Council Calendar

Adams Eagle Scout Project of the Year Award nominations due
All Day

Adam AwardThe Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award program of the National Council is designed to recognize the valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. The award recognizes the Scout for his Eagle Scout leadership service project, which is part of the requirements for earning the Eagle Scout Award.

Learn More


Scouting for Food (food pick up)
All Day

Scouting for FoodScouting for Food is a council-wide service project to care for people in our local communities who are hungry and those in need. Scouts distribute door hangers in their neighborhoods to announce the upcoming food drive. Scouts return the following Saturday to pick up and deliver donations to their local food banks and pantries.

Scouting for Food

Scout Sunday
All Day

Scout SundayScout Sunday is an opportunity for units can attend services in uniform, conduct a flag ceremony, speak about Scouting, present religious awards and/or formally thank the chartering organization for their support throughout the year.

Scout Sunday               Religious Awards

OA Ordeal Induction Weekend (Order of the Arrow) 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
2/7/2025 - 2/9/2025
All Day

OrdeaOA Ordeal Induction Weekend is an opportunity for Arrowmen to give back by providing much-needed service to council camps! Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. 

Scout Sabbath
All Day

Scout Sabbath offers an opportunity for worshippers to honor Scouts and Scouters, as well as to learn more themselves about the value of Scouting as a youth program chartered to a Jewish organization. It gives a rabbi a framework to address Scouts directly, in addition to speaking about Scouting to the congregation. 

Council First Aid Meet
All Day

First Aid MeetThe Council First Aid Meet is an event that challenges Scouts in troops to perform first aid in simulated real-life situations. Patrols compete in practical first aid problems, displaying hands-on skills from the Scout Handbook, First Aid Merit Badge pamphlet and current American Red Cross guidelines. 

Council First Aid Meet

Scouting America's Birthday (1910)
All Day

BirthdayFebruary 8, 1910, is the birthday of Scouting America.

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
Full Throttle Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
2/14/2025 - 2/16/2025
3:29PM - 3:59PM

Full ThrottleFull Throttle is a weekend event for Scouts BSA. Troops who are camping at Camp Strake on select weekends can sign up their Scouts to participate in various program areas.

Full Throttle

International Committee Meeting (Feb) Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

The focus of the international committee is to raise awareness for the worldwide brotherhood of Scouting.

Learn More

Venturing Challenge
2/21/2025 - 2/23/2025
5:00PM - 5:00PM

VenturingThe Venturing Challenge is a weekend campout  filled with games, movies, crew against crew competitions, campfire program for the youth to bring prospective Venturers and Sea Scouts to a council-wide activity. 

Register for the Venturing Challenge

All Staff Meeting
All Day
OA Ordeal Induction Weekend (Order of the Arrow) Camp Brosig (1893 Trenckman Road, Sealy, TX 77474)
2/28/2025 - 3/2/2025
All Day

OrdeaOA Ordeal Induction Weekend is an opportunity for Arrowmen to give back by providing much-needed service to council camps! Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. 

Baden Powell Fellowship Dinner Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

Baden PowellScouters who have attended or staffed a Wood Badge course, or staffed National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) are invited to attend the Baden Powell Fellowship Dinner.

Learn More

Cub Scout Adventure Camp Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
2/28/2025 - 3/2/2025
All Day

Adventure CampAdventure Camp is an overnight, full program camp for all family members at Bovay Scout Ranch. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas and food service in the camp’s air conditioned dining hall.

Register for Adventure Camp

Council Merit Badge Days Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

Merit Badge DayMerit Badge Days are an opportunity for Scouts in troops, crews or ships to work on requirements for one or more merit badges. Classes are taught by career professionals and Scouters with real-life experiences in the field. 

                        Merit Badge Days

Trail to Eagle Scout Camp Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
3/8/2025 - 3/10/2025
3:40PM - 3:40PM

Trail to EagleTrail to Eagle is a council-organized overnight camp for Scouts BSA, similar to summer camp that operates under council-retained leadership. The program provides opportunities for Scouts to earn Eagle-required merit badges along their advancement trail. 

