfast)
  • Stove – small propane
  • Cooking gear – pots, pans, utensils, food
  • Cleaning gear – dishwashing soap, buckets, scouring sponge/dishcloth
  • Water containers with lids to carry water
  • Duty roster and meal plans for the den 





What NOT to bring to camp:  Alcohol, electronics/game equipment, firearms, guns and ammunition, sheath knives, fireworks, illegal drugs, pets, scooters, skates, skateboards, valuables


Scouts should wear their field uniform (Scout uniform) to assemblies, flag ceremonies, and the campfire. During the program periods, an activity uniform (pack/den or Scouting t-shirt and Scout shorts and belt) is ideal.


There is a train that passes near Camp Brosig several times during the night. It is required by law to blow its whistle at every grade crossing (intersection with a road). Foam earplugs are recommended for light sleepers and tend to dampen the intensity of the whistle, potentially permitting the wearer a more restful night. 

Winter Camping Tips

Participants are expected to come to camp prepared for variable weather. Although temperatures average between 40 to 60 degrees during winter camp, temperatures have been known to dip as low as 19 degrees and rise as high as 80 degrees.

Sources - Scouting Magazine: Winter camping tips and tricks to help you enjoy the fourth season, Eight essentials for staying warm while cold-weather campingOutdoor Smarts: How to Keep Warm in Camping's Fourth Season; Scout LifeHow to Stay Warm With the Right Winter Gear 

Dressing for the cold. When dressing for cold weather, focus on a layering system including the three Ws: wicking, warmth and wind. Your base layer should be wicking (like an athletic shirt), an insulating layer should be warming (like fleece or wool) and an exterior layer should block the wind. Use clothing you have, focusing on the right combination of fabrics.

Wicking Layer or Base. Also commonly known as long underwear, the base layer is worn closest to your skin. Its main job is to wick away sweat and moisture so your skin stays dry. Wear it relatively tight to the skin and use only wool or synthetic base layers. Never use cotton because it will not keep you warm once it’s wet, whether from sweat or precipitation. These base layers come in various weights, from heavy for frigid conditions to lightweight for warmer temps and activities that cause a lot of sweating, such as strenuous hiking and cross-country skiing. It’s a good idea to have one extra pair of base layers to change into every night at camp.

Warmth Layer or Insulation. The insulation layer is worn atop the base layer and is designed to provide the majority of your insulation. It should be made of fleece, wool, down or synthetic insulation and can be a pullover, zip-up jacket or vest, depending on how much insulation you need.

Windproofing Layer or Shell. The outermost layer, the shell jacket and pants protect you from wind and wet conditions. There are two types of shells: the hard shell is a lightweight layer that’s windproof and waterproof, capable of handling heavy rain and very wet conditions; a soft shell is made of a more flexible, soft-faced material that’s windproof yet highly breathable, and water-resistant enough to protect you against everything except a heavy downpour.

Mittens. Mittens are warmer than gloves. If insulated mittens get wet, they stay that way. Wool mitts worn inside leather or nylon shells are removable for faster drying. Wool gloves are needed for dexterity when cooking.

Sleeping. Be sure to change into dry clothes for sleeping — moisture retained in field clothes will cause chilling. For overnight warmth, wear wool, polypropylene or polyester (never cotton!) long johns, socks and a balaclava to bed. Place a scarf across your neck to seal drafts.

Sleeping bags. Two sleeping bags — one placed inside the other — should provide enough warmth down to about zero degrees. If you don’t have a closed-cell foam pad to use as a sleeping mat, try half-inch-thick foam carpet padding.

Ground cloth. In warmer months, a plastic ground cloth should be used inside your tent to stay dry. However, in winter, use the ground cloth beneath your tent to keep it from freezing to the ground.

Toes cold? Put on a hat. Your body loses up to half of its total heat in 40-degree temperatures. So, when it’s below freezing and your head is uncovered, you could be radiating more than three-fourths of your overall body heat from your head.

Baggy clothes are back in style at least in the freezing-cold wilderness. Your body heats itself most efficiently when it’s enveloped in a layer of warm air. If your clothes are too tight, you’re strangling the cold right out of your body. Dressing in loose layers helps aid this convection layer of air. Tight clothes or too-tight boots can also restrict blood-flow.

The three W’s. Every cold-weather camper needs to dress for the occasion. You’ll need a wicking layer (long underwear), a “warm” layer (fleece) and a “wind” layer (waterproof shell).

Stay hydrated. In winter, you may not be aware of how much you’re sweating. A gulp of ice-cold water is hardly appetizing, but it is important to keep drinking. Hot drinks and soup are a great way to replenish liquids, electrolytes, and heat. Keep extra tea bags on hand, as well as bouillon cubes, and hand out hot drinks liberally, especially at the end of the day when energy is low.


