The Trail to Troop is a weekend campout for 5th-grade  Scouts. The Arrow of Light Scouts get a sneak preview of what to expect in Scouting. The program activities will be conducted under adult leadership with assistance from area troops. A Scout can earn advancements by just attending during the day but will get the full program if camping.

Find area troops at (search by meeting day or zip code). Learn more about the transition to Scouts BSA transition and questions to ask troop leaders at

Program Overview

Scouts will have an opportunity to participate in five activities of their choice including a chance to shoot archery and BB guns. The Webelos Scouts do not have to participate in the same activities for the day as a den, but if they choose to do the same activities, we will do our best to keep them together based contingent upon class size. The fifth-grade Webelos Scouts are encouraged to take the Scouting skill courses, especially if they have already completed many of their activity badges. There will also be additional activities that the Webelos Scouts will be able to participate in, including a den flag competition, den cheer competition, and campsite inspection. There will be an opening flag ceremony on Saturday morning, a closing campfire on Saturday night, and an interfaith service on Sunday morning.

 Camp Brosig Leader's Guide      Printable View


Registration is a two-step process. Registration is typically completed by the Webelos den leader or unit leader.

Part 1: RSVP:  Every unit needs to RSVP by September roundtable to let the event staff if you are attending. Estimated numbers are provided to the council so the district can reserve the appropriate number of campsites and program areas for the event.

Step 1: RSVP


Early Bird Fee
(ends 10/25/23)
Registration Fee
(closes 11/3/23)
Webelos & Arrow Light Scout plus one adult $35 $40
Additional adult(s)   $5
Scouts in troops   $5
Troop leaders   $0
District volunteers   $5

Step 2: Payment: Pay online with credit card or electronic check. Council refund policy.

   Step 2: Payment for Packs  or  Step 2:  Payment for Troops / District Volunteers  

Roster and Activity Selection

A Den Activity Roster will be provided upon registration. 

What to Bring

Personal gear:

  • Bed roll, or sleeping bag
  • Jacket, raingear, hat
  • Extra change of clothes (appropriate for weather)
  • Mess kit
  • water bottle or canteen
  • Personal items and toiletries
  • Field uniform (Scout uniform) and activity uniform (pack or Scout t-shirt) 
  • Webelos Handbook (optional)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Folding chairs
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • Health and Medical form for every everyone onsite (including parents)

Den gear:

  • Tents with ground cloth
  • Table, to eat and cook on
  • Water containers (with lids) for hauling water
  • Cooking gear
  • Meals
  • Shovel and 5-gallon bucket (to remove all ashes and unused wood)
  • First-aid kit (required)
  • Trash bags
  • Coolers and bricks or logs to raise the coolers off the ground
  • Patrol flag (see competition)
  • US flag
  • Pack flag
  • Wagon to carry gear and water
  • Den yell (see competition)
  • Optional items: marshmallows and sticks, glow sticks, canopy

Tentative Schedule

Specific schedules that show exactly what activities each participant will be taking during the five activity sessions will be provided at the Friday evening leader’s meeting/cracker barrel.

Friday night 

5:00 - 10:00 pm Check-in and set-up camp
9:00 pm Leaders meeting / cracker barrel
10:00 pm Lights out / quiet in camp
10:30 pm Gate is locked


6:30 am  Gate is opened
7:00 am  Reveille
7:00 - 8:00 am   Breakfast
8:00 am Flag ceremony
9:00 - 10:00 am Activity #1
10:00 - 11:00 am Activity #2
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Lunch / free time
1:00 - 2:00 pm Activity #3
2:00 - 3:00 pm Activity #4
3:00 - 4:00 pm Activity #5
4:00 - 5:30 pm Troop visits / free time
5:30 - 6:45 pm Dinner
6:45 - 7:30 pm Dessert competition / camp-wide dessert potluck
7:30 - 9:00 pm Campfire
10:00 pm Lights out / quite in camp
10:30 pm Gate is locked


6:30 am Gate is opened
7:00 am Reveille
7:00 - 8:00 am Breakfast
8:00 am  Flag ceremony and interfaith service
8:30 - 11:00 am Clean up camp and check out

Check-in and Check-out

Check-in. Camp opens at 5:00 pm on Friday. No one may check-in before this time. Once you receive your campsite assignment, you may go directly to your campsite on arrival. Saturday morning arrivals should be checked-in and ready for flag ceremony at 8:00 am. Bring a Health and Medical form for every everyone onsite (including parents.)