Trail to Eagle

Sea Scout Long Cruise Camp Strake
3/9/2025 - 3/15/2025
All Day

Long CruiseThe Spring Long Cruise is a week-long council-organized overnight camp for Sea Scouts that operates under council-retained leadership. The purpose of the Spring Long Cruise is to foster comradeship and cooperation among the participating Sea Scout ships, to provide instruction in Sea Scout skills and opportunities for Scouts to earn advancements.

Learn More


Field Staff Meeting
All Day
OA Trail Crew (Order of the Arrow) Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
3/13/2025 - 3/16/2025
All Day
Cub Scout Adventure Camp Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
3/21/2025 - 3/23/2025
12:32AM - 1:02AM

Adventure Camp is an overnight, full program camp for all family members at Bovay Scout Ranch. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas and food service in the camp’s air conditioned dining hall.

Register for Adventure Camp

Wood Badge 25-1A 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
3/21/2025 - 3/23/2025
7:30AM - 5:00PM
Wood BadgeWood Badge is a five-day advanced training program that gives participants a greater understanding of Scouting aims and methods while developing true Scout Spirit. It is anticipated that all people who complete Wood Badge training will continue to work actively in the Scouting program to further the aims and methods of Scouting.

All Staff Meeting
All Day
OA Bash (Order of the Arrow) 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331 [Lat/Long: 30.608901, -95.230270]
3/28/2025 - 3/30/2025
3:56PM - 4:26PM
Cub Scout Adventure Camp Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
4/4/2025 - 4/6/2025
1:00AM - 1:30AM

Adventure Camp is an overnight, full program camp for all family members at Bovay Scout Ranch. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas and food service in the camp’s air conditioned dining hall.

Register for Adventure Camp

Wood Badge 25-1B 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331 [Lat/Long: 30.608901, -95.230270]
4/5/2025 - 4/6/2025
All Day
Wood BadgeWood Badge is a five-day advanced training program that gives participants a greater understanding of Scouting aims and methods while developing true Scout Spirit. It is anticipated that all people who complete Wood Badge training will continue to work actively in the Scouting program to further the aims and methods of Scouting.

University of Scouting
4/11/2025 - 4/13/2025
All Day

University of ScoutingUniversity of Scouting is a training event for leaders of all program areas to come together for a day of fun, fellowship and learning.  

University of Scouting

Cub Scout Adventure Camp
4/11/2025 - 4/13/2025
1:01AM - 1:31AM

Adventure Camp is an overnight, full program camp for all family members at Bovay Scout Ranch. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas and food service in the camp’s air conditioned dining hall.

Register for Adventure Camp

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
Good Friday (office closed)
All Day

All Day

Houston Sports Breakfast
All Day

Sports BreakfastThe purpose of the Sam Houston Area Council Annual Sports Breakfast is to present a report to the community about the state of Scouting in the Houston Region, to recognize our major donors and sponsors of Scouting, to introduce individuals and companies to the impact of Scouting, and to solicit their financial support for Scouting programs in the greater Houston region.  

Sports Breakfast

Council Coordinated Meeting Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
7:00PM - 7:30PM

Council Coordinated is a triannual meeting for district leadership to receive the updates from the council. 

RSVP for Council Coordinated

Full Throttle Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
4/25/2025 - 4/27/2025
All Day

Full ThrottleFull Throttle is a weekend event for Scouts BSA. Troops who are camping at Camp Strake on select weekends can sign up their Scouts to participate in various program areas.

Full Throttle

All Staff Meeting
All Day
OA Ordeal Induction Weekend (Order of the Arrow) Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
5/2/2025 - 5/4/2025
All Day

OrdeaOA Ordeal Induction Weekend is an opportunity for Arrowmen to give back by providing much-needed service to council camps! Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. 

Cub Scout Fishing Derby Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
4:12PM - 4:42PM

Fishing DerbyThe Cub Scout Fishing Derby is an opportunity for Cub Scouts kindergarten through 5th grade and catch the big one! This is a great event for seasoned anglers or Scouts who haven't ever cast a line.

        Learn More & Register



Webelos Coyote Trail Extreme Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
5/9/2025 - 5/10/2025
All Day

Webelos Coyote ExtremeWebelos Coyote Trail Extreme is a specialty adventure weekend camp program for 4th-grade Webelos Scouts.

