Celebrate America's freedom established on July 4, 1776, with patriotic songs, games, and family fun. Discover what makes America so special to us. Enjoy the beauty of our country by participating in outdoor activities or service project.
Citizenship can be taught through Cub Scouting. Every rank has an advancement that focuses primarily on citizenship and patriotism. Our flag stands for our country. Teach flags about our flag and its history and how to properly display the flag, carry it, and retire it, about the many people who have given their lives for our flag and why we need to show respect when we handle our flag. Invite your local troop or VFW post to the pack meeting and have them perform a flag retirement ceremony. Practice patriotic songs like You’re a Grand Old Flag and The Star Spangled Banner and sing them at the pack meeting. Invite a veteran to be a guest speaker and talk about defending our flag. Let’s all be proud of our flag and what it represents.
The volunteer committee is working on updating these resources with the most recent advancement changes, including the addition of girls and Lions. If you find any errors, suggestions for changes, improvements, or additional ideas, let us know.
Patriotic Theme Ideas

Pack meeting and blue and gold banquet ideas including skits, songs, advancement ceremonies, opening/closing ceremonies and more can be found in our theme ideas:
Patriotic Theme Ideas (.pdf) - coming soon Cheers
Patriotic-themed placemats can be to used as a gathering activity to help promote day camp. Print one-sided to two-sided. Before printing, insert the date, time, location and web URL of your district day camp on page 2.
Patriotic Placemat Patriotic Placemat (non-readers)
Right-click on the graphic, click Open Image in New Tab, then right-click to save the graphic to the desktop.
For feedback on our pack meeting ideas, leader resources, and program planning resources, contact darlene.scheffler@gmail.com.