Check-out. The event ends after the Sunday morning worship service. All campsites must be inspected and released to check out. Those wishing to leave Saturday night must make arrangement to have their campsite inspected before dark. All camp activities will cease on Sunday from 8:00 to 8:30 am for the worship service. Everyone is encouraged to attend the service. All campsites must be vacated by 11:00 am.

About Camp Brosig

Camp Brosig is a 92-acre property, located six miles north of Sealy, TX, in Austin County with 20 campsites. Camp Brosig is located at 1893 Trenckman Road, Sealy, TX 77474.

Camp Brosig Leader's Guide    Maps

Directions: Take I-10 West from Houston to Sealy, TX, exit 720 (TX-36N/Meyer St). After exiting, turn left (north) at the traffic light on TX-36N. Proceed 5.1 miles until you pass the intersection with FM331. Another 0.6 miles past FM331 is Trenckmann [a blacktop road to the left (west)]. The road is difficult to see at night. Go 1.6 miles on Trenckmann Road to the Camp Brosig gate on the left (south). Turn in and drive to the top of the hill. Total drive time from Houston is approximately one to one and a half hours.


  1. See the Camp Brosig leaders guide:
  2. This is a Webelos Scout and parent/guardian event. A parent/guardian must accompany each Webelos Scout. A Scout cannot be in a tent with an adult who’s not their parent/legal guardian. There is no program for siblings.
  3. Service Hours. Scouts in troops, crews and ships will receive a certificate for service hours for this activity and will receive credit in their troop if approved by their Scoutmaster.
  4. All Scouts and leaders must be currently registered with Scouting America.
  5. Special Needs. Be sure to notify the event chair at the time of registration of any special needs.
  6. Electricity. There is no electricity available in the campsites.
  7. Campsite Assignments will be given upon check-in. All dens from one pack will be assigned adjoining campsites and each pack will be allowed to set up their campsite as they desire. Water spigots are available at various locations throughout the camp.
  8. Getting to Camp. In order to avoid traffic congestion and lines, we strongly recommend car-pooling. The fewer vehicles we have to get into camp, the quicker we can get you in and out.
  9. Driving in Camp – The speed limit is less than 5 miles per hour and is mandatory for everyone's safety. There will be NO vehicles allowed in camp without permission of the campmaster or event chair. Check-in and Check-out times will be stated and vehicles will be allowed in at that time and policed by the campmaster and his staff. ALL vehicles will be parked in the parking lot with the exception of the first aid vehicle.
  10. Parking. Please park in the assigned area only. Vehicles will not be permitted in campsites areas. This rule will be enforced and is vitally important to maintain safety of the Scouts.
  11. Vehicles. Campers, motor homes, and tent trailers are not allowed in the camping area. No Scout may ride in the back of a pick-up or trailer at any time.
  12. Check-in. Camp opens at 5:00 pm on Friday. No one may check in before this time. Once you receive your campsite assignment, you may go directly to your campsite on arrival. Saturday morning arrivals should be checked in and ready for flag ceremony at 8:00 am. 
  13. Check-out. Webelos Woods ends after the Sunday morning worship service. All campsites must be inspected and released to check out. Those wishing to leave Saturday night must make arrangements to have their campsite inspected before dark. All camp activities will cease on Sunday from 8:00 to 8:30 am for the worship service. Everyone is encouraged to attend the service. All campsites must be vacated by 11:00 am.
  14. Uniforms. The field uniform (Scout uniform) should be worn for the Saturday morning flags, Saturday evening ceremony and the Sunday morning worship service. Please leave neckerchiefs and slides at home - they are too easily lostActivity uniforms (Scout t-shirts) should be worn at other times. Many Scouts wear their field uniform to and from the event.
  15. Cooking Equipment. Each den must furnish their own food to be cooked at their campsite, as well as firewood and/or charcoal. Please note the information in #14 below – all cooking must be done off the ground and ashes disposed of properly. Do not cut trees. Gasoline or other liquid fuel is prohibited. Propane and/or butane stoves and lanterns may be used with adult supervision.
  16. SHAC prohibits liquid fuels at all of their camps. Therefore, propane or charcoal use only is allowed. Open fire (this includes charcoal) permission will be determined by local conditions and, if allowed, must be off the ground. Grease must go into a can or other safe container and be packed on with the litter.
  17. Campfires. Small campfires, are permitted if wind and weather conditions permit. Fires must be off the ground and ashes must be disposed in the barrels marked for such.
  18. Port-a-potties will be available. Some are marked ladies only. Please instruct your Scouts to observe the signs. Please instruct Scouts that the port-a-potties are not a place to play. No rocks in port-a-potties. The Scout camp has to pay to have rocks removed and it is costly. There are no shower facilities at camp.
  19. Trash. All trash must be taken to the dumpsters located on the exit road. Keep trash off the ground to avoid attracting critters to your campsite.
  20. Conduct. Scout spirit at all times. Leaders are responsible for the conduct and safety of their Webelos Scouts at all times. It is the Leader's responsibility to control the actions of the den and organize the day's activities for the Scouts. Adults are responsible for their own conduct and safety. Guns, sheath knives and other non-Scout gear are prohibited. Scouts must be within the assigned campsite and quiet after lights out. Scouts must use the buddy system at all times.
  21. Smoking. Not allowed around the Scouts, in the port-a-potties or in the staff area. If you wish to smoke, please go away from all activity areas and out of sight of Scouts. Do not litter.
  22. Adults in Campsites. While the Webelos Scouts are at activities parents should not be in campsites. There will be an adult program as well as opportunities for adults to help during the event. If you are interested in helping, contact the event chair.
  23. Interfaith Service. The Scout Law teaches, A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. They are faithful in their religious duties. They respect the beliefs of others. It is important that Scouts be taught to recognize the beliefs of other Scouts and to respect those beliefs. An interfaith service, respectful of all religions will be held on Sunday morning. All Scouts, leaders, and parents are encouraged to attend. 
  24. No electronic devices, laser pointers, bicycles, roller skates, rollerblades, or skateboards.
  25. Pets. Pets are not allowed at camp.
  26. Alcoholic Beverages. Not permitted at any Scouting functions.

