Apollo District Camporee

February 8 - March 2, 2025

Webb Ranch
Webb Ln, Brenham, TX 77833 (link)
(30.240717296170466, -96.24788688895802)

Camporee is a weekend campout for troops. Patrols compete in various competitions and are judged on leadership, teamwork, skill demonstration and Scout spirit. Troop leaders need to attend the April roundtable to help the event staff plan the event.

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Registration is a two-step process. Registration is completed by the unit leadership.

Part 1: RSVP:  Every unit needs to RSVP to let the event staff if you are attending. Estimated numbers are provided to the council so the district can reserve the appropriate number of campsites and program areas for the event as well as other event-related materials that need to be ordered.

Part 1: RSVP     

Part 2: Payment: The registration fee is $10 for Scouts and leaders. Payment is made online with credit card or electronic check. There is no onsite registration; full payment must be made prior to arrival. To make changes to the initial registration, use the link provided in the emailed receipt. Council refund policy.

Part 2: Payment  


The camporee site will be open at 6:00 pm on Friday. All units are required to check in with the registration staff upon arrival and turn in the following items:

  1. Annual Health and Medical Record for every participant. A paper copy of the Health and Medical Record (Parts A&B) for every participant (Scouts and adults) is required to be turned in at registration.  You can bring your alphabetized notebook which will be returned on Sunday morning.
  2. Pre-event screening form stapled to the medical form.
  3. Troop roster will need to be turned in at check-in.
  4. Patrol roster will need to be turned in at the Friday night leader's meeting.

After check-in, campsite assignments will be given and a staff guide will lead the troop to the assigned campsite. 

There will be a mandatory meeting for Scoutmasters and senior patrol leaders at 10:00 pm on Friday evening.  Following that meeting, the senior patrol leader must submit a roster for each patrol that will compete in the events.

What to Bring

Personal (check with Scoutmaster):

  • Field uniform (Scout uniform) and belt 
  • Activity uniform (Scout t-shirt)
  • Clothing appropriate for weather
  • Shoes (closed-toe) or hiking boots 
  • Pajamas or sleeping clothes
    (wool, polypropylene or polyester, never cotton!) 
  • Rain gear (pants and jacket) 
  • Jacket 
  • Flashlight and extra batteries 
  • Personal items (e.g., deodorant, comb, medications, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Water bottle (or canteen) and cup 
  • Pocket knife and Totin' Chip
  • Sleeping bag, blankets, sheet 
  • Pillow 
  • Cot or pad 
  • Personal first aid kit 
  • Portable chair or camp stool, optional
Mark all items with name and troop number.


  • Tents with ground cloth
  • Water containers for hauling water
  • Cooking gear and food: Saturday breakfast, lunch condiments (lunch ingredients) will be provided), Saturday dinner, Sunday non-cooking breakfast
  • Duty roster and menu
  • First-aid kit
  • Trash bags
  • Patrol flag
  • Items for campsite inspection
  • Toilet paper
  • Wash soap for restrooms


  • Annual Health and Medical Record (part A&B for all Scouting events) for every participant (due at check-in)
  • Firewood, rakes and fire buckets; buckets and shovel to remove unused firewood

What NOT to bring to camp:  Alcohol, electronics/game equipment, firearms, guns and ammunition, sheath knives, fireworks, illegal drugs, liquid fuel lanterns or stoves, pets, scooters, skates, skateboards, valuables








Tentative Schedule*

Camporee organizers are requesting that each attending unit host one event/activity PER patrol attending. This will keep Camporee a fresh and dynamic event where scouts can choose to compete in what most interests them.


8:00 pm Unit check-in and campsite set-up
10.00 pm Scoutmaster and senior patrol leader meeting
11:00 pm Taps, lights out, and quiet time


7:30 am Reveille
7:30 am Breakfast at troop campsites
8:45 am Opening Ceremony
  Camporee Competitions (attend the events that most interest your patrol)
9:00 am Stations 1-4
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Stations 5-9
5:00 pm Break (change into field uniform)
5:30 pm Retirement of the Colors (turn in score sheets)
5:45 pm Dinner at troop campsites
7:30 pm Campfire and award presentations
10:00 pm Scoutmaster and senior patrol leaders meeting
11:00 pm Taps, lights out, and quiet time


7:00 am Reveille and breakfast at troop campsites
8:45 am Interfaith Service and World Scouting Fund (bring a small donation)
9:15 am Pack up, clean campsite (including all litter)
9:45 am Campsite inspection and unit check-out
11:00 am Camp closes











Scouts will compete in a variety of events throughout the day.  Aquatics and Sports field areas will be used in the morning and Climbing and Shooting Sports will be used in the afternoons, 

  • TBD

Scout Cooking Competition

The cooking competition will be held during dinner. Categories will be:

  • Best Entree
  • Best Dessert
  • Best Bread

The panel of judges is expected to be no larger than 5 and only a small serving per judge will be necessary. Be creative, be daring. Wow the judges!


