twilight-camp2.pngJune 16-20, 2025   |   5:30 pm to 8:45 pm 

North Side Columbus Club (NSCC)
607 East Whitney St.
Houston, TX  77022



Day CampDay Camp is an opportunity for Cub Scouts entering 1st – 5th grade during the next school year to make new friends, earn rank advancements, and enjoy BB guns, archery, sports, skills, and crafts. The camp is a council camp organized by districts and conducted by volunteers from the local area. 

Many volunteers are needed to make camp a success, so please consider volunteering. Adult volunteers can also register their non-Scouting children ages 3-5 (potty trained). Scouts in troops, crews and ships can also volunteer. An adult/guardian must register with a Tiger (going into 1st grade).


In addition to shooting BB guns and archery, and playing sports, Scouts will be working towards achieving parts of the following adventures (advancements).

Tot Lot (volunteer children ages 3-5)

  • TotLotTBD

Tiger (going into 1st grade)

  • Design by Tiger
  • Stories & Shapes
  • Floats and Boats

Wolves (going into 2nd grade)

  • WolfAir of the Wolf
  • Code of the Wild
  • Digging in the Past

Bear (going into 3rd grade)

  • BearMarble Madness
  • Super Science
  • Balancing Bears

Webelos (going into 4th grade)

  • WebeosArt Explosion
  • Build It
  • Modular Design

Arrow of Light (going into 5th grade)

  • Arrow of LightEngineering
  • Estimations
  • Into the Wild



The registration fee is $65 for each Cub Scout and includes a t-shirt, patch, water bottle and program supplies. All youth entering 1st grade through age 18 must be registered with Scouting America. A registered parent/guardian must be onsite at all times when tot-lots (siblings ages 3-5) and Tigers (going into 1st grade) are at camp.

The campership program seeks to increase the number of Scouts enjoying outdoor experiences at Sam Houston Area Council camps and programs by providing financial assistance. To be eligible, a family must complete an application form before registering.

Step 1 (youth and adults): Register all participants in the same family.

           Step 1Register   

Step 2 (adults): Every volunteer also needs to complete a background check.

            Step 2:  Background check (ages 18+)

  • There is an early registration discount of $5 for Cub Scouts before 3/15/24.
  • Registration closes June 3, 2024.

ScoutHave carpool contacts (must have at least one other than the parent/guardian) before beginning the registration process. It is very important to complete the entire process (through payment).  All incomplete registrations are deleted every evening at midnight.

Payment:  At checkout, pay with a credit card or electronic check. Council refund policy.

Volunteers: Many of volunteers are needed to make camp a success, so please consider volunteering. Adult volunteers can also register their non-Scouting siblings ages 3-5 (potty trained). Scouts in troops, crews and ships ages 11-17 can register as volunteers. A registered parent/guardian must be onsite at all times when tot-lots (ages 3-5) and Tiger Cubs (going into 1st grade) are at camp. Each pack must have a minimum of one adult registered for every three youth (5th grade and under) registered.

Youth registration requirements:

  1. Complete online registration (Step 1)
  2. Submit a copy of the Health and Medical form (Parts A & B: All Scouting Events) to the pack representative
  3. Submit a copy of medical insurance card, front and back (if insured) to the pack representative
  4. Must be a registered member of Scouting America

Adults registration (ages 18+) requirements:

  1. Complete online registration (Steps 1 & 2)
  2. Submit a copy of the Health and Medical form (Parts A & B: All Scouting Events) to the pack representative
  3. Submit a copy of medical insurance card, front and back (if insured)
  4. Submit proof of Youth Protection Training (YPT) online at (taken after 3/13/18). This is a mandatory requirement by the state. Certification lasts two years and must not expire prior to the last day of camp.
  5. Attend Camp Volunteer Orientation. This is mandatory every year by the state.

What to Bring to Camp

  • Scoutcamp t-shirt (get this from your pack representative)
  • Annual Health and Medical Record (parts A and B for all Scouting events), if not already submitted
  • closed-toed shoes with socks
  • mask
  • sunscreen (applied by parent before camp)
  • insect repellant (applied by parent before camp)
  • medications (see note below)
  • very hydrated Scout (have them drink lots of water all day and a full water bottle on the way to camp)


  • nonperishable snack (see note below)
  • non-carbonated drinks (water, sports drink, juice box)
  • hat and/or sunglasses
  • rain poncho
  • money for trading post treats (quarters in a resealable plastic baggie), optional
Mark all items marked with name

Do Not Bring

  • ScoutsNo aerosols of any kind in camp
  • No carbonated drinks; they dehydrate the body.
  • No food or drinks that require refrigeration
  • No excessive sweets
  • No matches
  • No lighters or glint and steel
  • No pocket knives
  • No perfume
  • No eating during sessions – if there is a medical issue, please alert the camp director.
  • No toys or trading cards 
  • No pets
  • No personal electronics – Nintendo DS, iPod, MP3, cell phones, radios, etc. 

Snack options

Juice boxes or sports drinks work best. Please do not send carbonated drinks. Use resealable plastic bags with the Scout's name written on it. Ice water will be available at meals and every activity area. Please check with the parents in your den concerning any allergies (e.g., peanut). 