Register for Webelos Coyote Trail Extreme

Mother's Day
All Day

Fall Recruiting Training #1
All Day
Popcorn Chair Orientation (for district popcorn chair) Cockrell Scout Center (2225 North Loop West, Houston, 77008)
7:00PM - 7:30PM

The district popcorn kernel chairs meet to prepare for the popcorn sale and district kick-offs.

More information about popcorn   

OA Ordeal Induction Weekend (Order of the Arrow)
5/16/2025 - 5/18/2025
All Day

OrdeaOA Ordeal Induction Weekend is an opportunity for Arrowmen to give back by providing much-needed service to council camps! Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. 

National Camp School Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
5/17/2025 - 5/23/2025
All Day
All Staff Meeting
All Day
Memorial Day (office closed)
All Day

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
6/8/2025 - 6/14/2025
All Day

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed six-day council-level program designed to provide Scouts who are 13 years and older with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home units and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.

Learn More and Register for NYLT

Scouts BSA Summer Camp: Week 1 Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
6/8/2025 - 6/14/2025
8:00AM - 8:30AM

Summer camp is a week-long council-organized overnight camp for Scouts BSA that operates under council-retained leadership. The program provides opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges along their advancement trail. Summer camp is held at Camp Strake, a first-class and state-of-the-art facility for Scouts and their leaders.

Register for Summer Camp           Learn More about Camp Strake

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
Father's Day
All Day

Scouts BSA Summer Camp: Week 2 Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
6/15/2025 - 6/21/2025
All Day

Summer camp is a week-long council-organized overnight camp for Scouts BSA that operates under council-retained leadership. The program provides opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges along their advancement trail. Summer camp is held at Camp Strake, a first-class and state-of-the-art facility for Scouts and their leaders.

Register for Summer Camp           Learn More about Camp Strake

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
6/15/2025 - 6/21/2025
All Day

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed six-day council-level program designed to provide Scouts who are 13 years and older with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home units and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.

Learn More and Register for NYLT

Juneteenth (office closed)
All Day

Scouts BSA Summer Camp: Week 3 Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
6/22/2025 - 6/28/2025
All Day

Summer camp is a week-long council-organized overnight camp for Scouts BSA that operates under council-retained leadership. The program provides opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges along their advancement trail. Summer camp is held at Camp Strake, a first-class and state-of-the-art facility for Scouts and their leaders.

Register for Summer Camp           Learn More about Camp Strake

All Staff Meeting
All Day
Scouts BSA Summer Camp: Week 4 Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
6/29/2025 - 7/5/2025
3:11PM - 3:41PM

Summer camp is a week-long council-organized overnight camp for Scouts BSA that operates under council-retained leadership. The program provides opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges along their advancement trail. Summer camp is held at Camp Strake, a first-class and state-of-the-art facility for Scouts and their leaders.

Register for Summer Camp           Learn More about Camp Strake

Trail to Eagle Camp Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
6/29/2025 - 7/2/2025
3:15PM - 3:45PM
Scouts BSA Summer Camp: Week 5 Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
7/6/2025 - 7/12/2025
All Day

Summer camp is a week-long council-organized overnight camp for Scouts BSA that operates under council-retained leadership. The program provides opportunities for Scouts to earn merit badges along their advancement trail. Summer camp is held at Camp Strake, a first-class and state-of-the-art facility for Scouts and their leaders.

Register for Summer Camp           Learn More about Camp Strake

Scouts BSA Summer Camp: Super Troop Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
7/6/2025 - 7/12/2025
3:14PM - 3:44PM
Fall Recruiting Training #2
All Day
Strake Odyssey Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
7/13/2025 - 7/19/2025
3:13PM - 3:43PM
Webelos & Arrow of Light Quest Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
7/20/2025 - 7/23/2025
3:17PM - 3:47PM
Fall Recruiting Train-the-Trainer (for district volunteers) Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 North Loop West, Houston, 77008
7:00PM - 7:30PM

District fall recruiting night chairs and their team members are invited to this training. The council membership committee will present ideas on how to conduct the district Fall Recruiting Night Training. Fall Recruiting Night support materials will be distributed to the district recruiting chairs.

Learn More about Fall Recruiting

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
Strake Aquatics Day
All Day
International Committee Meeting (Aug) Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

The focus of the international committee is to raise awareness for the worldwide brotherhood of Scouting.