There are separate tracks for Webelos and Arrow of Light dens. Many of the activity sessions will cover rank advancement requirements, while others include adventures that Scouts enjoy or skills that introduce them to Scouts BSA. For activities where advancement requirements are completed, Trail to Eagle instructors will not sign off. The responsibility and authority for this rests solely with the den leader.

All Scouts will participate in activities with the den in which they are registered. No individual Scout may wander around the area. During program sessions, all Scouts shall remain with their den in their assigned session. Dens will move together from one session to the next. Event markers will be posted at each site.

4th Grade Webelos Scout Program
Host Troop
Strong, Faster, Higher TBA
Cast Iron Chef TBA
First Responder  TBA
Webelos Walkabout with orienteering and trail signs TBA
BB Gun and Archery TBA
5th Grade Arrow of Light Scout Program
Host Troop
Patrol Challenge TBA
Rope Bridge and Knots TBA
BB Gun and Archery TBA
Troop Visitation Game  TBA

Arrow of Light Ceremonies


The highest award in Cub Scouts is the Arrow of Light rank. The award goes to Cub Scouts who have completed this rank and prepares them to join Scouts BSA. The award is significant in the Scouting experience – so significant it is one of the only Cub Scout badges that can be worn on the Scouts BSA uniform. The Arrow of Light ceremony is the pinnacle of a Cub Scout’s experience.

An Arrow of Light ceremony will be held Saturday evening following the campfire. Pre-registration is required for any Scout who wants to participate in the Arrow of Light ceremony. There is a fee to participate to cover the cost of the arrow that will be provided to each Scout as part of the ceremony. Scouts should wear their field uniform. It is the responsibility of the den leader to verify that the requirements have been met.


Camp Site Expectations

General Campsite Appearance

1) US flag displayed correctly
2) Unit/pack flag displayed
3) Personal gear stowed properly
4) General appearance of campsite

Cooking/Dining Areas

5) Food properly stored and coolers secured
6) Cooking fires safe distance from tents (10 feet)
7) Duty rosters posted (example at end of document)
8) First aid kit readily available
9) Water bucket or hose for  fire pit
10) Garbage stored properly

Sample Duty Roster

The duty roster is a blueprint for shared responsibility. In preparation for the main event, during breakout group sessions, buddies are assigned to various tasks to assure their patrol’s smooth running and organization for mealtimes. Everyone has a job to do. For weekend camps, assignments are changed after each meal.






Saturday breakfast


Saturday lunch


Saturday dinner


Interfaith Worship Service

worship serviceThe Scout Law teaches, "A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.” It is important that Scouts be taught to recognize the beliefs of other Scouts and to respect those beliefs. There will be an interfaith worship service on Sunday morning. All Scouts and Scouters should plan on attending this service. Field uniform should be worn. 

An interfaith service will be conducted for all participants on Sunday morning. An interfaith service is a brief worship or meditation, specifically designed for Scouting events where there may be members of more than one faith group. The intention of an interfaith service is to provide a spiritual focus during a camping experience that does not reflect the views of a particular denomination or faith. An interfaith service can be defined as a gathering of Scouts held to contribute to the development of their spirituality and to promote a fuller understanding of the Scout Oath and Law, with emphasis on one’s Duty to God.

Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

These guidelines cover both Scouts BSA troops and Cub Scout packs.

Den Leader Meeting

The den leader or designated representative must attend a den leader's meeting on Friday evening  9:30 pm at the event headquarters in the pavilion. Questions about check-in materials received or the schedule of activities can be resolved at this time. Any additional information on activities will also be presented at this meeting.


Scouts must be registered with Scouting America. There is no program for siblings.  


All units must ensure sufficient leadership and comply with the BSA supervision requirements. Scouts will be under the supervision of the den leader and other adults in attendance at all times. The welfare of all Scouts is the joint responsibility of the den leader and the accompanying adults.

Medical Forms

BSA Annual Health and Medical Form Parts A & B (for All Scouting Events) must be completed and signed for each and every person in attendance and be presented at the registration desk and kept on hand for the duration of the event.

About Camp Brosig 

mapCamp Brosig is a 92-acre property, located six miles north of Sealy, TX, in Austin County with 20 campsites. Camp Brosig is located at 1893 Trenckman Road, Sealy, TX 77474.

Directions: Take Interstate 10, traveling West from Houston to Sealy, TX, Exit at State Highway 36. From the traffic light on Highway 36 where you exit from I-10, turn left (North) and go 5.1 miles until you pass the intersection with Farm Road 331. Another 0.6 miles past 331 is Trenckmann (a blacktop road to the left _ West). The road is difficult to see at night. Go 1.6 miles on Trenckmann Road to Camp Brosig gate on the left (south). Turn in and drive to the top of the hill. (The road is also identified as 1893 Trenchman Rd on some maps). Total time for the drive from Houston is approximately one to one and a half hours.

