Camporee is a weekend campout for troops. Patrols from different troops will compete in various competitions and be judged on leadership, teamwork, Scouting skills and Scout spirit. Scouts from different troops will come together for friendly competition and showcase the tenants of youth-led and the patrol method of Scouting ! In addition, Scouts will have an opportunity to learn from and about each other through team building and skill-based activities.

The weekend will afford troops an opportunity to focus on key Scouting rank requirements in addition to teamwork and camaraderie. Events are competitive; however, the main aim is to practice new and fun skills, sportsmanship and outreach to other Scouts. All activities are led by Texas Skies District troops!

Theme: The theme for 2025 is space exploration. Printable Version


Registration is a two-step process. Registration is completed by the unit leadership.

Part 1: RSVP:  Every unit needs to RSVP by February 13, 2025, to let the event staff know if you are attending. Estimated numbers are provided to the council so the district can reserve the appropriate number of campsites and program areas for the event.

Part 1: RSVP

Part 2: Payment: The registration fee is $25. Adults, leaders, and youth staffers are $10. Registration is completed online with a credit card or electronic check. Council Refund Policy

Part 2: Payment    

Youth Staff Needed

The camporee is not possible without volunteers. The key staff is looking for responsible Scouts to help plan the event! Staffing camporee is a memorable experience that helps youth use key skills learned through Scouting in practice by planning a big event, collaborating with others on staff, participating in meetings, and working together with participating troops. In addition, as a staffer, Scouts will not only bond with other youth staffers, but also with troop representatives from the district. 

Staff Interest Form

Camporee PLC Meeting

A Patrol Leader Conference (PLC) will be held on Friday night at 9:30pm by the climbing tower at the Headquarters Building. Final event instructions or changes will be given. One representative per troop must attend.


All units must ensure enough leadership and comply with the supervision requirements. Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth. Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided. From the youth protection website, the Scouting America has adopted the following policies for the safety and well-being of its members. These policies primarily protect your members; however, they also serve to protect adult leaders. Parents and youth using these safeguards outside the Scouting program further increase the safety of their youth.

Designated Troop Leader

The designated troop leader will be responsible for completing the registration/check-in process for their troop. This designated leader will also be responsible for checking-out their troop on Sunday and should plan to be the last party to leave. All parties in your group should know who this person is, prior to departing for Tellepsen Scout Camp. All forms, patches, and awards will be given to the designated leader once the check-out campsite inspection has been completed.

Required Paperwork

The designated troop leader will check-in at headquarters in the Administration Building (approximately one mile past the main gate on the left) to check-in their troop. Please have two binders with the following mandatory paperwork in order, as noted below, and in alphabetical order by registrant. Registration will keep one binder and the other binder is to be kept in your campsite for inspection. 

  • Copy of Doubleknot reservation receipt
  • Youth Protection Training Certificate: every leader must be registered with Scouting America and provide a copy of a current Youth Protection Training Certificate YC06-0014.
  • Hazardous Weather Training Certificate: One adult per unit must provide a copy of a copy of Hazardous Weather Training Certificate (training taken within the last 2-years)
  • Annual Health and Medical Record (Part A & B). Every Attendee must provide a completed and signed Health and Medical Record Form.
Friday Arrivals
  • Camp will open at 4:30 pm.
  • The ranger station will provide campsite assignments. Do not bypass the Ranger Station. Once you receive your campsite number. You can proceed to the parking lot and have a small scenic walk to your campsite and set-up.
  • Check In will open at 6:00pm and close at 8:4pm.
  • The designated troop leader should proceed to Headquarters with the required paperwork to complete the check-in process.
Saturday Arrivals
  • Check In will open at 7:00 am.
  • Please do not bypass the ranger station. The camp requires that all campers obtain parking pass from the ranger.
  • For troops arriving for Saturday only, the designated leader will have the campsite number. Campsite parking will not be available. Please park your vehicle in the main parking lot at the climbing tower and walk to your designated campsite.