Session Descriptions

Session A: Fire and Knife

Cast Iron Chef

Cast Iron Chef1. At an approved time in an outdoor location and using tinder, kindling, and fuel wood, demonstrate how to build a fire; light the fire, unless prohibited by local fire restrictions. After allowing the flames to burn safely, safely extinguish the flames with minimal impact to the fire site.

Scouting Adventure

Scouting Adventure6. Demonstrate your knowledge of the pocketknife safety rules and the pocketknife pledge. If you have not already done so, earn your whittling chip card.

Castaway Adventure

1a. CastawayWith the help of an adult, demonstrate one way to light a fire without using matches.

Session B: First Responder (1 hour + session)

First Responder Adventure

  1. First ResponderExplain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after an accident.
  2. Show what to do for the hurry cases of first aid:
    1. Serious bleeding
    2. Heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest
    3. Stopped breathing
    4. Stroke
    5. Poisoning
  3. Show how to help a choking victim.
  4. Show how to treat for shock.
  5. Demonstrate that you know how to treat the following:
    1. Cuts and scratches
    2. Burns and scalds
    3. Sunburn
    4. Blisters on the hand and foot
    5. Tick bites
    6. Bites and stings of other insects
    7. Venomous snakebite
    8. Nosebleed
    9. Frostbite

8. Visit with a first responder.

Session C: Sports

Stronger, Faster, Higher AdventureStronger, Faster, Higher Adventure

6. Try a new sport you have never tried before. 

Session D: Building a Better World

Building a Better World Adventure

  1. Building A Better World AdventureExplain the history of the United States flag. Show how to properly display the flag in public, and help lead a flag ceremony.
  2. Learn about and describe your rights and duties as a citizen, and explain what it means to be loyal to your country.
  3. Discuss in your Webelos den the term “rule of law,” and talk about how it applies to you in your everyday life.
  4. Meet with a government leader, and learn about his or her role in your community. Discuss with the leader an important issue facing your community.
  5. Learn about energy use in your community and in other parts of our world.
  6. Identify one energy problem in your community, and find out what has caused it.

Session E: Knots

Camper AdventureCamper Adventure

  1. Show how to tie a bowline. Explain when this knot should be used and why. Teach it to another Scout who is not a Webelos Scout.

Scouting Adventure

Scouting Adventure5a. Show how to tie a square knot, two half hitches, and a taut-line hitch. Explain how each knot is used.
5b. Show the proper care of a rope by learning how to whip and fuse the ends of different kinds of rope.

Session F: Geocache

Camper Adventure

  1. Camper AdventureGo on a geocaching adventure with your den or family. Show how you used a GPS unit or a smartphone with a GPS application to locate a geocache.

Session G: Into the Woods

Into the Woods Adventure

  1. Into the WoodsIdentify two different groups of trees and the parts of a tree.
  2. Identify six trees common to the area where you live. Tell whether they are native to your area. Tell how both wildlife and humans use them.
  3. Identify six plants common to the area where you live. Tell which animals use them and for what purpose.
  4. Visit a nature center, nursery, tree farm, or park, and speak with someone knowledgeable about trees and plants that are native to your area. Explain how plants and trees are important to our ecosystem and how they improve our environment.
  1. Explain how the growth rings of a tree trunk tell its life story. Describe different types of tree bark and explain what the bark does for the tree.