Learn More

Council Coordinated Meeting
7:00PM - 7:30PM

Council Coordinated is a triannual meeting for district leadership to receive the updates from the council. 

RSVP for Council Coordinated

All Staff Meeting
All Day
Sea Scout Fair
1:00PM - 1:30PM
Labor Day (office closed)
All Day

OA Ordeal Induction Weekend (Order of the Arrow)
9/5/2025 - 9/7/2025
All Day

OrdeaOA Ordeal Induction Weekend is an opportunity for Arrowmen to give back by providing much-needed service to council camps! Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. 

Full Throttle Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
9/12/2025 - 9/14/2025
All Day

Full ThrottleFull Throttle is a weekend event for Scouts BSA. Troops who are camping at Camp Strake on select weekends can sign up their Scouts to participate in various program areas.

Full Throttle

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
Minto Rendezvous
9/19/2025 - 9/21/2025
3:25AM - 3:55AM
All Staff Meeting
All Day
Angler Classic Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
5:36AM - 6:06AM

Angler ClassicThe Angler Classic is a fishing tournament for Scouts in troops, crews and ships. Armed with their fishing rods, Scouts will have a chance to showcase their skills and reel in the big catch in the spirit of friendly competition. 

Angler Classic

Adventure Camp: Let the Adventure Begin
10/3/2025 - 10/5/2025
1:24AM - 1:54AM

Let the Adventure BeginLet the Adventure Begin is an overnight campout for newly registered Cub Scouts and their families. Cub Scouts can participate in BB guns, archery, sling shots, crafts, sports, campfire and more.

Let the Adventure Begin

Full Throttle
10/3/2025 - 10/5/2025
1:34AM - 2:04AM

Full ThrottleFull Throttle is a weekend event for Scouts BSA. Troops who are camping at Camp Strake on select weekends can sign up their Scouts to participate in various program areas.

Full Throttle

Council Merit Badge Day Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

Merit Badge DayMerit Badge Days are an opportunity for Scouts in troops, crews or ships to work on requirements for one or more merit badges. Classes are taught by career professionals and Scouters with real-life experiences in the field. 

                        Merit Badge Days

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
Adventure Camp: Trail or Treat Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
10/10/2025 - 10/12/2025
12:55AM - 1:25AM

Adventure CampAdventure Camp is an overnight, full-program camp. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas and food service in the camp’s air-conditioned dining hall.

Adventure Camp: Trail or Treat

Wood Badge 25-2A
10/10/2025 - 10/12/2025
3:04AM - 3:34AM
Wood BadgeWood Badge is a five-day advanced training program that gives participants a greater understanding of Scouting aims and methods while developing true Scout Spirit. It is anticipated that all people who complete Wood Badge training will continue to work actively in the Scouting program to further the aims and methods of Scouting.

Columbus Day
All Day

Adventure Camp: Trail or Treat Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
10/17/2025 - 10/19/2025
1:00AM - 1:30AM

Adventure CampAdventure Camp is an overnight, full-program camp. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas and food service in the camp’s air-conditioned dining hall.

Adventure Camp: Trail or Treat

Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI)
All Day

JOTIJamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI) is an annual Scouting event sponsored by the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. ​


Popcorn orders due (by 4pm)
All Day

Unit popcorn orders are due today. Selling gourmet popcorn is a wonderful opportunity for units to earn funds to support their entire year of Scouting.  

 Learn more about popcorn

Council Coordinated Meeting Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
7:00PM - 7:30PM

CommitteeCouncil Coordinated is a triannual meeting for district leadership to receive updates from the council. 

RSVP for Council Coordinated

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
All Staff Meeting
All Day
Adventure Camp: Trail or Treat Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
10/24/2025 - 10/26/2025
1:00AM - 1:30AM

Adventure CampAdventure Camp is an overnight, full-program camp. Cub Scouts and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas and food service in the camp’s air-conditioned dining hall.

Adventure Camp: Trail or Treat

Wood Badge 25-2B
10/25/2025 - 10/26/2025
3:04AM - 3:34AM
Wood BadgeWood Badge is a five-day advanced training program that gives participants a greater understanding of Scouting aims and methods while developing true Scout Spirit. It is anticipated that all people who complete Wood Badge training will continue to work actively in the Scouting program to further the aims and methods of Scouting.