Check Out

Saturday Departure
  • Check Out will open at 5:00 pm and close at 6:30 pm
  • Designated troop leader will be responsible for checking out their troop and should plan to be the last party to leave. All forms, patches, and awards will be given to the designated leader once campsite inspection has been completed.
Sunday Departure
  • Check Out will open at 9:15 am.
  • Designated troop leader will be responsible for checking out their troop on Sunday and should plan to be the last party to leave. All forms, patches, and awards will be given to the designated leader once the campsite inspection has been completed.


  1. Final campsite locations for troops will be assigned after registration closes.
  2. Troops should expect to have to share a campsite and pavilion with another troop. Tellepsen Scout Camp has eight campsites and more than eight troops are attending.
  3. Water is available at each campsite. Restroom facilities are near each campsite.
  4. Electricity is available at the pavilion.

Parking & Vehicles

Do not park or drive in the grass. There are no exceptions to this rule. If your vehicle is found on the grass, the camp ranger may have it towed, at your expense, and if you are witnessed driving on the grass you may be asked to leave the camp. Each driver will receive a parking pass to be placed on the dash of the vehicle.  Vehicles without a parking pass may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Scouts and other volunteers will be assisting with parking. Please follow their directions and be patient with the volunteers. Troop trailers can park in the designated campsites. All others will need to park in the parking lot by the climbing tower. Vehicles may unload at the campsite but then must part at the parking lot at the climbing tower. There is a 5-7 minute scenic walk from the parking lot to the campsites.

Please be courteous and park correctly.

Any guest requiring special parking assistance must inform the registration desk at check-In. It is against policy for anyone to ride in the back of an open top pickup truck or in a trailer. There is to be no transporting of people in the back of pickups or in trailers. While driving on camp roads care must be taken to avoid pedestrians. No RVs, ATVs are allowed. Bicycles may be ridden around camp on roadways and gravel paths. Do not ride on sidewalks or on the Scout Plaza. Helmets must be worn at all times by youth and adults riding bicycles around camp.


Pets are not permitted! Exception are made for service dogs.


Tellepsen Scout Ranch has a readily available water supply. Each unit should provide containers for transporting and containing water. Remember, each unit will need water for the fire cans.


All garbage and trash is to be accumulated in trash bags to be removed at the end of camporee. No refuse is to be buried or left at Tellepsen Scout Ranch. There are dumpsters by the Ranger Station House for the disposal of your trash. Please compact trash as much as possible so as not to overfill the dumpsters too quickly.


All restrooms/showers are unisex single person stalls with locking doors from the inside. All individuals are to lock the door upon entering and everyone should knock on the door prior to opening.

Saturday Troops: Each campsite is responsible for maintaining the order of their restroom/shower facility while at camp on a daily basis. Toilet paper, paper towels, and cleaning supplies are available upon request from staff in Safari Room at Headquarters. Cleaning supplies will be left at the front of each restroom/shower facility walkway. Before checking out, each restroom and shower must be cleaned and swept, surrounding walkways swept, and trash from each trash cans removed. Dispose of this trash with your garbage. Your departure will be delayed if this hasnnot been completed.

Sunday Troops: On Sunday morning, cleaning supplies will be left at the front of each restroom/shower facility walkway. Before checking out, each restroom and shower must be cleaned and swept, surrounding walkways swept, and trash from each trash cans removed. Dispose of this trash with your garbage. Your departure will be delayed if this has not been completed.


Wood-fueled campfires can be built in the Campsites but should only be built in camp-supplied fire pits. No other ground fires should be built. Fires must always be attended and should be extinguished before departing the campsite for events or evening activities. You will need to bring your own firewood. There is none available at the camp. All firewood brought to camp must also leave with you, including partially burnt Firewood. Campsite fire rings are not designed for large bonfires, please keep fire contained and flames less than two feet above the ground. Depending on the weather, a fire ban may be active during the camping weekend. Fire bans are issued by the county fire marshal and the camp staff cannot override that decision. If a fire ban is in force during the weekend, no open fires will be allowed. All camp fire rings are to be cleaned out before you leave on Sunday. They will be inspected during check-out Inspection and any material left in the fire ring will be required to be cleaned and delay your departure. If you build a fire, you must provide a five-gallon fire bucket. This bucket is to be filled with water and kept by the fire at all times. This is mandatory.