Camp Brosig Leader's Guide       Maps       Google Map



All parking will be in designated parking lots. Scouts in troops and other volunteers will be assisting with parking. Please follow their directions. Their goal is to get the vehicles parked as safely and quickly as possible. BSA policy forbids anyone to ride in the back of a pickup truck or in a trailer. Vehicles should be unloaded and moved to the parking lot as soon as practical to allow others access to the campsite roads. Do not set up campsite tents or gear until the vehicle has been taken to the parking lot. The camp speed limit is 10 mph.


Final campsite locations will be given to the den leader at check-In. Campsite assignments will not be granted until the names and medical forms of all Scouts and adults attending have been verified. Campsites will be identified by pack number. Multiple dens within a pack must agree amongst themselves how to share the available space. Den number or name should identify each den area where possible. No adult shall sleep in a tent with any youth other than his or her own child. 


In the absence of a  fire ban, wood-fueled campfires can be built in the campsites, but should only be built in camp-supplied fire pits. Ground fires are not allowed! Fires shall be attended at all times and shall be extinguished before departing the campsite for events or retiring to tents. You will need to bring your own firewood, there is none available at the camp. Campsite fire rings are not designed for large bonfires. Please keep the fire contained and flames less than two feet above the ground. No liquid charcoal fluid or liquid fuel is allowed per Sam Houston Area Council policy.

Cooking Fires

Cooking fires built of charcoal should be placed in existing cleared areas if possible. No holes should be dug for fires. Metal garbage can lids, barrel bottoms, or the camp - supplied fire pits should be used to contain the charcoal fires. No cooking on ground.

Knives and Axes

Knives may not be carried by Scouts during the event, even though they may have earned their Whittlin' Chip. As there will be little room for a proper ax yard in the pack/den campsites, Axes should not be used except in the Scouts BSA camping area in an appropriately designated area. Axes may be used only by adults and Scouts in troops who have earned their Totin' Chips. Scouts may use knives for meal preparation or similar activities under adult supervision.

Pack/Den Spirit

Each pack/den should have a pack/den yell and the pack/den is welcome to demonstrate it during the events portion of Saturday and at closing campfire. 

Insects and Poisonous Plants

As always, be prepared to defend yourselves against mosquitoes, chiggers, and ticks. You should also come prepared to treat fire ant bites and poison ivy. Venomous snakes may be underbrush, in the tall grass or around firewood. Use caution when reaching or passing these areas.


All dens must be fully prepared for the weather conditions typical for this time of the year. Either rain or shine, hot or cold, is sure to bring enough clothing to be as comfortable as possible during the weekend. If severe weather occurs during the event, three blasts on an air horn will indicate that one adult leader from each pack should meet at the pavilion for instructions. In some cases, some or all of the activities may be suspended for safety reasons during periods of severe weather.

Leave No Trace

LNTInstilling values in young people and preparing them to make moral and ethical choices throughout their lifetime is the mission of Scouting America. Leave No Trace helps reinforce that mission, and reminds us to respect the rights of other users of the outdoors as well as future generations. Appreciation for our natural environment and a knowledge of the interrelationships of nature bolster our respect and reverence toward the environment and nature. Leave No Trace is an awareness and an attitude rather than a set of rules. It applies in your backyard or local park as much as in the backcountry. We should all practice Leave No Trace in our thinking and actions–wherever we go.

The principles of Leave No Trace might seem unimportant until you consider the combined effects of millions of outdoor visitors. One poorly located campsite or campfire may have little significance, but thousands of such instances seriously degrade the outdoor experience for all. Leaving no trace is everyone’s responsibility. All participants are asked to follow the seven principles of Leave No Trace

  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly (Pack It In, Pack It Out)
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
  6. Respect Wildlife
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Meal Suggestions 

Meals on Friday night should be simple to prepare or should be prepared in advance and brought from home. The Saturday morning meal should be suitable to get the Scouts through a long and tiring day. Saturday lunch is an opportunity to work on the Cast Iron Chef Adventure. Saturday evening's meal will be a good opportunity for the Scouts to display their expertise with some type of silver turtle or other meal prepared as a team. Sunday morning breakfast should be a non-cooking continental breakfast. Do not wash dishes in the latrine sinks as grease and debris will clog the drain lines.


Final checkout of all dens must be completed by 10:00 am on Sunday before the interfaith worship service. Units departing Saturday evening need to check out with the event director prior to sunset on Saturday.


Photographs Notice! Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the council and district has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper).

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management



For more information, contact the Trail to Troop event chair or district activities chair.