Session H: Aware and Care

Aware and Care Adventure

  1. Aware and CareDevelop an awareness of the challenges of the blind through participation in an activity that simulates blindness.
  2. Participate in an activity that simulates severe visual impairment, but not blindness.
  3. Participate in an activity that simulates the challenges of being deaf or hard of hearing.
  4. Engage in an activity that simulates mobility impairment.
  5. Take part in an activity that simulates dexterity impairment.
  6. With your den, participate in an activity that focuses on the acceptance of differences in general.
  7. Do two of the following:
    1. Do a good turn for residents at a skilled nursing facility or retirement community.
    2. Invite an individual with a disability to visit your den, and discuss what activities he or she currently finds challenging or found challenging in the past.
    3. Attend a disabilities event such as a Special Olympics competition, an adaptive sports event, a performance with sign language interpretation, or an activity with service dogs. Tell your den what you thought about the experience.
    4. Talk to someone who works with people who have disabilities. Ask what that person does and how he or she helps people with disabilities.
    5. Using American Sign Language, sign the Scout Oath.
  1. With the help of an adult, contact a service dog organization, and learn the entire process from pup training to assignment to a client.
  2. Participate in a service project that focuses on a specific disability.
  3. Participate in an activity with an organization whose members are disabled.

Session I: BB guns

Session J: Archery

Session K: Compass Course

Additional requirements the Webelos Scouts can earn:

Cast Iron Chef Adventure

  1. Cst Iron ChefPrepare a balanced meal for your den or family; utilize one of the methods below for preparation of part of your meal:
    1. Camp stove
    2. Dutch oven
    3. Box oven
    4. Solar oven
    5. Open campfire or charcoal
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of food safety practices while preparing the meal.

Duty to God Adventure

Duty to God Adventure2a. Help plan, support, or actively participate in a service of worship or reflection. Show reverence during the service

Camper Adventure (Troop Scouts assigned to your den will help you this on Friday night)

  1. Camper AdventureWith the help of your den leader or family, plan and conduct a campout. If your chartered organization does not permit Cub Scout camping, you may substitute a family campout or a daylong outdoor activity with your den or pack.
  2. On arrival at the campout, with your den and den leader or family, determine where to set up your tent. Demonstrate knowledge of what makes a good tent site and what makes a bad one. Set up your tent without help from an adult.
  3. Once your tents are set up, discuss with your den what actions you should take in the case of the following extreme weather events which could require you to evacuate:
    1. Severe rainstorm causing flooding
    2. Severe thunderstorm with lightning or tornadoes
    3. Fire, earthquake, or other disaster that will require evacuation. Discuss what you have done

Scouting Adventure:

  1. Scouting AdventureWith your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian, participate in a troop’s campout or other outdoor activity. Use the patrol method while on the outing.

Castaway (optional)

Castaway1b. On a campout with your den or family, cook two different recipes that do not require pots and pans. If your chartered organization does not permit Cub Scout camping, you may substitute a family campout or a daylong outdoor activity with your den or pack. (see examples in the Webelos Handbook.)

Campsite Inspection



Max Points

  American and pack flags properly displayed 10
  Tents properly set-up, staked and closed against rain 10
  Duty roster and menus posted for each den 10
  Site cleanliness (including cook area, tent areas, and general site conditions 10
  Cooking Gear and Food (properly stored and inaccessible to animals) 10
  First Aid Kit readily available and marked 10
  Fireplaces low-impact considering campsite and Pack / Den equipment 10
  Ground cover around site and under tents undisturbed 10
  Campsite well-ordered and free of litter 10
  Campsite SAFE (See Notes) 10
  Campsite able to be cleaned up with Leave No Trace kept in mind 10
  Camp gadgets made by the Webelos Scouts (2 points an item) 10
  Camp gadgets adult made (1 point an item) 5
  Total Score 125
  1. SHAC prohibits liquid fuels at all of their camps. Therefore, propane or charcoal use only is allowed. Open fire (this includes charcoal) permission will be determined by local conditions and, if allowed, must be off the ground. Grease must go into a can or other safe container and be packed out with the litter.
  2. All litter must be carried out when leaving. All gear not in use must be properly stored.
  3. Tent and tarp guy lines should be marked with flagging or not accessible to others walking by. Tents and tarps should not be near fire rings or combustibles. In general, does any condition in the campsite pose a hazard?
  4. Wood tools are not appropriate at this location or for Webelos Scouts. Clotheslines should not cross walking paths.
  5. If a pack chooses to line or border their campsite, it must not pose a tripping hazard. Borders must be flat on the ground or be properly staked and marked (same method as marking tent lines). If you are not sure about this requirement, get verification from event chair or camp master.
  6. Adults should be in the campsite during designated inspection timeframes. If there is an adult in the campsite, the campsite will not be inspected and this will be noted on the form and the form turned in not inspected. An adult program is available or adults are encouraged to talk to the event chair prior to the event and volunteer to help with the program.
  7. Grade sheets will be returned in the checkout packet