OA Fall Fellowship (Order of the Arrow)
10/31/2025 - 11/2/2025
3:18AM - 3:48AM

FellowshipThe Order of the Arrow (OA) Fall Fellowship is Colonneh Lodge's premier event. It is a combination of sports, games, expos, shows, ceremony competitions, and so much more.

OA Fall Fellowship

College of Commissioner Science
11/7/2025 - 11/8/2025
All Day

College of Commissioner ScienceThe College of Commissioner Science helps commissioners stay current on unit service tools and techniques, and best practices in serving assigned units and districts, to expand their skills, as well as refresh their commitment and energy for commissioner service. 

College of Commissioner Science


Arrow of Light Advancement Day
11/7/2025 - 11/9/2025
All Day

Arrow of LightArrow of Light Advancement Day is an opportunity for Arrow of Light Scouts in 5th grade to earn advancements and prepare for the next Scouting journey (Scouts BSA). Scouts will have an opportunity to complete the First Aid, develop critical outdoor skills, and get a sneak peek into the exciting world of Scouts BSA!

Arrow of Light Advancement Day

Field Staff Meeting
All Day
Veterans Day
All Day

Adventure Camp
11/14/2025 - 11/16/2025
3:31AM - 4:01AM

Adventure CampAdventure Camp is an overnight, full-program camp for all family members at Bovay Scout Ranch. Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities in several program areas and food service in the camp’s air-conditioned dining hall.

Register for Adventure Camp

Popcorn Distribution (unit pick-up)
All Day

popcornSelling gourmet popcorn is a wonderful opportunity for units to earn funds to support their entire year of Scouting. For popcorn distribution, every unit should send one or more representatives to pick up the popcorn order for the entire unit. 

Popcorn Distribution Details

STEM CAMP Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
11/22/2025 - 11/25/2025
3:27AM - 3:57AM
Staff Planning Conference
12/1/2025 - 12/3/2025
All Day

Full Throttle Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
12/5/2025 - 12/7/2025
4:04AM - 4:34AM

Full ThrottleFull Throttle is a weekend event for Scouts BSA. Troops who are camping at Camp Strake on select weekends can sign up their Scouts to participate in various program areas.

Full Throttle

University of Scouting
3:50AM - 4:20AM

University of ScoutingUniversity of Scouting is a training event for leaders of all program areas to come together for a day of fun, fellowship and learning.  

University of Scouting

OA Ordeal Induction Weekend (Order of the Arrow) Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
12/12/2025 - 12/14/2025
All Day

OrdeaOA Ordeal Induction Weekend is an opportunity for Arrowmen to give back by providing much-needed service to council camps! Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. 

Adventure Camp Bovay Scout Ranch, 3450 County Rd 317, Navasota, TX 77868
12/12/2025 - 12/14/2025
3:31AM - 4:01AM

Adventure CampAdventure Camp is an overnight, full-program camp for all family members at Bovay Scout Ranch. Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities in several program areas and food service in the camp’s air-conditioned dining hall.

Register for Adventure Camp

Council Merit Badge Days Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

Merit Badge Days are an opportunity for Scouts in troops, crews or ships to work on requirements for one or more merit badges. Classes are taught by career professionals and Scouters with real-life experiences in the field. 

Merit Badge Days

Unit Recharters Due District meeting (see district calendar:
All Day

Every December, all units (packs, troops, crews, posts) are required to renew their affiliation with Scouting. A representative of each unit completes the paperwork for renewing a charter online. 

Learn more about Internet Recharter

All Employees Meeting
All Day
Field Staff Meeting
All Day
All Staff Meeting
2:26AM - 2:56AM
Winter Camp Service Day
All Day

Winter CampWinter camp staff and other volunteers help set up camp on set up day. 

Winter Camp 

Scout Shops are closed
12/22/2025 - 12/25/2025
All Day
Cockrell Scout Center is closed
12/24/2025 - 12/26/2025
All Day
Christmas Holiday
All Day
Winter Camp Camp Strake, Coldspring, TX 77331
12/26/2025 - 12/31/2025
All Day

Winter CampWinter camp is a wonderful opportunity for troops to camp and Scouts to earn merit badges. Merit badge classes are taught by Scouters with real-life experiences in the field. Winter camp is held at Camp Strake, a first-class and state-of-the-art facility for Scouts and their leaders. Over 80 merit badge classes are offered, including many merit badges not typically offered at summer camp.

