Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Name of Range Safety Officer or Lead Instructor for the event is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Phone Number is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Alternate Phone Number is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Email is required.Must be a valid email address.
Unit Type is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Unit Number is required.
District is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Date of shooting sports event is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Time (start and end time) is required.
Shooting sports events being offered (check all that apply): is required. Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Address of event is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.List equipment being used and who owns the equipment is required.
Note: Acceptable Firearms and Ammunition: The standard operating procedures must include a statement that the NRA range safety officer has the right to inspect all firearms and deem if they are safe for use on the range. If the RSO is unfamiliar with a particular firearm, the shooter must provide an instruction manual for the firearm in question prior to any shooting. Reference the National Shooting Sports Manual, chapter 5, “Range Operation.”
Emergency Contacts
The list of emergency contacts must be posted during the shooting sports event.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Name and phone number of local sheriff is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Name and number of local ambulance or EMS service is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Name and number of land owner is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Name, address and phone number of closest hospital is required.
Range Supervision Minimum Requirements
A certified NRA range safety officer is to directly supervise all live fire on the range. Additionally, the instruction offered must be given by a currently certified National Camping School shooting sports director certified as an NRA instructor in the discipline being offered, or a certified NRA instructor in the discipline being offered, or an NRA/USA Shooting/CMP certified coach in the discipline being offered. These must be
- Rifle: One NRA range safety officer per eight shooters. One NRA rifle instructor to eight shooters while firing.
- Shotgun: One NRA range safety officer must be present for each group of a maximum of six shooters. One NRA shotgun instructor for each student is required when loading and firing a shotgun.
- Pistol: One NRA range safety officer per three shooters. One NRA pistol instructor or NRA/USA Shooting/CMP certified pistol coach per two shooters while loading and shooting.
- Muzzleloading rifle: One NRA range safety officer per eight shooters. One NRA/NMLRA rifle instructor or National Muzzleloading Rifle Association rifle instructor per shooter while firing.
- Muzzleloading shotgun: One NRA range safety officer must be present for each group consisting of five shooters. It must be 1-to-1 NRA or NMLRA
- muzzleloading shotgun instructor to student ratio when loading and firing a shotgun.
- Muzzleloading pistol: One NRA range safety officer per eight shooters. One NRA or NMLRA muzzleloading pistol instructor per shooter while loading and while firing.
- Archery activities must be supervised by a National Camping School–trained shooting sports director or USA Archery or National Field Archery Association instructor, or by someone who has been trained by one of the three; or alternatively, the activities may be supervised by someone with at least Level 1 training in the operation of an archery range from USA Archery, NFAA, or an equivalent.
(Reference the National Shooting Sports Manual, “Five Levels of Shooting Activities.”)
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.List the name and title of everyone who will be supervising the range(s). is required.
Characteristics of a Safe Range:
As the NRA Range Safety Officer or Lead Instructor for the event, I agree to the following:
The perimeter will be visibly marked off with caution tape or other material so no one can enter downrange. is required.
The backstop/impact area will be of a size and material to stop projectiles that are fired. Reference the NRA Range Source Book for information. is required.
The fall area will be appropriate. is required.
The range layout and limits will be acceptable. Reference the NRA Range Safety Officer Course guide, Lesson IV, and/or the NRA Range Source Book for diagrams of different ranges. is required.
The target area and targets will be clearly defined. is required.
The range will be clear of debris; all obstacles that could interfere between the shooter and the designated target will be removed. is required.
The ready area and firing line will be clearly identified with a designated safe waiting area for spectators. is required.
The NRA range safety officer will have a clear view of the firing line at all times. Additional spotters may be needed. is required.
All benches, tables, seats, and gun racks will be of solid, sturdy construction if present. is required.
There will be provisions that ensure the securing of all firearms and ammunition when not in use. is required.
There will be an posted copy of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) approved by the CRSO on site. The SOP will follow Appendix 3 of the National Shooting Sports Manual and will include emergency procedures and require that no rifle or pistol ever be pointed above the backstop while shooting. is required.
A range flag will be used and a first-aid kit, communication devices, and hand-washing station will be available for participants. is required.
The NRA Safe Gun Handling Rules poster will be available and reviewed with shooters. is required.
We will meet the range supervision minimum BSA requirements. A certified NRA range safety officer will directly supervise all live fire on the range. Additionally, the instruction offered will be given by a currently certified National Camping School shooting sports director certified as an NRA instructor in the discipline being offered, or a certified NRA instructor in the discipline being offered, or an NRA/USA Shooting/CMP certified coach in the discipline being offered. These must be two separate individuals. The ratios of range safety officers and instructors per shooter are referenced in the Boy Scouts of America National Shooting Sports Manual, “Five Levels of Shooting Activities.” is required.
Before shooting, all equipment will be inspected for any condition that might pose a potential hazard to the safe operation of that equipment. Any shooting sports equipment that is not fully functional will not be used until it is repaired. is required.
All Instructors and RSO's on the range are familiar with the operation of all equipment. is required.
Only Shotgun shooting using #7 1/2 through #9 birdshot will be used when shooting on a range without a bullet impact backstop, the impact area will be under visual observation of the NRA range safety officer or a separate individual designated by the RSO to observe the impact area from a vantage point. The impact area is defined as the area downrange of an outdoor range where the shot will impact. The impact area must be large enough to contain the largest shot size fired on the range if it were to travel its maximum distance. If the impact area cannot be observed, the area must be marked off with a fence or caution tape. is required.
Shooting rifles or pistols on a range without a bullet impact backstop, will not be allowed. is required.
Near misses and ANY incident that requires the intervention of medical personnel, involves emergency responders, or results in a response beyond Scout-rendered first aid will be reported: is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Additional information is required.