Embark on an extraordinary journey with Strake Odyssey, Camp Strake’s new space-focused camp. Dive into the wonders of astronomy, rocketry, and cosmic exploration, igniting young minds with hands-on activities and captivating simulations that bring the universe to life. Join us for an unforgettable adventure beyond the stars.
Learn More & Regster
- Week-long camp for troops, crews, ships and individual Scouts
- STEM-based merit badges
- Field trip to Space Center Houston
- Behind the scenes tour of NASA
- Meet an Astronaut
- Communicate with the ISS
- Hands-on STEM activities created in collaboration with NASA
- Astronaut in Training
- Mission Control Specialist
- Robotics Space Design
- Space Flight Design Team
- Design a futuristic Space Colony
- Held at Camp Strake, a first-class and state-of-the-art facility for Scouts and their leaders.
Camp Strake is located on 2,816 acres and is surrounded on three sides by the Sam Houston National Forest and has the Lone Star Hiking Trail close to one corner of the property. There are 20 campsites with pavilions, an air-conditioned dining hall, a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) center, a 28-acre lake, an aquatics center with a swimming pool and pool house, extensive trail system, sports fields, shooting sports complex, climbing and rappelling tower, high-ropes course, COPE course, chapel and more. The camp has been designed and built to meet both ADA and Scouting America requirements.