Winter Camp 

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) Tellepsen Scout Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch
12/26/2025 - 12/31/2025
All Day

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed six-day council-level program designed to provide Scout BSA and Venturers with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home units and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.

Register for NYLT

Scout Shop is open
All Day
Key Leaders Conference and Council Recognition Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

Key Leaders Conference is an annual half-day meeting for district leadership. Join your fellow Scouters in recognizing the recipients of the Silver Beaver Award, the highest award a council can bestow on a volunteer Scouter.

MLK Camp Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
1/17/2026 - 1/19/2026
3:53AM - 3:53AM
Camp Staff Interviews and NYLT Staff Search Cockrell Scout Center
All Day

Serving as a summer camp staffer is an unforgettable experience. It is a chance to spend part of the summer working at a beautiful camp while teaching Scouts and having fun. Camp work is often demanding as there is a packed schedule serving campers, but the opportunities, rewards, and experiences available are endless.

Application and Interview Signup

OA Lodge Leadership Development / Banquet (Order of the Arrow) Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) is a dynamic training where Arrowmen learn how to become a better leader. Youth and adult training classes include leadership development, event planning, goal setting, and other tools needed to improve chapters. After the Lodge Leadership Development, Arrowmen gather for a night of celebration at the annual Colonneh Lodge OA Banquet. Together, Arrowmen share our appreciation for the outgoing officers, recognize the Chapter of the Year, bestow awards on outstanding Arrowmen and celebrate the past year’s accomplishments.

Register for LLD & Banquet

Scouting for Food (hanger dropoff)
3:54AM - 4:24AM

Scouting for FoodScouting for Food is a council-wide service project to care for people in our local communities who are hungry and those in need. Scouts distribute door hangers in their neighborhoods to announce the upcoming food drive. Scouts return the following Saturday to pick up and deliver donations to their local food banks and pantries.

Scouting for Food

All Staff Meeting
9:00PM - 9:30PM
Scouting for Food (food pick up)
3:55AM - 4:25AM

Scouting for FoodScouting for Food is a council-wide service project to care for people in our local communities who are hungry and those in need. Scouts distribute door hangers in their neighborhoods to announce the upcoming food drive. Scouts return the following Saturday to pick up and deliver donations to their local food banks and pantries.

Scouting for Food

Scout Sunday
All Day

Scout SundayScout Sunday is an opportunity for units can attend services in uniform, conduct a flag ceremony, speak about Scouting, present religious awards and/or formally thank the chartering organization for their support throughout the year.

Scout Sunday               Religious Awards

Full Throttle Camp Strake, 2020 Camp Strake Rd., Coldspring, TX 77331
2/6/2026 - 2/8/2026
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Full ThrottleFull Throttle is a weekend event for Scouts BSA. Troops who are camping at Camp Strake on select weekends can sign up their Scouts to participate in various program areas.

Full Throttle

Council Merit Badge Days Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008
All Day

Merit Badge Days are an opportunity for Scouts in troops, crews or ships to work on requirements for one or more merit badges. Classes are taught by career professionals and Scouters with real-life experiences in the field. 

Merit Badge Days

Scouting America's Birthday (1910)
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BirthdayFebruary 8, 1910, is the birthday of Scouting America.

OA Ordeal Induction Weekend (Order of the Arrow)
2/13/2026 - 2/15/2026
All Day

OrdeaOA Ordeal Induction Weekend is an opportunity for Arrowmen to give back by providing much-needed service to council camps! Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. 

Scout Sabbath
All Day

Scout Sabbath offers an opportunity for worshippers to honor Scouts and Scouters, as well as to learn more themselves about the value of Scouting as a youth program chartered to a Jewish organization. It gives a rabbi a framework to address Scouts directly, in addition to speaking about Scouting to the congregation. 

Council First Aid Meet
10:49PM - 11:19PM

First Aid MeetThe Council First Aid Meet is an event that challenges Scouts in troops to perform first aid in simulated real-life situations. Patrols compete in practical first aid problems, displaying hands-on skills from the Scout Handbook, First Aid Merit Badge pamphlet and current American Red Cross guidelines. 

Council First Aid Meet