Unit provide their own meals and cooking gear.

  • The Friday night meal, as individual Scout families, should be prepared in advance and brought from home or purchased in-route.
  • The Saturday morning meal should be a warm meal suitable to get the Scouts through a long and tiring day.
  • The Saturday lunch should be a non-cooking meal requiring minimal preparation, as the lunch period time is limited.
  • The Saturday evening meal should be a warm meal.
  • Sunday morning should be an easy clean-up meal, cold meal using foods that don't need continuous refrigeration, as it is often difficult to keep food cold this long in an ice chest.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at Scouting functions or on any Sam Houston Area Council Property. Anyone found possessing or consuming Alcoholic Beverages will be required to leave the site immediately.


Cooking fires built of charcoal should be contained within the campsite fire ring or within an elevated container. No holes should be dug for fires. Metal garbage can lids, barrel bottoms, or the camp-supplied fire pits should be used to contain the charcoal fires. No cooking on ground. Do not use liquid charcoal starters or liquid fuel! During a fire ban, fires of charcoal are generally allowed within the fire ring for cooking only. LP fueled stoves are acceptable.

Lanterns & Stoves

Propane-fueled lanterns and stoves may be used under adult supervision. Liquid fueled equipment using fuels such as Coleman fuel, kerosene, or white gas are prohibited. There should never be any open flames in a tent. Tent light should be provided where necessary by flashlight or battery powered lanterns.

Cooking / Fire Protection

Each Troop will provide its own fire protection. It is recommended to bring your own fire extinguisher or supplies to put out a fire. No flames in tents shall be enforced at all times.

Troop Equipment

At a minimum should include: Personal water containers, first aid kit, cold weather/ sunscreen/ raingear, trash bags, duty roster, and hand sanitizer. See list at end of manual.

Non-Scouting Equipment

Guns, sheath knives and other similar gear are not acceptable for Scouting activities and are prohibited. Any equipment in this category will be held by the camporee staff and returned to the designated leader upon checkout.

Knives & Axes

Axes should not be used except in the troop camping area axeyard and may be used only by adults and troop Scouts having earned their Totin'' Chip.


All Scouts and leaders are encouraged to bring their field uniforms. Leaders are encouraged to wear their field uniforms during the event. Scouts are encouraged to wear field uniforms during opening ceremony, campfire, and Interfaith service and can wear their activity uniform (t-shirts) at other times.

Canoeing Dock

Adults and Scouts are not allowed on the dock at the Tellepsen pond without a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).

Insects and Poisonous Plants

As always, be prepared to defend yourselves against mosquitoes, chiggers, and ticks. you should also come prepared to treat fire ant bites and poison ivy.


Attendees are not to cut down or cut branches from any live trees. There are many young trees that have been planted in recent years so that others who follow us will have shade and protection. Please be careful of these saplings and young trees and do everything you can to protect them. The cutting of living trees for firewood is prohibited. Any Scouts 


There is a train that passes near Tellepsen several times during the night. It is required by law to blow its whistle at every grade crossing (intersection with a road). Foam ear plugs tend to dampen the intensity of the whistle, potentially permitting the wearer a more restful night.


Any damage to SHAC property, equipment, or other items will be the financial responsibility of the designated leader.


All troops must be fully prepared for the weather conditions typical for this time of the year. It could be rainy, sunny, and cold all in the same weekend. Please bring enough weather-appropriate clothing to be as comfortable as possible.

Interfaith Service

There will be an Interfaith Service on Sunday morning at their flag poles.


Please be advised that promotional videotaping/photography may be in progress at any time at an event. Your entrance constitutes your agreement that the district has the right to reproduce your likeness in videography/photography for promotion (e.g., publications, internet, newspaper).


