Type of submission is required.
All trainers must follow the BSA syllabus and the schedules and times recommended in the syllabus.
• BALOO must have 16 hours of instructional time (e.g., 13 hours on Sat, and 3 hours on Fr. or Sun; see sample schedule on page 9-11)
• IOLS must have 16 hours of instructional time (e.g., 13 hours on Sat, and 3 hours on Fr. or Sun; see sample schedule on page 8-9)
• SM Specific must have 4.5 hours of instructional time (see sample schedule on page 5)
• IOLS plus SM Specific must have 20.5 hours of instructional time so that both syllabi can be taught. Separate class times should be listed to participants have the option to attend one or the other or both. List prices for both classes (generally there is no charge for SM Specific)
Important: BALOO and IOLS cannot be taught together as they are designed for separate audiences and programs (national directive).
Sample Schedules
• Fr at 6:00 pm (4 hrs) to Sat at 8:00 pm (12 hrs)
• Sat at 8:00 am (13 hrs) to Sun at 11:00 am (3 hrs)
• Fr at 5:15 pm (5 hrs) to Sat at 6:00 pm (11 hrs
• Sat at 8:00 am (12 hrs) to Sun at 11:30 am (4 hrs)
Course is required. Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Course title, if different than above is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Date(s) is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Start time is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.End time is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Location is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Full address (and room number, if applicable) is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Cost (not including convenience fee) is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Max number of participants, if applicable is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.If you set a max number of participants, do you want a wait list If so, how many is required.
Registration close date (optional). List the date registration should be closed. Typically, this is only needed for IOLS and BALOO and registration should be closed 2-4 days before the training so food can be ordered. |
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Registration close date, if needed is required.
Host district is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.STCA Name and Contact Info is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.District executive's email (DE will get a copy of this request as an FYI) is required.Must be a valid email address.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Lead Trainer: Contact name is required.
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Contact email is required.Must be a valid email address.
Additional Contacts: You will receive an email copy of every registration receipt. You can list additional training team members to also receive copies of the receipts. This can be helpful for planning purposes. |
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Email addresses of additional contacts is required.
Joint Trainings: Some districts work together and hold joint trainings. If you are working with other districts (e.g., sharing trainers), let us know so we can put the training links on their district websites too. |
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.List any other districts working with you: is required.
Comments / Additional instructions
Your entry contains words that are not allowed by this site.Comments is required.
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