Patrol Flag/Cheer Competition

            Item Max Points
  Den Flag
  Flag is Scout made 20
  Legibility (Both up close and from a distance) 10
  Easily displayed and carried by the den 10
  The following Items are included on the flag:  
  Pack number 5
  Den name/number 5
  Den emblem 5
  Council name (SHAC is acceptable) 5
  District name 5
  Den member names 5
  Total Score 80
  Den Cheer
  Creativity and uniqueness – Something the judges have not heard before 25
  Den Spirit – Does it say something about the den 25
  Performance – Is it obvious that it has been practiced 25
  Overall Cheer 25
  Total Score 100


Den Yell Competition: The den yell competition will occur during the troop visit period (4:00 pm) at the staff area. The winners will perform their yell during the closing campfire. The most important characteristic of a good yell is that the language used is appropriate. No inappropriate, discriminatory, defaming language will be accepted. If any is witnessed, then that den will be eliminated from consideration. Please screen the yells prior to the competition.


Suggestions for a good den/patrol yell:

  • Identifies the pack and den name
  • Cadences are good
  • New twists on old cheers
  • Short songs – old favorites with new words

Judging criteria:

  • Creativity and uniqueness
  • Den spirit 
  • Performance 

Den Flag: Judging for the den flag competition will occur during lunch. Dens must drop off their flag at the staff area no later than 11:30 am. The flag can be picked up at the end of the troop visit time period. There are several components to a highly rated den flag. The key requirement is that the flag is made by the Webelos Scouts. Judges will be looking for:

  • Unique materials
  • Unique use of materials
  • Legibility – both up close and from a distance
  • Does it include all of the required elements
  • Can it be easily displayed and carried by the den

Late-Breaking Information

Facebook page logoLate-breaking news and announcements will be emailed to those registered and posted on the Red Wolf District Facebook page. Please like our page at  Invite parents and Scouters in the district to like our page. Units and Scouters can tag us (@redwolfdistrict), and message pictures. To make sure you never miss a post, after liking the page, click on 'Following' and 'See First.' To help us promote Scouting, please engage with our content by liking, commenting and sharing our posts.

Red Wolf District Facebook        SHAC Facebook

SHAC Facebook logo For additional council information, sign up for the eScouter and follow the Sam Houston Area Council Facebook page. Tag the council (@shac.bsa) and send them pics of your Scouting memories.

Scouting Safely

Safety is Your Responsibility posterScouting America's Commitment to Safety is ongoing, and the safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees cannot be compromised. Scouting America puts the utmost importance on safe and healthy environments for its youth membership. The Sam Houston Area Council takes great strides to ensure the safety of its youth as well as the adult volunteer leadership that interacts with them. 

Guide to Safe Scouting policies must be followed. All participants must follow youth protection guidelines at all Scouting events. Highlights include:

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings is required.  
  • One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is prohibited. 
  • The buddy system should be used at all times. 
  • Discipline must be constructive.

Health and safety must be integrated into everything we do, to the point that no injuries are acceptable beyond those that are readily treatable by Scout-rendered first aid. As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scout activities, the National Health and Safety Committee and the Council Services Division of the National Council has developed the SAFE Checklist of safety procedures for physical activity. These points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities. 

*About Medical Record: Scouting America requires all participants to bring an Annual Health and Medical Record to every Scouting event. The Scouting adventures, camping trips, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in ensuring you have a great Scouting experience. Completing a health history promotes health awareness, collects necessary data, and provides medical professionals with critical information needed to treat a patient in the event of an illness or injury. It also provides emergency contact information. Please download the form and have it with you at all Scouting events for every member of your family.  

^Closed-toed shoes are highly recommended for all Scouting events. Many of our outdoor venues have snakes and sticks that can injure toes. Many of our activities include active games, so shoes that Scouts can run in (e.g., tennis shoes) are recommended.

Youth Protection Guidelines     Guide to Safe Scouting      SAFE Checklist      Enterprise Risk Management


For questions, contact the Webelos Woods chair or district activities chair.