Apollo District Recognition Event

February 22, 2025   |   2:00 - 4:00 pm

Westbury United Methodist Church
5200 Willowbend Blvd.
Houston, TX 77096

The Recognition Event is an opportunity for a night of fellowship and great food as we recognize and thank the adult volunteers at both the unit and district level for the hard work and dedication that they have shown to make this past year incredibly successful. All Scouts and Scouters and their families in the Apollo District are invited to this event.


The registration fee is $15. Registration closes 2/22/24. There is no onsite registration. Register online with credit card, or electronic check. Council refund policy


District Award Nominations

Due by January Roundtable

Help us recognize Scouters who have served Apollo District youth above and beyond the call of duty. Nominations are submitted online.

Online Nomination Form    

Nominate Scouts for one of the following awards:

Apollo District Award

The Apollo Award is presented to Scouters who are always called upon for service when the situation arises. These are Scouters that are never afraid to take on any task asked of them and do not ask for any recognition. All registered Scouter's in the Apollo district are eligible. One award per District Award of Merit awarded. 

District Award of Merit

DAOMThe District Award of Merit is a council award presented by districts in the same manner that the Silver Beaver is a national award presented by councils. The award is available to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. It is not appropriate to nominate a Scouter who has already received this award. A professional Scouter or other council employee may not receive this award based on employment service. However, a professional Scouter or employee who also serves as a volunteer Scouter may be eligible, based on volunteer service. One award per every 25 units or fraction thereof.

  1. A nominee must be a registered Scouter.
  2. A nominee must have rendered noteworthy service to youth in Scouting, outside Scouting, or both.
  3. Note: The nature and value of “noteworthy service to youth” may consist of a single plan or decisions that contributed vitally to the lives of large numbers of youth or it may have been given to a small group over an extended period of time.
  4. Consideration must be given to the nominee’s Scouting position and the corresponding opportunity to render outstanding service beyond the expectations of that Scouting position.
  5. The nominee’s attitude toward and cooperation with the district and/or council is to be taken into consideration.
  6. Nominations cannot be considered for posthumous awards 

Charter Organization of the Year

The Charter Organization of the Year Award is presented to a community-based organization in the Apollo District. The organization should demonstrate an outstanding relationship with its chartered unit(s), the district, and the community beyond normal expectations. One award per year.

Eagle Scout Project of the Year

Eagle badgeThe Apollo District Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award is presented for the Eagle Scout project, completed in the last calendar year, that is deemed to be the most outstanding of those nominated, based on the need for the service, the leadership provided, the benefit to the recipient, the scope of the project, and lasting impact. Projects considered for the Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award will have met the Eagle project criteria as specified by Scouting America and may be nominated for recognition by any unit registered adult leader. All projects performed during the recognition year by registered Scouts in the Apollo District are eligible. One award per year. 

Family of the Year Award 

The Family of the Year Award is presented to a family who has, as a group, provided outstanding support to the Scouting program in our district. Those families that make Scouting a family commitment deserve to be recognized. Candidates for the Family of the Year Award must have at least one registered Scout and Scouter. All such families in the Apollo District are eligible and may be nominated by any registered Scouter in the Apollo District. One award per year. 

Honor Unit 

The Honor Unit award recognizes units that have participated in council fundraising (e.g., FOS, popcorn), and participated in Apollo District events, and projects. These units willingly serve their community and stand as a shining example of what the program has to offer. Candidates for the Honor Unit Award will have met the JTE criteria as specified by Scouting America and worked with district commissioner staff to have completed five simple and one detailed unit assessment in the calendar year. The unit may be nominated for this recognition by any unit-registered adult leader. All chartered units in the Apollo District are eligible.  

Jack Metcalf Unit Service Award 

The Unit Service Award is presented to one or more Scouters in each unit to recognize noteworthy contributions to the unit programs by Scouters. Units may select one candidate for every ten registered youth, or a fraction thereof. Candidates for the Unit Service Award are to be nominated by their unit committee. All registered adult Scouter's in the Apollo District are eligible. One or more award(s) per year. 

W.L. Davis Adult and Youth Leadership Awards

Named in honor of William Leonard Davis who, as an educator and civic leader, gave unselfishly of himself to ensure equality through ensuring all youth could enjoy the benefits of the Scouting program. The award is presented to a Scout, Scouter, civic/community leader, or organization that demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting the aims of Scouting for youth within the Apollo District service area.

Any Scout, Scouter, civic / community leader, or organization may be nominated. The nominee should have demonstrated leadership in promoting the education, citizenship, fitness, leadership, and character development of youth. The community service is not limited to the Scouting program but must impact Scouts in the Apollo District. A unit key three (unit leader, chairperson, charter organization representative) or district key three (district chairman, district commissioner, district executive) must endorse the nomination. One award per year.


For questions or more information about the recognition event, contact district recognition chair chair or the district activities chair.

For questions about award nominations, contact district advancement chair