Access to the area will be directed by the event staff. After drivers have dropped off equipment and Scouts, the vehicles are to be parked in the designated parking areas. 

Remember that all staff -- adult and youth -- are volunteers. They have complete authority, in any matter in which a dispute arises. If anyone does not follow the direction or instructions of a staff member -- adult or youth -- that person or their entire unit may be subject to sanctions by the event committee. The parking rules will be strictly enforced.

Only certain staff vehicles will be allowed to drive within the camporee area and these vehicles will be tagged.


The field uniform should be worn at the morning and evening flag ceremonies, Sunday morning interfaith worship service, and at the Sunday awards/closing ceremony. The field uniform or activity uniform can be worn at all other times. 

First Aid

Each unit is encouraged to have its own first aid supplies and to handle scrapes and bruises in their unit. Each unit is encouraged to carry consent to treat forms for all persons in their unit. Emergencies and incidents that the unit cannot handle should be reported to a staff member immediately if you need assistance, and they will call the first aid staff to the area.

A first aid station, with qualified staff, will be on-site for emergencies and incidents that the unit cannot handle on its own. The first aid station will be located in the headquarters area. The first aid station will be available on a 24-hour basis. Please remember that this is a volunteer staff and consideration should be taken when having to wake them in the middle of the night.

In the event that someone must be transported to the hospital (non-ambulance cases), it is the responsibility of the unit leaders to provide that transportation.

Quiet Time

Quiet hours will be enforced beginning at 11:00 pm until 6:00 am the next morning on both Friday and Saturday nights. Respect fellow participants by observing these quiet hours.


Water will be on-site, but Scouts should have a water bottle.


Unit fires are expected to be allowed, absent any local fire bans. Proper procedures and precautions must be taken at all times. Fires must be raised off the ground and must be in some sort of fireproof container. Do not leave fires unattended…. Make sure it is out before leaving your area. Practice fire safety and have fire buckets and shovels at the fire area. Those who do not follow proper procedures will be asked to extinguish the fire and will not be allowed to have a fire for the remainder of the camporee. Firewood is not available on site. Bring your own supply of firewood, if you plan to have a fire. 


A spirit of Scouting and brotherhood must prevail during the entire camporee if it is to be a success. Conduct is to be in accordance with the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and the Outdoor Code. Scouters are responsible for the supervision of their units at all times and will be held accountable for their behavior. This is a good time for youth leaders to practice leadership skills. All Scouts are to remain at the camporee area at all time. Should it become necessary for a Scout to leave the camporee, the Scoutmaster must notify the staff at headquarters so that the Scout can be signed-out. Remember to ask permission before entering another unit's campsite. There will be no raiding, ambushing, or sabotaging another unit or unit site. Remember a Scout is courteous and obedient.  

Interfaith Worship Service

interfaith worship service The Scout Law teaches, "A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.” It is important that Scouts be taught to recognize the beliefs of other Scouts and to respect those beliefs. There will be an interfaith worship service on Sunday morning. All Scouts and Scouters should plan on attending this service. Field uniform should be worn. There will be a collection for the World Scouting Fund.

General Notes

  • The buddy system is to be used at all times.
  • Low impact camping should be adhered to and Leave No Trace methods should be used.
  • Each unit is responsible for its own camping area, unit equipment, and meals.
  • Each unit is responsible for its own trash/garbage. Please bring an adequate supply of trash bags. All trash/garbage must be removed from the campsite and placed in the dumpster departing camp on Sunday.
  • Be Prepared and have fun! 

Leave No Trace

LNTInstilling values in young people and preparing them to make moral and ethical choices throughout their lifetime is the mission of Scouting America. Leave No Trace helps reinforce that mission, and reminds us to respect the rights of other users of the outdoors as well as future generations. Appreciation for our natural environment and a knowledge of the interrelationships of nature bolster our respect and reverence toward the environment and nature. Leave No Trace is an awareness and an attitude rather than a set of rules. It applies in your backyard or local park as much as in the backcountry. We should all practice Leave No Trace in our thinking and actions–wherever we go.

The principles of Leave No Trace might seem unimportant until you consider the combined effects of millions of outdoor visitors. One poorly located campsite or campfire may have little significance, but thousands of such instances seriously degrade the outdoor experience for all. Leaving no trace is everyone’s responsibility. All participants are asked to follow the seven principles of Leave No Trace

  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly (Pack It In, Pack It Out)
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
  6. Respect Wildlife
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors


Notice!  Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that Scouting America has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper).

Late-Breaking Information

For late-breaking news and announcements, join our district Facebook page and sign up for our district e-mail list

Health and Safety

Safety is the responsibility of everyone.

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Weather is unpredictable. Bring rain gear. The event will be held rain or shine unless there is dangerous weather conditions. It is likely to be windy. Dress for the weather pack for the season.
  • For those adults who smoke, please be careful of your ashes. Make sure that your smoking material has been properly extinguished and that the remains are deposited in a trash bag, not on the ground. Do not smoke in front of Scouts. Be courteous to others.

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management


For questions, contact the camporee chair or the district activities chair