Emergency Procedures

Minor Medical Attention. All units should have in their camp a first aid kit to address minor medical needs. In the event Medical Attention is required beyond basic Scout/leader rendered first aid, said individual should be transported by their parent/guardian or other (2-deep) adult leadership to a local Health Care Facility. Any individual leaving camp to seek outside medical attention needs to report to the Safari Room in the Administrative Building before departing or have another adult leader from the unit report to Safari Room.

The nearest 24-hour care facility is in Navasota: Grimes St. Joseph Health Center 210 South Judson Street Navasota, Texas 77868  (936) 825-6585

Severe cases:  Call 911 – then call Daryl Patterson at (281) 435-1694

Incident Reporting
  • ANY incident that requires the intervention of medical personnel, involves emergency responders, or results in a response beyond Scout-rendered first aid must be reported.
  • Near miss incidents (does not result in injury, illness, or damage by definition, but it had the potential to do so) should also be reported.
  • Sound alarm by yelling, "Fire!" and notify camp management immediately. Local fire authorities will be called to fight the fire.
  • Because of the age of the Scouts, it is not recommended that any fire-fighting action take place. Remove yourself and others from harm’s way and notify camp staff.
  • In the event of a fire move to a safe location away from fire danger, usually in the parking lot in front of the campsite. Ensure that all members of your unit are accounted for and that they remain together and calm.
  • In an emergency, the central alarm will be sounded (siren blown continuously for 3 minutes) to warn camp. Camp Staff personnel will be dispatched to campsites to give further instructions.
  • Be prepared to mobilize to a safe location.
  • 3 short blasts of the siren will signal the all clear. Announcements will also communicate the all clear.
Thunderstorms or Tornadoes
  • When threatening weather occurs, all persons in campsites should go to the nearest restroom building or their vehicles (lighting only). All persons in a program area should move to the nearest building or structure.


This year the troops will have opportunities to go to eight stations. Shooting and archery will be at scheduled times and the other stations will be ad hoc but with a recommended rotation for traffic control.
There will also be a fishing competition. Scouts and adults will need to bring their own fishing gear to participate. The troops hosting each station will make efforts to include instructions for every event.
During program sessions, all participants should be with their patrol in their assigned session.

The camporee program offers a variety of popular activities on the key Scouting skills. Some sessions will include specific Rank Requirement work in a show-and-do format while others will introduce the Scouts to skills useful in the Scout troop program. Although some of these sessions will involve activities that correspond to advancement requirements, the camporee instructors WILL NOT sign-off any scout books. We suggest having an assistant Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster sign the books back at the camp sights during downtime.

Troops are encouraged to create an entrance or gateway to their campsite using flag poles, camp gadgets using lashings, etc. Campsites will be judged before dinner on Saturday. Patrols will also compete by cooking meals on Saturday night. Judging will be based on patrol method, proper meal planning, meal execution, and overall quality of the meal. Each patrol competing will provide an older Scout or adult as a judge who will then visit other patrols in the competition and score their meals. Scoutmasters/leaders may also participate as a cookoff for best entrée and dessert. Any additional requirements related to the cooking competition, gateway, and fishing competitions, as well as any supplies needed for the patrol competitions will be provided closer to the event.

Tentative Schedule

4:30 pm Camp Opens
6:00 pm Check-in opens (for troops only) – Location TBD
8:45 pm Check-in closes
9:30 pm Patrol Leaders Conference – Location TBD
10:30 pm      Lights Out
6:00 am Reveille
7:00 am Check-in opens for Saturday arrivals
8:00 am Opening Flag Ceremony and Announcements at Parade Field (by Campsite 2 & 3)
8:30 am Rotations Begin
11:15 am Lunch
12:15 pm Rotations Resume
3:15 pm Free Time
5:15 pm Flags
5:30 pm Prepare for Dinner
7:30 pm Campfire Program
9:00 pm Order of the Arrow (OA) Callout
11:00 pm Lights Out
6:00 am Reveille
9:00 am Interfaith Service at Parade Field
9:15 am Check-out begins – Location TBD
10:30 am Camp Closes

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management


For questions, contact the camporee chair or district activities chair.