Consider: frozen grapes, frozen bananas sliced, watermelon, strawberries, carrot or celery sticks with peanut butter, broccoli, beef jerky, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, peanut butter or cheese crackers, canned tuna or chicken, trail mix, dried fruit, pickles, crackers and hard cheeses (e.g., cheddar, colby and provolone), pudding cup, fruit cups, applesauce cup, chips, raisins, dried fruit, almond butter, yogurt raisins, granola bar, summer sausage, crackers, Goldfish, pumpkin seeds, protein bar, dry cereal, muffins.  Perishable or refrigerated foods, such as mayonnaise, meats, eggs, or leftovers are not allowed at camp.

Trading Post

The amount each Cub Scout actually spends will depend on their personal needs and whether their interests require special purchases.


There are several opportunities for Scouts to earn advancement at camp. A list of advancements covered will be sent home the last day of camp. The list needs to be given to the Scout's den leader.

Lost and Found

Lost and found will be located at registration. Leftover items are donated to charity after camp. Please label all items taken to camp.

Drop-off and Pick-up

Carpooling is strongly recommended. 


All medications (with the exception of inhalers, emergency epinephrine kits, and diabetes kits) must be checked-in to the health and safety director in the first aid area by the parents of the child requiring the medications. Each medication must be in the original prescription container with only enough medication for the week, clearly labeled with the Scout’s name, dosage, and specific time(s) medication should be taken. A medication form will need to be filled out.  Other than using an inhaler, Epi-pens or diabetes kits, no child should be taking any medication except while in the first aid area. Please inform the Scout's leader and the health and safety officer of any medications that need to be taken at camp. See the health and safety director at camp if there are any questions.


Notice!  Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the council and district has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper).

Volunteer Information

Day camp is run by volunteers. Each pack is required to provide a minimum of one adult register for every three youth register per pack.  If the pack does not meet this ratio, then the pack will not be able to attend camp.  Please consider volunteering.

Volunteer Training

The state of Texas requires that all adults attending camp must:

1. Take Youth Protection Training (YPT) online at Certification lasts two years and must not expire prior to the last day of camp.

2. Attend Camp Volunteer Orientation 

May TBD, 2024 Sunday 7:00 pm  Virtual
May TBD, 2024 Monday 7:00 pm Virtual
June TBD, 2024 Thursday 7:00 pm Virtual & In-person
June TBD, 2024 Saturday 7:00 pm Virtual
June TBD, 2024 Sunday 7:00 pm Virtual

A minimum of one person per 25 people on-site needs to be trained in First Aid/CPR/AED. If you have current certification, please submit a copy of your certification. If you would like training, find an upcoming course near you.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering at camp is fun. Many opportunities are available: 

  • Adult partner with a Tiger Cub
  • Den walker (escort a group of ~10 Scouts from one area of camp to another)
  • Archery range (must be certified)
  • BB gun range (must be certified)
  • Crafts
  • Health and Safety (must be certified)
  • Facilities
  • Registration
  • Scouting skills (teach advancements)
  • Security
  • Sports and games
  • Tot lot (preschool program)
  • Key staff

Volunteer Options

  • Full-Time Volunteer - will be at camp every day from opening to closing
  • Job Share Volunteer - two adults split the camp and both adults will ensure coverage for every day from opening to closing. This counts as one volunteer in the required adult-to Scout ratio. Full-time volunteers are preferred.
  • Key Staff – A volunteer who has been specifically asked by the camp director to serve as a key staff.

Pack Day Camp Representative

Each pack should have a designated representative collect copies of the Health and Medical Records and insurance cards for each participant, in addition to copies of Youth Protection Training (YPT) certificates, CPR certifications, and other training certifications for the adults. The pack representative should also ensure that all of the adults volunteering at day camp attend the state-mandated Camp Volunteer Orientation and that the pack recruits enough adult volunteers to meet the required youth-to-adult ratio.

The pack representative should begin collecting forms in March and should work closely with the district twilight camp registration chair. The district day registration chair can send reports of who has signed up for camp from your pack.

Merit Badge Class for Youth Volunteers

Scouts in troops, crews, and ships who are volunteering can sign up to take a merit badge class during camp. The merit badge class being offered hasn't been determined. 

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense apply to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

*Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management


National Camp SchoolDay camps are operated and licensed under the guidelines of the National Camp Standards. Camps are inspected annually by the NCAP team to ensure compliance with the National Camp Accreditation Program (430-056)Day Camp Administrative Guide (13-33815)Cub Scout Outdoor Program Guidelines (510-631), and the Guide to Safe Scouting.

The Texas Department of State Health Services Youth Camp Program is the principal authority on matters relating to health and safety conditions at youth camps in Texas. All youth camps must obtain a license before operating. Any youth camp may be inspected during operation to determine compliance with the Youth Camp Safety and Health Act.


Day Camp Contact

For questions, contact the day camp chair or district activities chair.

Late-Breaking News

Late-breaking news will be emailed to registered participants.

Council News

SHAC council shoulder strip

The eScouter is the Sam Houston Area Council's monthly newsletter containing information about upcoming council events and activities. The council utilizes a variety of social media tools including Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, and YouTube.

SHAC Facebook logo       pinterest icon    Flickr Icon        Instagram icon    Youtube icon 

Promote Camp

Most packs celebrate Scouting anniversary week in February with a birthday party called the blue and gold banquet. Free two-sided placemats are available to use at blue and gold banquets or pack meetings to help promote twilight camp and resident camp. 

The council has lots of ideas for blue and gold banquets and pack meetings (e.g., magic, beach). Follow us on Pinterest for more ideas.


Placemats and Blue and Gold Banquet Ideas